2011 Libyan uprising and no fly zone.


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
The U.N. has passed a resolution for a no-fly zone over Libya. Strong words from western nations in regards to Ghaddafis military response to protestors and civil unrest.

Anyone else thinks this could possibly spiral out to the rest of the middle east? Lead to a Fallout-sh war??
The apparently the US bombed about 20 Libyan STA missiles sites with 100 cruise missiles...ouch. :mrgreen:


Old rubber face was not impressed...

Then the rebels shot down their own fighter jet...

BENGHAZI, Libya | Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:46pm EDT

BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - A warplane was shot down on Saturday over the Libyan city of Benghazi and an opposition activist said it was a rebel fighter jet hit by accident.

Azeldin al-Sharif, an opposition activist, said rebel forces had brought the plane down by mistake over the city of Benghazi. The city came under attack from forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi on Saturday, including air strikes by planes loyal to the government.

"The fighter jet that was brought down this morning, was a revolutionary fighter jet and was hit by mistake. There is no communication on the ground," said Sharif, head of the British-Libyan Solidarity Campaign.

Earlier, Reuters correspondent Angus MacSwan described seeing the warplane come down. "I saw the plane circle around, come out of the clouds, head toward an apparent target, and then it was hit and went straight down in flames and a huge billow of black smoke went up," he said.

(Reporting by Angus MacSwan and Mohammed Abbas; Writing by Tom Perry in Cairo; Editing by Sophie Hares)


Those darn Libyans! :clap:
I am pretty shocked we have not had a thread here about the middle east yet uprisings yet.

Anyways I don't have much to add that we don't all already know, Gaddaffi is a nutter, we have always known he was a nutter. A nutter with good taste in female body guards but a nutter all the same. I don't imagine many people here will honestly defend his regime and the mass rape and murder it has been committing against their own countrymen.

Good for NATO to step in and tip the scales in this case. It tickles me silly to know we are dropping bombs on those assholes. Hopefully the No Fly Zone gives the rebels a bit of an edge and will stop the Mercs from entering the country. I have no real interest in seeing Western ground forces go in. We can do a hell of a lot of damage from the air and let the rebels do what they have to do while retaining some good favor with the new government that is put into place. Americans need not be put into danger.

And on a side note, I am just really pissed that I am having to pay almost $3.50 a gallon for gas. That is reason enough for someone to put a bullet in the mans head.
I'm all for the european countries finding their ballsack, but it does create yet another dangerous precedent.

It's an armed uprising of a portion of the population, and suddenly we're bombing the standing regime? We're so full of democracy, but have we asked the Libyan people what they really want? How could we, even if we wanted to?

It's quite possible that the majority wants Kadaffi's regime gone, but we're acting simply because it suits our interests at this time.

PS: I'm not advocating doing nothing, but all this "democracy" and "freedom" propaganda is bullshit.
DarkCorp said:
The U.N. has passed a resolution for a no-fly zone over Libya. Strong words from western nations in regards to Ghaddafis military response to protestors and civil unrest.

Anyone else thinks this could possibly spiral out to the rest of the middle east? Lead to a Fallout-sh war??
No. The rest of the Middle East doesn't like Ghaddafi and they've little reason to openly support him.

What this will(/has) lead to is a multinational invasion force to depose Ghaddafi, though.

SuAside said:
It's an armed uprising of a portion of the population, and suddenly we're bombing the standing regime? We're so full of democracy, but have we asked the Libyan people what they really want? How could we, even if we wanted to?
You propose we just stand by and do nothing while Ghaddafi slaughters his own population?
that is what I heard as well for example many of Gadafis men are mercenaries so he is fighting his own population. No clue if that is true though.
The Libyans are using S-200 SA-5 GAMMON as their main air defense...well not for much longer.



Vehicles belonging to forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi explode after an air strike by coalition forces, along a road between Benghazi and Ajdabiyah March 20, 2011. (Xinhua/Reuters)
If NATO said "We will not intervene in Libya because it is none of our affair and we will not fight against a legitimate country", then people would accuse them of cowardice and inaction. Now that they decided to step in, folks say they are unjust aggressors. Either way, NATO is pretty much hated.
The U.S. should have just stayed out of it, stupid move on Obama's part. need proof?

One day after praising the U.S. for creating the no fly zone, the Arab league says, "Wtf? we didn't want you to bomb Libya, American aggression!!"

Fucking jerks.
Of course whatever US/NATO does will be decried. It's the way of international politics, anybody who ain't you or a very close ally is always wrong.

It's still about time that madman gets deposed. 42 years in power is 42 years too many for bastards like him. I am also not surprised the Rebels were not able to win this on their own, going up against a military state and all. Seems like good old, oh so romantic people's uprising doesn't work so well in real life after all.
DammitBoy said:
The U.S. should have just stayed out of it, stupid move on Obama's part. need proof?

One day after praising the U.S. for creating the no fly zone, the Arab league says, "Wtf? we didn't want you to bomb Libya, American aggression!!"

Fucking jerks.
Obama is trying very hard to have the UN, NATO and other countries take the lead on this, interestingly. He's trying his damndest to avoid the perception that the US is taking over another Arab country. And it's not really working, so far.
so a potential nuclear disaster, the posibility of a massive Solar storm, and a international conflict with fucking LIBYA, I am the first one to laugh at 2012 but.... well

42 years in power? what the fuck, herd mentality really si scary.
How the hell did the rebels get armed up so good, I can only think that someone gave them in the first place.
And when did anyone attack an Arab country for any other reason than getting more oil?
A very large portion of the military defected to the rebels, taking all the equipment along with it, The rebels are in control of a lot of the country.

Gaddaffi kept the Libyan military weak on purpose because he always feared an uprising. Hence why he is flying in African mercenaries that he trained over the years to carry out his commands.
All this fighting could result in Libya being chopped right down the middle...if that is the case both the free Libya and Muammar al-Gaddafi would have a fairly equal share of oil, but the refineries would all be in the east.

Sander said:
DammitBoy said:
The U.S. should have just stayed out of it, stupid move on Obama's part. need proof?

One day after praising the U.S. for creating the no fly zone, the Arab league says, "Wtf? we didn't want you to bomb Libya, American aggression!!"

Fucking jerks.
Obama is trying very hard to have the UN, NATO and other countries take the lead on this, interestingly. He's trying his damndest to avoid the perception that the US is taking over another Arab country. And it's not really working, so far.

Because he's an idiot and has no balls or foreign policy experience.

He should have shut up and stayed out of it instead of telling Ghaddafi to step down - you don't say that unless you already have a plan of action and a coalition. He didn't, he made his decree and waited.

What he should have done is gone behind the scenes and told the Arab League, "You towel monkeys will take the billions in aid we give you in military hardware and the billions we've given you training your forces and put down Ghaddafi on your own. You'll also publicly demand the U.S. doesn't get involved." "If you don't - we will cut off all further aid to your little empires of sand."

But that would have taken brains and a spine. Instead he is now the worlds biggest chump who got punk'd by a bunch of sandtards.
China probably allowed it because Gaddafi is a nutter. He is also not a stable nutter. Better to have him replaced by people that can be persuaded over by the allmighty dollar.

Now what people want is that this force of airplanes bombs gaddafis forces into submission. Then the rebels go in there and do the dirty job on the colonel himself.