
  1. Resardiv

    When was the last time you played each respective Fallout game?

    As I'm going through Fallout 1, I realized I haven't played several of the Fallout games in a long time. 1: Currently playing right now 2: Around two years ago Tactics: 2016 Bos: Never played, but I do own a copy. 3: 2015 New Vegas: 2020. Want to play again soon, but can't be bothered to mod...
  2. Ediros

    Palworld also known as Pokemon with Guns

    Trailer: Basically its a combination of pokemon, ark survival evolved, fortnite, guns, Legend of Zelda and few others I cant remember. Played it for like 15 hours and it's fun, addictive, well made for an alpha. It also costs only 30$. Well worth it, but if you buy it now expect wipes and a...
  3. marcin4001

    Nuclear Drifter: Roaming the Post-Nuclear World

    Nuclear Drifter: Roaming the Post-Nuclear World Greetings, fellow nma-fallout forum members! Today, I'd like to introduce you to my latest game titled "Nuclear Drifter." This is an open-world, single-player RPG featuring a turn-based combat system. Players step into the shoes of a farmer whose...
  4. Mikael Segedi

    Dust - A Post Apocalyptic Role Playing Game

    Hey, guys I just released a Fallout inspired Android and Web game. At the moment it's in Beta. Don't tell me that I didn't warned you, the enemies in the game are a bit hard, but that makes it all more risky. You can find the link to the games here: - Android...
  5. Ediros

    X4 foundations released, GOG available

    While we wait for Star Citizen and want to Play something different than Elite Dangerous
  6. TerminallyChill

    Fallout 76 Prediction Game

    Alright, so tomorrow night we will finally be getting official confirmation on just what the hell this whole 'Fallout 76' thing is about. To pass the time, let's play a little game. The rules are simple, post a list of every individual feature you believe will be included (or excluded) from the...
  7. Rtdslayer

    I think i might have found the next Fallout game name...keyword MIGHT!

    So there is a website i go on to see if my pc can run a certain game. Like is my GPU or CPU capable of running this game, so i am planning on getting a new pc, so i went to see if it could run Fallout 4. on the website to pick the game you click a developer, i clicked Bethesda, and then you pick...
  8. lolpop109


    Just wanted to create a topic here discussing how much 'Wackiness' Is too much etc. Do you like Easter eggs in fallout what are some off the best what are some of the worse. Does too much wackiness take away from the game or add to it
  9. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Styx : Shards of Darkness

    E3 trailer Gameplay video Co-op gameplay Just a thread on any thoughts towards the upcoming game or the original. Things I like: emphasis on stealth over action nice setting giant worm Things I don't like: "funny" 4th wall breaks crafting system
  10. Prone Squanderer

    My thoughts on Orwell, a game I stumbled upon

    As a heads up, this may be slightly spoilerish. Also I'm not the most articulate of individuals so this is more of a ramble than anything. During the Steam Winter Sale I decided to grab some games whilst they were at a good price. Only problem is my PC isn't that powerful so new games really...