fallout 3 mod

  1. Risewild

    Ultimate Fallout 3 Music Mod 2018-03-17

    Originally uploaded and made by lexo1000. This mod add new music in combat, wasteland, dungeon and city. Total of 45 new songs from the legendary olders Fallout games. - 16 songs from Fallout 1 - 08 songs from Fallout 2 - 19 song from Fallout Tactics : BoS + 2 extra songs for main title...
  2. lolpop109

    Fallout 3 mod idea

    Hi all, Just came up with this idea for a mod for FO3. It make require alot of effort but here it is; Basically the mod is a complete overhaul for FO3. It basically coverts FO3 to what would happen after the GECK is used into the water. I am thinking the mod take place about 30 - 40 years...