20 Years of Fallout

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They attempted to erase us from the internet, but we are still here due to the lasting effects of the Glittering Gem. They told us isometric turn-based RPG's were the way they were due to technological limitations, yet dozens of Kickstarter RPG's keep on disputing this tired old notion.
Our numbers have decreased over the years due to many of us growing out of the series once it shifted hands, but we are still manning the walls to this day.

Across the web the unenlightened have finally awoken. They see Fallout 76 (and NuFallout) for what it truly is - a pale shadow of it's former self. Fans will argue that it is better for the series to evolve, but we all know the futility in that notion. Once you start stripping away elements of something unique to make it more appealing, you inevitably lose aspects that made it worth paying attention to in the first place.

On this most holy of days I thought it would be nice if we reflected on the roots of Fallout, and one key aspect of the mythos that has been corrupted. I am referring of course to Pip-Boy. This article was killed when we upgraded. Give a big thanks to @alec pre-Fallout 3 release for the optimistic tone.


On Vault Boy and Pip Boy

I'm not very good at remembering people's names. Sometimes I'll meet someone whom I went to school with or had sex with, and we'll say hello and have a chat and wish each other the best of luck, but once that person has left, I'll be asking myself the same old question: "What was that person's name again?"
The name a person is given at birth is often so arbitrary, that I feel lucky that I manage to remember my own.

It's only when a name really suits a person or character, that my brain stores it. The characters that wander around in the novels of Charles Dickens, for instance. Or cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse or Daffy Duck or Tweety. Those are names that make sense to me. They are names that stick. And that's because the creators of fictional characters have a huge advantage over normal parents: they've already figured out what their brainchild is going to look like and how it's going to behave and react. They can plan ahead and pick a name that will fit like a glove. Calling these characters by any other name than the name they were given, seems impossible. Or is it?

Vault Boy


One day, when Leonard Boyarsky was working on Fallout, he came up with the idea to create a little mascot that would grace the "cards" in the character creation screen. He asked Tramell Ray Isaac to draw something that would evoke the feel of Monopoly cards and this is what the artist came up with:
A slicker version of T Ray's design, courtesy of BIS artist Brian Menze
All self-respecting Fallout fans know and love this character, but it is amazing how few of them actually know its correct name. Most of them wrongfully refer to him as Pip Boy, so let me make it clear to you for once and for all: the above mascot is called Vault Boy. That's not only the name Leonard Boyarsky gave him, it's also the only name that makes sense.

When you watch the intro movie of Fallout closely, you will notice that Boyarsky's mascot is associated with The Vault Of The Future franchise. The Vaults (and some of the Vault equipment like the G.E.C.K.) are Vault Tec "products" - Vault Tec being only one of a number of corporations in the Fallout universe. In the intro movie of Fallout 2, the little fellow in the Vault jumpsuit features yet again in a Vault Tec Production: a promotional movie about leaving the Vault. Seeing that the manuals are Vault Tec publications as well, it should begin to dawn on you that the little blond fella in the Vault jumpsuit is simply the mascot of the whole Vault Tec franchise. Hence the name: Vault Boy. Makes sense, doesn't it?
Vault Boy's appearance is based on Rich Uncle Pennybags, the rotund old man in a top hat who serves as the mascot of the game Monopoly. The artist who designed Pennybags has remained a mystery, but it is believed that whilst designing the character, he was partially influenced by the stature and dress of financier and banker J.P. Morgan. Rich Uncle Pennybags (or Milburn Pennybags for the connoisseurs) was rechristened Mr. Monopoly in a Hasbro marketing effort in 1999.

Pip Boy


Then who is Pip Boy? Pip Boy is another mascot in the Fallout universe, yet a mascot that doesn't play as huge a role as Vault Boy. You can see what he looks like on the game's personal computer: the PIPBOY 2000. The PIPBOY 2000 is not a Vault Tec product. It was made by RobCo Industries.
Pip Boy, the little red-haired fella in the yellow outfit, is another one of Leonard Boyarsky's brainchildren and was based on the mascot of Big Boy, a restaurant chain started in 1936 by Bob Wian in Glendale, California. The Big Boy mascot is a chubby boy in red and white with suspenders holding a double decker hamburger:
The inspiration for the Big Boy mascot was Richard Woodruff, a 6 year old kid who walked into the diner as Bob Wian was attempting to name his new hamburger. Wian said "Hello Big Boy" to Woodruff, and the name stuck. Ben Washam, an American animator who worked at Warner Bros. Cartoons from 1941 until 1962, sketched Woodruff's caricature and this became the restaurant's trademark.

If you think that the red-haired Pip Boy bears no resemblance to the black-haired Big Boy, then think again. The Big Boy mascot would eventually also be featured in a comic book, a promotional giveaway for children visiting the restaurant, and this is where things get interesting. Of many of the early issues of the comic, there are what are called Western and Eastern variants. The familiar black-haired Big Boy would appear in comics in the Western chains, whilst for the Eastern chains, every scene with Big Boy was redrawn, depicting him as a blond or even red-haired and somewhat thinner boy. Although I have no confirmation of this, it is quite possible that the artist who drew Pip Boy based his work on the Eastern variant.




Referring to Vault Boy as Pip Boy isn't a small mistake. It's about as bad as referring to Calvin as Charlie Brown. You shouldn't use an incorrect name just because two characters look "a lot" like each other. It only creates confusion. And it would be a disservice to Leonard Boyarsky, who created both characters. Nevertheless, it's a mistake that happens all the time.

I've often heard that one of the reasons why Vault Boy is mistaken for Pip Boy is probably because of the game Fallout Tactics. In one of the special encounters in that game, you can actually recruit Vault Boy, but the game of course refers to him as Pip Boy:

It's easy to blame a game that was developed by a group of designers who didn't quite grasp Fallout's retro-futuristic setting and made tons of unforgivable mistakes, but I doubt they are really responsible for the confusion. Especially when I see that even Chris Avellone uses the name Pip Boy in his Bible and even more so when I see that the very capable Van Buren team made the "same" mistake:
The RobCo PIPBOY 2000 wasn't just upgraded in Van Buren, it also used a "new" mascot.
My two cents? For a long time, the fans just didn't know any better. The name "Vault Boy" isn't mentioned in the games nor in the manuals. Leonard Boyarsky and Tim Cain dropped the name in a couple of interviews, but that was it. You had to be a really big fan to put two and two together, so to speak. Let's just hope Bethesda has one of those really big fans within their ranks.



We salute the younger version of you Alec! I remember when I was also so young and full of hope. Of course that was posted before Fallout 3 when some gave the benefit of the doubt...then the radioactive shit began to leak, Roshambo savagely mauled legions of noobs, and the rest is history.

Bethesda publicly acknowledges the new Pip-boy is known as Vault Man or Vault Boy. Alec said fans did not known any better, but I know some did because my uncle explained the whole spiel to me back in the 90's. He walked me through the intro of both games in style, explaining who the narrator was (Ron Perlman who was sadly also removed from his iconic role as narrator), who the blonde dude in the blue suit was, and what was up with the red haired spaceman, even going as far to elaborate on the differences between the two. I think people were calling Vault Boy the wrong name even back then. This had to have been 1999 at the latest...

Nobody likes the red haired Stepchild of the series, so naturally I have been fascinated with the guy forever.
If you search online, you will see he is missing. Vanished. Practically non-existent. Go ahead and try to find some fan art. If you are able to find a dozen or so pics I do not have I will buy you a game.

Even Pip-Boy's presence at Bethesda's website is notably absent due to his shirt being SOLD OUT.


There are always more Fallout 4 candles for sale. You can't buy a shirt with the original Pip-Boy without spending well over the listing price though. We have plenty of figurines of this guy...



We even have the template for the REAL Pip-Boy already produced. They just have to release a modified version. "I am sure Fallout 76 will fix this" my brain tells me. Does Zenimax want my money?


Fallout 76 has changed the series to the point where we must delve into the past to have a future. In the upcoming days I will be doing just that. Apologies for this not hitting the site earlier gents. I expected others to be on this.
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Damn what a coincidence.

I was thinking about Fallout again today, I actually do not think every day about the franchise even if it might sound like that sometimes.
Having just finishes Ashes 2063 today and not being interested in playing other games (I have bought a couple of new Commodore 64 from Psytronik), I was thinking "I want to play a game, but which one?"

Well my mind went quickly back to an old love, well an old love now; Fallout New Vegas. Weird to think it is eight years now since it has been released.
I have played this game so many times over these years and the weird thing is that I probably played the campaign the same way over and over again since I made up my own path (where it is possible in the game, skill checks play a role in my decision on what to tackle first)

It has been ages actually since I replayed the original Fallout 1 and I really should play it again with perhaps some of the restoration and expansion mods that fans have been making. Reason why I am postponing is because I do not recall if I am still capable of turn based games even though Fallout 1 and Civilization introduced me to turn based gameplay.
Second reason is that I still remember Fallout 1 so well because it had such a big impact on me. Well Fallout and various JRPGs I have played before that.

If it had not been for Fallout I would not have gotten into computer role playing games to begin with. Back at the day you see I thought RPGs, especially the West ones were these complex and barely understandable for outsiders full of number crunching and dice rolling enigmas that only appealed to a small category of people who considered this entertaining.
They would be sitting together at a table with the contents of a board game box in front of them or several books and sheets and roll dice while trying to get into the mind of their character and tell what he or she would do and depending on their skills and the luck of the dice if they could pull it off. And of course the gameplay would consist mostly of fighting monsters and disabling traps.

I was however a fan of mouse driven RPGs such as the classics like the Lucasarts titles such as The Secret of Monkey Island and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.
During a sale at a department store I had picked up Fallout 1 cheaply though the box being Spanish I think. (makes much sense; a Spanish version being sold in a Dutch department store. It tells you how stores with international branches or with a supplier who is left with a number of unsold games then tries to get rid of it somewhere else, even if the item is limited to certain countries because of the printed language)
One lazy Sunday when I was bored with all the games I had already finished I decided to install this game as I had heard that there was a city of zombies in it (this was long before the zombie craze). I wanted to see this place and thought I could make it to that point even if I did not understand the rest of the game.

Well first there was the intro which completely entranced me. I knew the game was set in a post nuclear apocalyptic world but the introduction made it feel so well set up.
Ron Perlman's narration along together with the moody sound track playing over an assemblage of old and modified photos created the image of a very dark and depressive future in which humanity's own nature would destroy a world very much like our own we like to take for granted, leaving a desolate and hostile world with survivors who would never know what riches their ancestors had.

And then as I started to play the game I came to discover that I could actually talk with most of the people in the game rather than that a large portion of the gameplay and content would be about fighting monsters and using skill checks to get through dungeons with the world building and story telling taking a second place.

I decided to focus on this part of the game, just talk to as much people as possible and then quit when the combat start and it would be to complex to someone who rather just plays action games in which you point a weapon at an enemy and press the shoot button.
Well eventually I did have to fight enemies and learn to manage weapons and equipment, but it proved to be not as incomprehensible that I presumed it would be. Of course I did do a lot of save scumming when things turned out badly or I failed a skill check.
(it was actually hours in the game that I found out that I could actually improve the skills of my character after he had leveled up. I rather accidentally pressed the note above the UI that informed my that my character had increased a level)

As for the city of zombies. Well eventually I arrived at the city and when I met the first Ghouls I opened fire on them, thinking that they were just more emaciated versions of the Romero ones.
When I met several Ghouls in a sewer just a bit later that started to talk to me and asked me not to shoot them I suddenly thought "Shit, these guys can think and talk! and I have been shooting them thinking they were mindless flesh eaters!"

Fallout really took fan expectations and RPG concepts that had been so established that they had come to feel like rules on how to do things and put a big twist on them.

So I continued with my rather bad build of a character (I think he had the chem addiction trait yet I never gave him chems, using his supply to barter instead) through the rest of the game. I randomly came across the Mariposa research facility, thinking it was just a very cool random flavor location with no impact on the storyline (the would probably be other such places around) after talking to Harry.
I visited places like Junktown, the Hub, Adytum, running into the Brotherhood of Steel (hey these guys are wearing the cool looking armor from the intro), and from there to the Glow (did the flesh of my guy's body just melt off? What is going on?)

The first time that I faced the Master I did not know that I could actually convince him that his plans for the future of mankind were actually flawed; that super mutants were a dead end because they were sterile. (only later on did I learn of this much more rewarding way of defeating the Master)
I think I died a couple of time traveling through the corridor that lead to him, and when I did face him he mowed me down after our conversation ended. (one of those impossible battles for players that have no experience with CRPGs)

Instead I armed the nuclear bomb under the Cathedral and was rather annoyed that my character was walking so casually and slow to the exit while the text box was counting down.
When one of the guards suddenly talked to me to check my identity I thought I was done for. Either he and his colleagues would open combat and kill me or time would be running out.

Fortunate I managed to pass the check and when exiting the map of the Cathedral I was presented with a video of a nuclear explosion taking place underneath it. First the windows were blown out, then the roof was stripped by forces pushing upwards; before the entire building was vaporized by rapidly expanding sphere of energy and heat.

The ending at Vault 13 followed and after all what I had done for its people I was told that I had to leave because my influence could pose a threat to the Vault.
Turning his back to me the Vault Overseer walked back into the Vault and there was nothing I could do. Only later I could find out I could shoot him in the back and I took sadistic glee in that as I felt the asshole deserved it.

And then the outro followed and I was told what impact my actions and decisions had for the people South California. Some would prosper such as Shady Sands and Junktown while other settlements such as the Hub weren't as well of because I had made the wrong decisions or had not done them in time.

I was now a serious Fallout fan at this point and because Fallout 2 had already come out I knew the next thing I had to do was go to my usual game store (sadly Dynabyte has since then either gone bankrupt or merged with another pc electronics chain) and get the sequel so that I could continue the adventure.

It would be some time again before I would come back to Fallout 1 and this time play it properly.

Well I have been following the franchise loyally since then through its up and lows.
After the silence that followed after Fallout 2 I thought the series was pretty much done and I moved on until one day I read about Fallout Tactics being developed. (I questioned how a game set between Fallout 1 and 2 would story wise work. I am probably one of the few people who does like Vault 0 and the Calculator)

Then one day a salesman at Dynabyte told me that Fallout 3 was in development. I did not believe him at first as I thought the series was over but when I later got internet I found out that Fallout 3 was indeed being made when I checked out this Fallout community named No Mutants Allowed.
Just reading the rumors already set my excitement into overload "The player is a prisoner who was locked up for an unclear reason and he is now being pursued by robots."
Damn I wanted to know the storyline now and I checked out any news on Fallout 3 on NMA as I started to correspond with other users.

I remember being rather disappointed that Fallout Tactics had been received so badly because of its storyline, many people pointing out that it conflicted with the other games and that the Calculator and its robots were to advanced for the setting.
There was sort of similar talk about Van Buren, especially when it was revealed that there would be a space station in it.

More talk about how it is "too advanced for the retro future of Fallout" despite the fact that there was quite an fascination of the public with space travel and its possibilities during the 1950s.
Most people here just seemed to want that Van Buren was more like Fallout 1 and there not really being any overarching storyline in which the player had to save humanity/the world from an invisible threat. Just go from location to locations and deal with raiders, criminals, and the occasional mutant or robot with the storyline being perhaps about politics.
Not really something that appealed to my imagination.

Edit: well politics of course are the meat of a Fallout game and I am not trying to dis that, but learning about settlements/communities/organizations, their internal affairs, and their relationships with another is only part of the campaign, never its sole focus.

Heh where are those voices now?
Come to think of it, a single player version of Fallout 76 would probably have appealed a lot to these people as long as it had been isometric and turn based.

Sadly Van Buren was canceled and I still keep mourning for it. Fallout Brotherhood of Steel took its place and we all know how that turned out.
Despite my promise to myself that I would not buy the game because its development caused the cancellation of the true Fallout 3 I did end up getting it and finishing it before I returned it to the store I had bought it from and bought a couple of other games.

Later on I bought another copy, sold it again, and then later bought another second hand copy which I still own this day. Guess I am a glutton for punishment.

As for my relationship with Bethesda's Fallout, well I was definitely not happy on hearing that Bethesda bought the franchise after I heard how terrible their Elder Scrolls Oblivion was from people on the RPG Codex.
Perhaps it was brilliant for the "casuals" but it lacked all the role playing and deeply involving world building and story telling of serious RPGs like Fallout and Planescape Torment (the only fantasy CRPG I really like).

Knowing this I feared for the future of any Fallout title.
When the first information and concept art was revealed I was cautiously optimistic about how it could turn out. But the more I learned the more disappointed I became, this was suppose to replace the imaginative and exciting sounding Van Buren?

When on the codex the spoiler was posted that the Enclave would be back and a screenshot of Liberty Prime was posted, a robot the Enclave would be sending in to fight the player and the Brotherhood I knew that this was not sequel a fan of the original two games such as me had kept their hopes alive for despite that the franchise had seriously suffered.

I did end up buying and playing Fallout 3 as I wanted to check it for myself.
The first hour seemed okay but then the game became more and more shallow over time and my earlier impression that this game was more of a sequel to Fallout Brotherhood of Steel than Fallout 1 and 2 seemed to ring more and more true.
Characters were stupid and average in general, most of the content seemed to be copied and transplanted without ever considering if it makes sense, and most of the appeal seemed more about wandering the world than actually doing any quests or making decisions.
Okay hiking simulator, crap Fallout game.

When it was announced that Obsidian would be developing a Fallout spin off and that it would be set near the regions where Fallout 1 and 2 had taken place I felt that this could be a chance for the franchise to recover though I was not really sold on its theme of Las Vegas. Fortunately this proved to be ungrounded.
I was especially happy to learn that some of the ideas of Van Buren would return, be it in a somewhat different form. The Brotherhood and the NCR would have a conflict regarding technology, Caesar's Legion would make an appearance, but where was ODYSSEUS and BOMB 001?

The DLCs could at least bring some of content back that had not made it to the core game. We would meet Mormons in Honest Hearts though I really wanted to visit New Canaan. Boulder Dome would become Big Mountain where I thought we would meet ODYSSEUS, and in Lonesome Road we would face a possible threat of a second nuclear holocaust.

Sadly I did feel that the remaining three DLCs were not as strong as the standard Dead Money had set even if content wise they offered a lot more. OWB was to much of a fetch quest galore and I wish the revelation behind Ulysses was a bit stronger as the core game set it up to be.
I still really liked the settings of all of these DLCs though and I consider these still sort of the benchmark of modern expansions expansions of other games need to measure up against. In general none of them do.

Fallout 4... well that is definitely the death knell of the franchise for me.
Bethesda instead of learning from Fallout New Vegas (many people even today feel that Bethesda's designers discarded anything they could learn from it, being annoyed that Fallout New Vegas was better received than Fallout 3) instead decided what they had done in Fallout 3 and up it to eleven.

Add to that a minecraft settlement game that apparently makes up most of the game's content. Those radiant generated quests or whatever they are called, going to places that only exist to collect something or to fight a number of enemies. Another poor storyline with more uninteresting and awful characters that really feel that they do not belong in Fallout and a design that makes it clear that Bethesda's designers and writers really don't get Fallout, let alone Bethesda's fans who think themselves to be the true Fallout fandom (and keep coming here to tell us old Fallout fans that we live in the past, we need to move on, Bethesda saved the franchise and made it popular, if you buy this your penis will be longer etc.).

Well Fallout has become a franchise that I think would have been better of dead on the long run, perhaps being resurrected years after the last entry in the series by a group of fans who are really passionate about the franchise like some of the developers on Kickstarter have been (though classic franchises brought back through Kickstarter is another can of worms) rather than a game studio that just sought another gaming series that is beloved by its fans but has fallen into obscurity because it never had mainstream appeal, and then re imagine it in such a way that it might as well be a completely different gaming franchise.

What is the point in bringing back beloved classic franchises if it is so drastically changed that it barely has anything in common with the original any more?
I know it does not undo the originals but it does damage the reputation and loyal fandom the original made for itself.

Fallout 76? Bethesda's competitor to Fortnite with a Fallout skin.
Like every major developer/publisher these days Bethesda Game Studios just follows the example of those who decided to experiment with existing game design or made something new.
Had Telltale games been big sellers today you could be sure that any new Fallout game by Bethesda had been like that.

I think I am going to play some more Fallout New Vegas, and perhaps re install Fallout 1 and 2 with expansion and restoration mods.
I will more or less just copy past my entry in how you discovered Fallout.

I stumbled across a Fallout 2 box in a random store in Marseilles, my city in France.
I have never heard of it before, and from what i remember of the box, i don't even remember what made me buy it.
It maybe related with a cheap price, as it was already released a few years before. It was during Georges W Bush first term.
Or i just wanted to buy any game on that day and didn't find a game that interested me more.

Anyway, i wasn't expecting anything in particular, and didn't find the beginning particularly impressive.

Then i was step by step overwelmed by the subversive writting. I wasn't use to see that in video games. Same for the gray area.

You were the chosen One, but for everyone, it was a joke. (take take, every other chosen one, special beings and all of destiny crap)
Everyone looked the same because engine, but it was lampshaded for once.
It broke the fourth wall in a way that sounded right.
Vault City made me wander how i was suppose to take them. They seemed so nice and clean, but it the same times were racist, use slavery without using the word, are full of wrong ideas that you can't do anything agains't.
In the same time, it's the first city when you can actually make significants progress in your quest.
It is full of lampshading and critics about societies, video games patterns and storytelling tropes. (it was far before i discovered tvtropes)
In the same time, the story, the cities, the factions, are partially believable, interesting and entertaining.
I didn't have an opinion about TB, at the time, so i wasn't either bothered nor amazed.
Then, when i reached the end, i discovered that, not only you could reach the villain HQ without a fight, but you that the main antagonist was the fucking president of the United States, that the vault were just experiments of that corrupted governments.
I wouldn't believe at the time, that the game was american.

At this times, the situation was tense between France/USA, as France refused to follow USA attacking Iraq, as there were no proof of mass destruction weapons (and there is still not) and i though that 200% of americans were triger-happy and supportive of war, whatever the reason or the coutry in front of them. (to be fair, this issue went pretty far, with americans boycotting french cheese and wine, just because we didn't want to kill iraqis on false pretense. Not that Saddam was a saint, but the objective for the war was never prooved and Bush was never charged for his internationnal lies. And the americans are still racist toward the french since that day, while we are still proud of the french president who said *NO* to Bush.)

I was pretty young and i though all americans were sheep or unallowed to voice other opinions. (i remember that a lot of american TV shows that i saw in France at the time were US military propangada, like NCIS, JAG, Stargate SG-1, depicting americans as happy warriors and peoples from other countries as useless or hostiles)

So it basically introduced me with subversive american contents. Fortunally, i am aware today that there is a lot more subsersive opinions and contents in American Culture.

Now that i am growing up, i even think that american/canadian writters are often more daring and subversive that french writters, at least in movies and tv shows. In France, you always have the same crap TV show, were heroes eat vegetables, never use the F-world, never have sex before wedding, and those with an unpopular opinion are jerks, then bad guys. It's like the french TV show writters are living in an entirelly other country, timeline or alternate reality. Sure, we got very great Movies authors, but most of them are dead or in a wheel chair. (and those that remain or the younger are only seen in selected theater, never at TV)

But at the time, it was basically, for me, the first time (outside of books), that i got involved in a game that dare adress subjects in a way that i found more believable that every other craps i've seen at the time, while remaining entertaining and not too straight.
All of this without taking away any other qualities of the game.

Then i tried Fo1 & FoT and got pretty disapointed that they adressed a lot less subjects, were less funny, and allowed less liberties.
Then i learned to love them overtime appreciating they own qualities. Basically, Fo1 have a far better main storyline with a blurred line between mutants and normies, and more intriguing sci-fi, while Tactics provide a better look into BOS and what could happen if we leave in charge a very powerfull military organization, without control.

I didn't have Playstation (or knew emulators) to try FoBOS, and when i learnt that the Fallout rights were sold, i didn't even try the last 3 episodes until 2013. (i wasn't aware of the Devellopper/Publisher difference. For me, the right were sold, that's it)
Since the writting was what got me into, i found no reason to follow it if it was written by someone else. It was like Steve Job writting a sequel of my favourite Stephen King book. What's the point in reading it ? The setting is a side aspect compared of the author intents.
I gave them a chance when i changed computer and looked for more recent games.

I am quite glad that i tried Fallout New Vegas, as it gave me hope of an upcoming game on the Fallout 1 vein, as its storyline was great, or even better, but i don't think i will find any fallout that pleased me as much as Fo2.
Didn't even played any other games on that satirical vein, but i will keep looking, mainly amongs indies.
(not only the satirical side, but also a game that i could enjoy by its storyline and gameplay as well)


Today, i have no more expectation than in 2008 about the official sequels, but i admit i know more about those craps who pretend to be Fallout games. New Vegas was an excellent surprise coming out of nowhere, but today, the only sequels i am eager to play are those made by the community.

God bless Resurrection 1.5, Fallout of Nevada, Last Hope, Oblivion Lost, Shattered Destiny, and the upcoming Mutants Rising, Van Buren, Ardent's mod, plus all those smaller mods that will entertain you for a couple of evenings.

They attempted to erase us from the internet, but we are still here due to the lasting effects of the Glittering Gem. They told us isometric turn-based RPG's were the way they were due to technological limitations, yet dozens of Kickstarter RPG's keep on disputing this tired old notion....

I salute you sir. You have said it all. "We must delve into the past to have a future". :salute:
Bethesda publicly acknowledges the new Pip-boy is known as Vault Man or Vault Boy. Alec said fans did not known any better, but I know some did because my uncle explained the whole spiel to me back in the 90's. He walked me through the intro of both games in style, explaining who the narrator was (Ron Perlman who was sadly also removed from his iconic role as narrator), who the blonde dude in the blue suit was, and what was up with the red haired spaceman, even going as far to elaborate on the differences between the two. I think people were calling Vault Boy the wrong name even back then. This had to have been 1999 at the latest...

Nobody likes the red haired Stepchild of the series, so naturally I have been fascinated with the guy forever.
If you search online, you will see he is missing. Vanished. Practically non-existent. Go ahead and try to find some fan art. If you are able to find a dozen or so pics I do not have I will buy you a game.

It's a pity, but even Black Isle abandoned poor Pip Boy...
This is a picture of the Lil Pip 3000 Interface in Van Buren:
Notice how the Pip Boy mascot was replaced by the Vault Boy. :twitch:
So even before Bethesda got their grubby little hands on Fallout, Pip boy was already replaced by Vault Boy. :slap:
I have to admit I have no problem with having a Vault Boy (blonde dude) on Pip Boy device. Vault Boy is a mascot of the Vault Tec, and the Pip Boy device by RobCo was designed and manufactures exclusively for Vault Tec employees and customers - vault dwellers, so Vault Boy may have its place on it. I do understand that true red haired "Pip Boy" mascot should not be forgotten, but I consider it being less problematic than people who, for instance, call Vault Boy mascot a Pip Boy (which is commonly a reference to the device), which is far greater mistake.
Isn't this the reason for the confusion:

When you use the Pip-boy to check your stats there's a Vault Boy in the interface to illustrate:

Maybe they should have used the Pip-boy there in order to be consistent.
Isn't this the reason for the confusion:

When you use the Pip-boy to check your stats there's a Vault Boy in the interface to illustrate:

Maybe they should have used the Pip-boy there in order to be consistent.

Yep. The issue isn't with the replacement because that is due to Interplay being shit. It is the refusal to even use the guy in marketing now. I do hope Fallout 76 can remedy this at least.

I still vote we rip him off and make him our mascot.
The confusion is very understandable. I often forget about Pip Boy and used to never really pay the character much mind in the games because he's not shown nearly as much as Vault Boy is.
Yep. The issue isn't with the replacement because that is due to Interplay being shit. It is the refusal to even use the guy in marketing now. I do hope Fallout 76 can remedy this at least.

I still vote we rip him off and make him our mascot.
Honestly, I don’t see the fuss. It’s a Jumpman vs Super Mario sort of deal. Both were designed by equally competent artists but with different needs and context for them. I don’t really see that little sci fi elf fit any worse than Vault Boy, and it would seem a bit jarring to me to be so present while having to be as flexible as Vault Boy turned out to be, while also not completely clashing with the tone, VB is cartoony enough.

In another note, shouldn’t the thread be called “20 years of Fallout - 2”?

Perfect music to listen too when reading this shit.

Only thing missing is some lyrics:
Maybe you'll think of me
When you are selling Skyrim again
Maybe the one who is waiting to buy will prove untrue
Then what will you do
Maybe you'll sit and sigh
Wishing that I buy more, then
Maybe you'll ask me to buy it again
And maybe I'll say maybe
May be you'll think of me
When you are all alone
Maybe the one who is waiting to buy will prove untrue
Then what will you do
Maybe you'll sit and sigh
Wishing that I buy more, then
Maybe you'll ask me to buy it again
And maybe I'll say maybe
Fallout Brotherhood of Steel took its place and we all know how that turned out.
Despite my promise to myself that I would not buy the game because its development caused the cancellation of the true Fallout 3 I did end up getting it and finishing it before I returned it to the store I had bought it from and bought a couple of other games.

Later on I bought another copy, sold it again, and then later bought another second hand copy which I still own this day.

Whoa wait a sec! You actually bought three copies of FOBOS? But...why?
Whoa wait a sec! You actually bought three copies of FOBOS? But...why?

Nope, I bought a copy three times; a new copy I ended up returning, a second hand copy that I later traded in, and the third copy I bought I kept. Perhaps because it is a part of the Fallout franchise (be it a very bad one), or perhaps to remind me never to waste money on terrible games. (I bought the copy I now own after Fallout 3 was released)

Well at least it taught me to stick to my decision when I decided not to get Fallout 4.