
  1. N

    Mods Compatability

    Can Fallout Fixt be used in addition to Fallout et tu (Fallout 1 in 2)?
  2. Z

    Fallout 1 upscaled cinematics

    I found all the Fallout 1 cinematics upscaled and they look amazing so I copied them to Fallout\data\ART\CUTS only to realize they're format is .avi while the Fallout videos are formatted in .mve Does anyone know a solution or where to download high resolution cinematics already in .mve format?
  3. U

    Fallout LORE is far from being perfect

    Hello. I’ve been thinking about this topic quite a while, but haven’t seen anyone talking about it. The premise is this: despite people praising it, Fallout lore is not well written. I’m not talking about Bethesda’s Fallout for obvious reasons. And I will mostly talk about Fallout 1 & 2...
  4. CT Phipps

    Tim Cain discusses Fallout Inspirations

    I really like this discussion. Some good points: * Vault-Tec was based on every dirty super rich defense contractor * Mindless ghouls were called Walkers before the Walking Dead. * Brotherhood of Steel from Canticle of Leibowitz, duh * The GECK was a happy accident. * FEV had multiple creators
  5. TheKingofVault14

    Has Anyone Ever Noticed This Before?

    You know, it took me quite sometime to realize that the Mariposa Super Mutants from the Classic Interplay Era Fallout Games, have a full set of hair. I mean all took was simply watching this particular New Vegas Mod video: In which it finally helped me notice this about them, can anyone...
  6. CT Phipps

    Todd Howard suggests that they'll start on Fallout 5 soon

    https://www.yahoo.com/tech/todd-howard-says-bethesdas-trying-184256221.html It's been a decade since Fallout 4, and 13 years since The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. Since then Bethesda hasn't been sitting on its hands, with Fallout 76 releasing in 2018 and of course the studio's main focus for...
  7. CT Phipps

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    I agree with some of these and disagree with others.
  8. CT Phipps

    Josh Sawyer interview at RPS

    https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/whatever-the-fallout-tv-show-does-with-new-vegas-lore-josh-sawyer-doesnt-care-it-was-never-mine Interview with Josh Sawyer on Rock Paper Shotgun, where he talks about his impressions of the TV show, and some other topics like New Vegas design and developer...
  9. CT Phipps

    Fallout 76 - Six Years Later review (Yes, I like it)

    https://beforewegoblog.com/video-game-review-fallout-76/ “Crawl out through the fallout, baby.” FALLOUT 76 is a game that both frustrates me as well as invites me in. Six years ago, I was one of the early adopters of the video game and it was one of the worst experiences of my gaming career...
  10. CT Phipps

    Fallout: A Tale of Mutation - A book discussing the development of Fallout

    The year was 1997 and Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game had just been released by Interplay. This book looks back at the entire Fallout saga, tells the story of the series' birth, retraces its history and deciphers its mechanics. The perfect book to discover and understand the origins...
  11. The_Proletarian

    Nova Arizona - A Legion Lands Expansion

    Here's an expansion mod to New Vegas that adds more Legion content. Currently in beta. Could be interesting.
  12. Vault Dweller Donny

    What are your thoughts on the upcoming Fallout TV show?

    I will say I am a bit worried, Reading documents from people working on the show, it seems like the showrunners haven't actually played the games at all, and I have a nasty feeling that either intentionally or unintentionally that the show is going to retcon lore from the classics, or just...
  13. Vault Dweller Donny

    How do you deal with the disappointment that being a Fallout fan brings?

    As someone who loves classic Fallout and New Vegas, I feel a deep melancholy, I want more but its unlikely we will ever see a true sequel to the west coast Fallouts, New Vegas was great but was a fraction of what Van Buren could have been, and as the years go by it seems more and more unlikely...
  14. TheKingofVault14

    Lost New Vegas Mod Recovered, Plus Fred Durst's Approval For It.

    NGL, this is probably the best & strangest thing I've seen so far this week. And it's only Monday! :look: So to briefly recap on what's going here, back in the mid 2010s there was a New Vegas Mod that let you recruit Limp Bizkit Frontman Fred Durst as a companion, pretty much the entirety of...
  15. T

    Who is the Mysterious Stranger?

  16. TheKingofVault14

    The Absolute Wasted Opportunity of Not Featuring Area 51!

    Looking back now, I'm surprised that Obsidian never added Area 51 as a location in Fallout New Vegas. It's crazy, especially with the amount of possibilities they could've done with it! What kind of stories would they tell about that secretive government operation center? Would it prove that...
  17. TheKingofVault14

    Fallout 4: Scrapped Centaurs

    Here's yet another piece of Concept Art, for a creature that was cut from the game! You know, I had no idea that Centaurs were originally considered to appear in Fallout 4, and of course I find this out through Fallout 4's Concept Art collection. Hmmm yeah, it's things like this that make...
  18. TheKingofVault14

    Fallout 3: Scrapped Wolves

    Dang, Adam Adamowicz was such a legend with his artstyle! Recently I was looking through the Concept Art for Fallout 3, and I came across this really cool artwork for what appears to be Wolves. Dude, can you imagine encountering one of these things looking like THAT!? YIKES! :shock: :tired...
  19. Homer2137

    Fallout LARP

    "Bitches be like: I don't like Caesar's Legion because they cosplay ancient Rome!" Almost every faction in Fallout LARPs in some way or another, intentionally or accidentally. Let's go through factions: All Vaults - I'm not entirely sure, maybe they're cosplaying Star Trek or something like...
  20. Homer2137

    Which Fallout looting do you like the most?

    I have played pretty much all Fallout games(well except for BOS and 76). I have come to a conclusion that there are two types of looting - classic(FO1, FO2 and FOT) and new (FO3, FONV, FO4, FO76). Personally I love classic looting system, because: most of the time items are in containers or...