
  1. M

    Fallout 2 BIS mapper configuration.

    What is the difference between the librarian and override_librarian options in Fallout 2 BIS mapper mapper2.cfg file?
  2. R

    Black map instead of The Den - GOG+RPU_v26+fo2tweaks_12.10

    Den is fixed (info near the end), but black map appeared now instead of Stables (without mapper.. so I have no idea what could be the cause). If anyone here has an idea, do share, if not, F2 will need to wait for future, maybe I will try again in a year or two, when I will be swiching laptop...
  3. NovaRain

    Dims Mapper

    An alternative map editor to the official BIS Mapper for Fallout 1/2. Made by Dims, updated by Fakels (aka Mr.Stalin) with usability improvements and fixes, and further updated by Radegast for properly loading from F2RP. This version is compiled from the source based on...
  4. Radegast

    Fallout 2 utility New map editor - GECK

    Hi, for the past few months I have been working on a new map editor for Fallout 2 (and potentially Fallout 1). At the current stage, it is only a little more than a proof of concept. However, I am quite confident that it will become a viable replacement for the aging BIS Mapper one day. Link...
  5. banjo_oz

    How to make a mod compatible with RPU?

    I've been away from Fallout for AGES and last played when Killlap was still developing the Restoration Project. Back then, I was able to make mods that "played nice" with that update but I'm struggling to do the samw with the (wonderful) RPU that has now replaced it. Firstly, how do I mod a map...
  6. Monad

    Creating Unique Items for Fallout 2 Modding

    Hello All, I've made a basic comprehensive guide for new beginners just starting on how to get personal made art into the game mapper for fallout 2. It was quite tedious starting out from scratch and figuring out how to relatively get newly made items to be both in the inventory of the ingame...
  7. B

    Is BIS Mapper Safe?

    So, I got the BIS Mapper for Fallout 2; and Norton 360 is saying that the EXE file is contaminated with spyware. The threat rate is said to be high. Is this just a misunderstanding, or is it really contaminated?
  8. Avresa

    Fallout 2 utility BIS Mapper is super laggy.

    Hey! ive decided to get into modding Fallout 1&2 and im trying to create a map. My screen is 3440x1440, but the Mapper will only run if its in 2560x1440, now the issue doesn't stop there. The mapper is extremely laggy, no matter what resolution I put it in. I've downloaded the patched version...
  9. Cory Macdonald

    Fallout 2 utility Exit Grids Properties Change Incorrectly

    Hello, I've been putting together a map in the FO2 mapper, and I'm trying to get an elevator system working, where an elevator on elevation 0 goes to 1, the two elevators on elevation 1 can go to 0 or 2, and the elevator on elevation 2 goes to 1. And, when I adjust the properties of one...
  10. Cory Macdonald

    Fallout 2 utility [SOLVED] Critter .pro Saving Incorrectly

    Hi, I'm working in the FO2 Mapper, and I've created a proto for a new NPC. I fill out the details, and I can place it, save and load a map containing it, all that. However, when I restart the mapper, it forgets both the name and the description. I've tried making the .pro read-only between...
  11. B

    A Mapper that Works?

    I don't know if this was ever discussed or not, and I'm kind of new to your site. I have the Steam version of Fallout 2, and I've been looking for the Mapper program for Fallout 2. I understand that this is the tool used to create mods. Unfortunately, I get the Mapper, put it in the right...
  12. Cory Macdonald

    Fallout 2 utility [SOLVED] Fallout 2 Mapper Lag

    Hello, I've just recently opened up the mapper again to find that it's lagging considerably. I hadn't made any changes to the .cfgs or .inis between the last use and this one, I'd just made a new scenery item (a door, specifically), which was a process that had never caused me any trouble like...
  13. Horusxav

    BIS Mapper Patched + ressources

    If you just need the patched Mapper without the complementary ressources : Download Installation : Copy the "BIS mapper" folder anywhere you want Open mapper2.cfg with any notepad and change all the "..." into your own path (for example : C:\games\Fallout2\) : - 49 ...