fallout of nevada english version

  1. The_Proletarian

    Updated English translation for Fallout of Nevada

    Some years ago now, the Russian made prequel to Fallout, Fallout of Nevada released to widespread community acclaim. However the translation of the mod into English has been a work in progress ever since. Until now… Community member Keyboard Gecko have updated and released a new translation of...
  2. TheOriginOfMind

    Is there an Alien Blaster in Fallout of Nevada?

    Recently I have started to try and get the Alien Blaster in every possible Fallout game, making Luck a more important attribute on the first two due to Special Encounters being necessary, I know how to get it on every game, even Resurrection, but I have no idea on how or where to find one on...
  3. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout of Nevada, thoughts, impressions and opinion

    Hey guys since we released semifinished English version for this mod it would be nice to hear your impressions, do you like it so far? I know some translation may be rough but the editing will start as soon as we get 100% on translation. Anyway will be nice to hear your thoughts guys, it was all...