temple of trials

  1. banjo_oz

    Fallout 2 mod Banjo's Fallout 2 Mods

    Rather than a separate thread for each one, I've started this single thread for the little Fallout 2 mods I've been working on. Some are for use only with "Et Tu" (Fallout1in2), while others can be used with any version of Fallout 2. Most (but not all) Fallout 2 targeted ones require Sfall and...
  2. NovaRain

    Condensed Temple of Trials for Restoration Project 2.2+ 1.2.1

    Version 1.2 has two sets of the map mod: RP_2.2+: for killap's Restoration Project 2.2+ and RPU. RPU_map_update: for RPU with Pixote's updated RP maps. Info: ----- I removed the second elevation (hallway) of the map, so after going through the foyer you'll be in the inner sanctum directly. I...
  3. NovaRain

    Condensed Temple of Trials for Unofficial Patch & vanilla game 1.2.1

    Info: ----- I removed the second elevation (hallway) of the map, so after going through the foyer you'll be in the inner sanctum directly. I also moved the impenetrable door and items from the hallway to the foyer. Now the very first door in the temple needs to be lockpicked. Installation...
  4. Risewild

    FO2 Setting Improvement Mod 3.0

    Made and originally uploaded by Human Shield. =============================== Trys to alter FO2 to come more in line with Fallout 1. Some files from patch000 merged into mod where able. ---------------------------- ++++Installing: Extract using folder names to your Fallout 2 folder...