
  1. T

    Fallout Bakersfield is real and I have a evidence of it's existence

    Hey guys remember red888guns fallout Bakersfield? There is a site by the name of [name removed] which Red888guns post dev dairy of the fan game. Here's the link: [Link removed] Oh and you need to pay subscription For checking out the dev blog of the game and support red888guns
  2. SquidWard

    Aliens: Colonial Marines one letter typo fixes AI issues

    From arstechnica, https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2018/07/a-years-old-one-letter-typo-led-to-aliens-colonial-marines-awful-ai/ Doubt it's something that fixes the game but a small typo changing that much AI behavior is hilarious to me and I thought I'd share.
  3. The Dutch Ghost

    Second demo of Ashes 2063 TC – A post-apocalyptic themed Doom total conversion has been released.

    Over at the Zdoom forums Vostyok has been working for a couple of years now on a story/mission driven Doom TC conversion called Ashes 2063, a mod that will take the player to a near future Earth that has been devastated by a nuclear holocaust. Here the player has to eke out a living by going...
  4. Shaodeus

    What are your favourite FPS games?

    What are your top ten favourite singleplayer FPS games?
  5. Shaodeus

    How to make a good Squad based FPS Game

    What elements would you need in a squad based FPS? How would you prevent fellow squad members to get in the way when they're AI controlled? How do you make them useful without them mopping up everything which would remove player agency?
  6. Skelok

    First Person Shooter or Isometric Turn Based?

    Would you rather the next Fallout game follow the FPS trend, or return to its Isometric roots? Explain your answer.
  7. Shaodeus

    How would you have liked to have seen the Fallout 3d Shooting mechanics?

    Personally I'd love to see something that's more tactical, like insurgency, sure it would throw the melee and unarmed skills out of the window, but it could make the game world intense and suspenseful
  8. kraag

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Lost Alpha

    Homepage GSC Forum Thread 1 - Download v1.3000 - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 2 - Download v1.3003 Patch 3 - LA Mod Pack by Boredgunner [optional] - [get Patch 1 also! install after/over] For those that might be unaware: The first thing I will say is that "Lost Alpha is a stand-alone FREE...