
  1. Eumesmopo

    Starfield is quickly being overshadowed in popularity by Cyberpunk 2077, a nearly 3 years old game.

    Ever since it released a couple of years ago, I have always said on this board that CP2077 was an awesome game. Look and behold, I am proven correct. The fact it is finding so much appreciation now, thank to its upcoming update and expansion, and bringing the interest of so many new players even...
  2. Mr Fish

    Starfield, was it a flagship title?

    I just don't want this to get lost in the other posts in the other thread, was Starfield a big deal for Xbox/Microsoft? I mean they haven't had a whole lot of successes so far and they are way third in the console race and all so acquiring big studios like Bethesda was meant to mean something...
  3. Eumesmopo

    Starfield is being very negativelly received outside of the botnet.

    Everywhere where there's an organic reaction to this game (that is, places where paid shills and bots don't hang out too much in) I am seeing people massively dump on this game and thrashing the shitty design and narrative to nothing but shreds. Only on places like Twitter, Reddit, Steam forums...
  4. Eumesmopo

    Game "journalists" are preemptivelly blaming negative receival of Starfield on review bombing.
  5. Eumesmopo

    Watch this if you want any hopes you might have for Starfield instantly crushed.

    TLDW: 1. "Yeah the whole inspiration we had going for this was oblivion with guns in space." 2. Planets are randomly generated and most of them are literally empty. 3. Significant parts of the gameplay loop will revolve around gathering resources on those empty worlds. 4. "So the lore and the...
  6. Eumesmopo

    Lex Friedman just released a nearly 3 hours long interview with Todd Howard. Anyone got the stomach?

    Some of the more interesting points of discussion (in my opinion): 2:51 - NPCs 11:42 - Daggerfall and Arena 19:55 - Bethesda 39:27 - Redguard 44:27 - Creating open worlds 57:00 - Starfield 1:16:42 - The Elder Scrolls 6 1:36:03 - Fallout Any of you has the stomach for it?
  7. Ediros


    So, they showed off a trailer. I can see skyrim in it. The same textures, the same characters, the same style as notFallout 4. I wonder if we will have spaceships flying backwards? As for the story? You're the space cthulu or descendant of one and must save the galaxy from evil aliens. At...
  8. Vostyok

    Meanwhile, in an alternate Timeline... So that escalated quickly. And obviously no one ELSE is talking about this. Is this the fall of Bethesda, long prophesied? A glimpse across the veil at our sister universe that has spilled in to ours? Or just...
  9. Mr Fish

    Bethesda to use Gamebryo for Starfield and TES6

    Sauce: This isn’t really just a meme anymore, Bethesda’s engine is an active turn-off, and I am concerned that they seem to be determined to keep just upgrading and...