fallout 3 flaws

  1. SouthboundSoul

    Three Dog is an idiot, a hypocrite and a poser

    So recently I started replaying Fallout 3 through the Tales of Two Wastelands mod for the first time in over a decade. Now that I'm no longer 16, I definitely understand the massive amount of hate levied at this game. I'm not even that far in and I've already decided to stop playing it. (Totally...
  2. TheKingofVault14

    Would You Say That This is The Most Ignorant Thing Three Dog Has Ever Said?

    I mean the fact those examples contradict that particular statement, I'd say that Three Dog is absolutely misinformed on this! And if not misinformed, definitely overestimating the strength of dem Vault Doors. :facepalm:
  3. TheKingofVault14

    How Did Harold Get to The Capital Wasteland? And Why Did He Choose to Go There?

    TBH, THIS is one of the biggest headscratchers in Fallout 3 for me! I honestly can't comprehend how Harold of all people was able to reach the East Coast without a scratch, it really boggles my mind on how he was able to do that, and especially in his current state with that weird tree mutation...
  4. KingArthur

    Does Fallout 3 Have Faggy Animations?

    So I originally was gonna make this thread as a joke, based off the title of another thread about F2 having laggy animations, but as I thought about it I realized that this is a genuine question. Let’s take the movement animations, for example. The running with a gun in third person animation...
  5. Frank_Horrigan_2077

    Fallout 3 criticisms

    ITT: I just wanted to discuss the popular and unpopular alike criticisms and dislikes of Fallout 3. Many say Bethesda made Skyrim with guns, or messed with the lore and flow of the original Fallout series. Or even that it can't even be considered an RPG. Your thoughts?