fallout fixt

  1. BoogerPoo2002

    Fallout Fixt vs. Fallout et tu

    I plan to play both of the two classic Fallout games, but I need a mod that makes Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 feel like the same game. For me, consistency is key. I know there are two mods that put the first Fallout into Fallout 2's engine. Those two mods are Fallout Fixt and Fallout et tu. Both of...
  2. J

    Fallout 1 mod How to disable Hi-Res Mod that comes with Fixt mod?

    I tried to disable it through the Hi-Res config menu in the fixt files but I kept receiving an error message whenever I tried to run the fixt version of the game that reads "You're trying to use sfall with an incompatible version of fallout. Was expecting 'Fallout 1 v1.2 US' falloutw.exe had an...
  3. I

    Instant death upon leaving Necropolis

    Hello, this is my first time posting so I apologize for any errors. Onto my problem. I am doing my first playthrough of Fallout (through Fallout Fixt basic installation if I remember correctly) and I have just gotten the water chip from necropolis and whenever I try to leave I die during fast...
  4. N

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - Nuka Cola Truck doesn't have caps anymore

    Someone else did create a thread about this specific problem, but they put it in the General Fallout Discussion forum by mistake. So I am creating a new one here, as I cannot find any others. I believe this is the proper place to post, as this is concerning a bug in Fallout Fixt, and not the...
  5. B

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt Mutant Invasion questions and (im)possibilities

    Hello. Using the amazing Fallout Fixt mod, I have recently finished my first playthrough of Fallout 1 and also attempted a second. I have mutant invasions set to ALL and default times. From what I understand, this means that the Followers of the Apocalypse will die if you don't kill The Master...
  6. Yankee64

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt (Only Fixes) Ver 81a Crashes at Special Encounters

    It's exactly as the title says. This is the crash message this crash happened when I was just trying to travel, however, the crash messages for what I stated in the title are very similar. I use fallout fixed version 81A Any help would be appreciated
  7. J

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt On Linux/Wine : I can't get the 150 Days Time Limit to go away

    I've been trying to get this thing running on my debian desktop for days, but no luck so far, while everything else that I have tested so far seems to work, the 150 Days before the Vault runs out of water doesn't change... At all. I haven't tried a bunch of wild ideas, like importing save files...
  8. Kuratoriki

    Anyone knows how to disable hi res patch w/o getting the error in fallout fixt?

    does anybody know how to disable the hi res patch safely? i know that you can disable it with the config but when i try to run the game, it gives me a memory error
  9. Kuratoriki

    game crashes when loading ALL saves from vanilla fallout

    So i've downloaded fallout fixt, i chose the "PURISTS NOT ALLOWED" type of installation with everything done correctly but when i open the game, the saves from the vanilla game aren't there even when "delete all saves" isn't selected in the setup wizard. So i copy and paste the SAVEGAME folder...
  10. Greybleidd

    Just a post to praise Fallout Fixt

    Hello, I have just finished one run of Fallout 1 with the Fixt patch, and I was amazed at the quality of the work you folks did. Pretty much every minor thing I remembered somewhat bothered me was present, from the lack of a law-abiding solution to Bob's Iguana (woops) bits to items being...
  11. Greybleidd

    Just to be clear - how to install Fallout Fixt?

    Hello, Sorry for the rather dumb question, but how does one really activate Fallout Fixt? I thought it'd install like a "normal" mod, that is, you install it inside the original game folder and then run the game. But the "mod" itself is almost the size of the game itself and its directories seem...
  12. NMLevesque

    Memory error

    Edit: a possible fix to memory errors in general was found. Removing/deleting ddraw.dll seems to do the trick. "The instruction at 66035c28 refernced memory at 0c66804c The memory could not be written Click on OK to terminate the application" Win 8, Fallout Fixt, used F12se that came with it...
  13. NMLevesque

    Nvm (Editing a savegame with Fallout Fixt installed?)

    Steam version I've tried every editor I could, but none of them seem to recognize the file path. I tried various folders besides steam/steamapps/common/fallout/falloutfixt/data/savegame/slot1 but that's where by save.dat is so...what the deuce?
  14. T

    Fallout Fixt Bug - Reporting Iguana Bob

    I know the mod allows you report Iguana Bob to the police, but I did not discover the bodies in Doc Morbid's basement until after I had killed Decker days ago (in real time, not just game time). Now whenever I try to talk to Sheriff Greene he just says how he never thought he'd see the day that...
  15. Sduibek

    Fallout Fixt - (Full / All fixes and mods) - [For GERMAN Fallout 1 release] 0.81a

    German users: Please note the German Uncut version does NOT include German language files! Fixt hasn't been translated into German yet by the community. I'd do it myself, but Ich sprechen nur ein bisschen Deutsch, nicht so gut. What is this file? FULL / CUSTOM install: 280 MB to download, up...
  16. Sduibek

    Fallout Fixt - (Full / All fixes and mods) 0.81a

    What is this file? FULL / CUSTOM install: 200 MB to download, up to 540 MB installed (if all options selected) AKA The full mod. All content is available. Available installation types: Fixes Only [Purist], Standard [Half-Purist], Full [Purists Not Allowed], Custom [Everything customizable]...
  17. Sduibek

    Fallout Fixt - (Small / Fixes mostly) 0.81a

    What is this file? FIXES ONLY: 90 MB to download, up to 150 MB installed (if all options selected) AKA the "patch". Some new content available. Good for purists. Available installation types: Fixes Only [Purist], Custom [Mostly Purist] Goal of Fallout Fixt: To enhance, fix and improve...