
  1. C

    Question about increasing the companion limit in Fallout 2

    Is there a mod that allows you to take more than five companions in the game at a time? Or is it possible to modify the game by changing files and achieve a similar result? Has anyone else asked such a question, can you help?
  2. Homer2137

    Need help with Classic Fallout SPECIAL, skill and gender checks

    Is there a comprehensive list of all checks found in Fallout 1 and 2, and their dedicated mods Et Tu and RPU? I want to experience the whole game and get the right stats to have all the dialogue options available and know when to pop the right drugs. Any help is appreaciated.
  3. Z

    Fallout 1 upscaled cinematics

    I found all the Fallout 1 cinematics upscaled and they look amazing so I copied them to Fallout\data\ART\CUTS only to realize they're format is .avi while the Fallout videos are formatted in .mve Does anyone know a solution or where to download high resolution cinematics already in .mve format?
  4. TheKingofVault14

    The Infamous Kotaku Article, Covering Fallout 4's Script Leak.

    10 years ago from today, a draft of Fallout 4's script was leaked to The Internet, which was then covered extensively in an article done by Kotaku. Keep in mind that this was during the time of that well put together hoax, a hoax known as TheSurvior2299. When that was proven to be false, a...
  5. TheKingofVault14

    Where & What Would The Fallout Series Be & Look Like If Van Buren Wasn't Cancelled?

    20 years ago from today, it was officially announced that Black Isle Studio's Fallout 3: Van Buren had been cancelled! But instead of mourning the loss of it,(like we haven't already done that for the past two decades) I wanted to present some hypothetical scenarios, & a few other questions that...
  6. TheKingofVault14

    The Fake Fallout 4 Trailers.

    You know looking back, the years prior leading up to Fallout 4's official announcement & release, were flipping crazy TBH. I mean we had all those rumors and speculation going on at the time, but does anyone even remember the fact that there were even fake trailers for it TOO!? If you don't know...
  7. TheKingofVault14

    Call of Duty's 20th Anniversary.

    It's been 20 years since the original Call of Duty was released on October 29th, 2003 for PC in North America, and ever since then it's had a lot of amazing moments & not so amazing moments. But nonetheless, there's no denying of the fact that it has had such an impact on gaming and really Pop...
  8. TheKingofVault14

    What Does The Quote "War, War Never Changes" Mean to You?

    I don't think this has ever been asked before on this website, so I just wanted to know what does the quote " War, War Never Changes" mean to you? You know like what's your interpretation of it? For me I'll just give the gist of my interpretation, basically humanity never learns from it's past...
  9. TheKingofVault14

    Would You Say That This is The Most Ignorant Thing Three Dog Has Ever Said?

    I mean the fact those examples contradict that particular statement, I'd say that Three Dog is absolutely misinformed on this! And if not misinformed, definitely overestimating the strength of dem Vault Doors. :facepalm:
  10. TheKingofVault14

    Has This Ever Happened to You? (A Lone Friendly Enclave Soldier)

    Has anyone ever experienced this glitch before in Fallout 3? Because this has happened to me a couple of times while playing it. So for some context, I usually encounter these friendly Enclave Soldiers at the various Enclave Outposts scattered across the Capital Wasteland, and this one in...
  11. TheKingofVault14

    Where & When Did The Courier Get All of These Items From? (Courier's Stash Add-on)

    Okay, I know at this point I'm probably nitpicking, perhaps even overthinking all of this. But I've always wondered where & when did The Courier get all of this equipment from? Like for example the Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit, which would've essentially belonged to The Vault Dweller, where the...
  12. BoogerPoo2002

    Fallout Fixt vs. Fallout et tu

    I plan to play both of the two classic Fallout games, but I need a mod that makes Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 feel like the same game. For me, consistency is key. I know there are two mods that put the first Fallout into Fallout 2's engine. Those two mods are Fallout Fixt and Fallout et tu. Both of...
  13. TheKingofVault14

    Does Anyone Know The Story of How NMA Got Access to FO3: Van Buren's Tech Demo?

    I just realized that yesterday would be the 16th anniversary of the time when Fallout 3: Van Buren's Tech Demo was leaked to The Internet, by none other than this very website! And ever since I first heard about this fact, I've always wondered how that came to be. You know, like how the heck did...
  14. TheKingofVault14

    Is Preston Garvey The REAL General of The Minutemen while The Sole Survivor Serves As A Figurehead?

    Okay this is kind of a theory, but it's mainly a question that's been on my mind for quite sometime. To this day, I never really understood the dynamic between The Sole Survivor and Preston Garvey in regards to their roles within The Minutemen. Like even though "officially" The Sole Survivor is...
  15. warpl

    Whats the in game tile size?

    Hi, I was just wondering what the size of one in game tile is in real life units. Or what scale are we talking about in these games?
  16. T-65PowerArmorisCool!

    Is it bad that I consider Bethesda Fallout's power armor to be canon?

    I don't consider any interactions in most Bethesda Fallout's canon (I consider 3's major events canon like Project Purity, but that's it), but I do consider Bethesda's power armors canon, like T-60, X-01, Excavator, Hellcat, Ultracite, etc. Am I wrong to think this or is it plausible that these...
  17. Kaian Monte

    Fallout 2 utility Most up to date Fo?

    Hello, sorry if my question sounds dumb, but I'm new to modding and i'd like to ask if is possible (or desirable) to have the most up to date fallout 2 modding tools and mods themselves, basically I want to have the most to date Sfall version, RPU and (if possible) Fo:Ettu. Also there some other...
  18. Kaian Monte

    Fallout 2 utility [Question] Is possible to disable cutscenes?

    Hello people from NMA! Sorry for asking but i'd like something, do you think that's possible disable (specific) cutscenes from Fallout 2? I'm asking because I want to try Fo:et tu, I already finished Fo:1 and want to trying doing 100% with reduced time, the problem is the cutscenes showing the...
  19. Vondora

    Fallout engine questions

    So, I'm trying to remake Fallout movement in another engine(Don't worry, I'll not announce some big project that will never be finished, If I ever come up with something I'll make it open source). About the hex grid and movement it's almost right, but I can't seem to find the answer to the...
  20. Khromko

    Are there any actual downsides to being a Ghoul?

    Ghouls in the original Fallout games shambled, they looked like zombies, and they still had to eat food and drink water(In FO1 Necropolis is doomed if you take their water chip). Point is being a ghoul was a curse, they were immortal(was that in FO1 or 2 lore?) but also had damaged or degraded...