fallout nevada

  1. OnlyALad

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada - Spanish Translation Help

    Good evening, could anyone give me a pointer to how I can start translating Nevada to the spanish language? I don't know how to even start to be honest, I have no problem with the translation of the dialogue and stuff - but I don't know where to access the files and such Thanks beforehand
  2. Z

    Fallout Nevada Performance for Fallout 2?

    Loving FN so far, feels incredibly fluid and looks great. My questions is, is there a mod or mods out there that get Fallout 2 to run as smoothly as Fallout 2? Thank you!
  3. L

    Fallout 2 mod Issues with Fallout 2/Fallout: Of Nevada font(no accent/tilde)

    I've been trying to translate a mod for Fallout 2 (Fallout: Of Nevada, Crazy edition) to spanish, but I cant use the letters with tilde (á, é, í, ó, ú), when I put one there are weird characters in the text. There is the ClandLan's Fallout 1 and 2 translation that actually makes it possible to...
  4. K

    Fallout Nevada, can't get power to Area 51 surface, help?

    Nevermind, after 2 days I figured it out and just upped my skill levels even though they're not my tags How do I delete a thread? [Playing "Crazy Edition 3.4" of Fallout of Nevada, Fallout 2 mod]
  5. S

    Fallout Nevada, need help with a quest in New Reno

    Currently got a quest to find and stop the graffiti teenager plastering up the walls of the Silver Hotel. I paid the greeter kid 200 and he told me the other kid appears right before the sun rises. Anyways, Im pretty sure I know who the kid is, since this kid is the only 1 near the graffiti...
  6. The_Proletarian

    Fallout Nevada: New update out!

    The great Russian Fallout: Nevada got a new release! The mod takes place in Nevada before the events of Fallout. Check it out! Download English Translation There are still a few areas that need translation edits and you're welcome to help out!