
  1. Freivalds

    Fallout 2 mod Error Saving Object In denbus1.sav Among Other Problems In Fallout 2.

    Lately I encountered a new type of error when going back to the Den long after I left it to New Reno and then to San Francisco. What happens sometimes I get this error and then the game continue. When I leave Den West Side and then come back from other areas of the Den I will usually get the...
  2. Goat_Boy

    Fallout 2 mod Trouble with Spawning Script

    Hi all, Was hoping someone could help me with this :salute: I want to add a new feature for my Companion Expansion Mod where, if the player divorces Miria, she will join either Metzger (Den) or Vortis (NCR) as a slaver, or find religion and join the Hubologists in San Francisco. After the...
  3. J

    Fallout 1 Steam Windows 10 won't launch, error message, please help

    I get the error message: "The instruction at 6033ca1f referenced memory at 6033ca1f The memory could not be read from click OK to terminate the application" - the number+letter strings in the message seem to change based on my settings for some reason if that's any help to anyone. I've tried...
  4. S

    Fallout 2 mod Custom FRM animation doesn't work

    Hi, guys, I followed the animation tutorial on wiki Here are the bullet points for the steps I took: - Extracted the critter FRM I was looking for from the critter.dat file (scorpion BK, the one where it gets vaporized when dying from an energy weapon) - I converted the animation I wanted to...
  5. ThoughtShift

    Fallout 1 Screen Settings Issue

    When I first started playing my default settings made the game zoomed way far out like this: After tinkering and experimenting with the screen settings I know have it the regular size like this: However, as you can see in that picture and...
  6. Cory Macdonald

    Fallout 2 utility [SOLVED] Frame Animator 2.7 Issues

    Hello, I've been using Frame Animator 2.7 recently to design a custom door (specifically changing the number on the front) for Fallout 2, but I've got a problem with frame 6 (zero inclusive) - this one:!Avdn_MmHaPOuhvtJ3gXJXPR65uFLkA Whenever I load it into Frame Animator I...