fallout resurrection

  1. A

    Help a Newb ------- how to add new party members to the game prop. Also, where is the PARTY.H file?

    I have recently been playing with Fallout Resurrection, and there's this minor character "Vodka", who is a mercenary fed up with his boss, Nestor. This character seemed like a wasted potential to me, since he cannot be recruited. So, naturally, I tweaked the script files (CVODKA.INT) ...
  2. G

    Fallout 2 utility (idea)A walkthrough or waypoint mod for Fallout 2?

    Sorry to pitch am idea, but i've been thinking of going back to playing Fallout of Nevada, Fallout Resurrection, and Fallout Last Hope seeing how i've never finished them since I sometimes got stuck on some quests. However while I managed to find a walkthrough for Fallout Resurrection on the...