fallout sonora

  1. skurmallun

    Fallout 2 mod Spanish translation of Fallout Sonora// Traducción al español de Fallout Sonora

    Hello everyone, As the title suggests, I've been working with @OnlyALad on translating Fallout Sonora into Spanish. This is an unofficial translation of the fan-made Fallout game set in the Sonora Desert. I have been working on the translation on my own for several months, and since @OnlyALad...
  2. The_Proletarian

    Fallout Sonora English machine translation is done (first version)

    Violator has together with AdolfSatan of RPG Codex released the first version of a machine translation that brings the English language to Fallout: Sonora. For more information, please see this post. Please report everything that needs correction so that they can update the translation. Report...
  3. The_Proletarian

    Fallout Sonora - v.1.0 released in Russian

    This ambitions mod is finally out, in Russian. I myself will have to await the English translation which is under way.