A Decent Looking Fallout Boardgame and MCA Speaks!

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I spied this pretty tasty interview not too long back, but forgot to post it. With a recent Fallout board game being announced by Fantasy Flight Games I figured it would make a good two for one.

I didn't listen to the whole interview but Chris Avellone did mention a few things on his split with Obsidian.

But wait! There's more! I stumbled upon a Fallout Tactics mod that just went standalone. I have not tried it yet, but i am sure some Jagged Alliance fanatic with nothing better to do can try it out. Let us know if you do.


This total transformation mod aims to bring to life an anarchist utopia after apocalyptic times. It takes place in eastern part of former Canada and United-States. The game is a bilingual (french & english) single player non-linear RPG. It can be called a positive post-apocalyptic game or a radical camping simulator. The world has been challenged by the Sum of all heavily anticipated catastrophies (environmental, human and tecnological). The humans survived them and organised themselves according to a mix of anarchistic, aboriginal, technological and nomadic ways of living, embrasing anarchy ideas and goals (anti-domination, direct democracy, freedom and autonomy), creating federated communities. In game, "The Sum" refer simultaneously to the sums of all catastrophies, the name of a new currency and mispellings of the words "son" and "sun". The Sum (Nous Aurons) is an art project created by the french canadian artist Hugo Nadeau (www.hugonadeau.com).
Interesting interview however Chris doesn't say alot of new things he hasn't said on paper before other than some minor news about the projects he's working on and how a he'd make a Fallout game if he was in charge.

As for the standalone Tactics mod, the UI doesn't look that appealing and hte description is rather on the short side, it also mentions how it is an RPG but, keeping in mind that I don't know alot about hte Tactics engine, how much roleplaying or dialouge options can he fit into a tactical shooter? The setting sounds nice though.
Nice interview, but oh man just look at that board game! Hopefully, if my limited experience with Fantasy Flight games is any tell, there is some potential in that. Twilight Imperium is a fantastic game IMO, a real space odyssey on your tabletop, and I think if this Fallout game is anywhere near the same quality and depth as that game then it's a veritable jackpot of entertainment. At the very least I'll pick it up as a collectible, but I hope it's as good as some of their other work.
Hmm, I listened to the video though I skipped a few parts here and there but I never caught the parts in which MCA talks about why he left Obsidian.

Could someone who did catch that summarize it for me here?
Hmm, I listened to the video though I skipped a few parts here and there but I never caught the parts in which MCA talks about why he left Obsidian.

Could someone who did catch that summarize it for me here?

From what I gathered he mentioned something about creative control or not liking to have to report in every day and just fuckng write or something like that. It has been a couple weeks.
"Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Fallout, a post-nuclear adventure board game based on Bethesda’s blockbuster video game series. In Fallout, one to four players take on a role within an irradiated landscape inspired by those in Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and their downloadable content expansions."

Yikes, immediate turnoff for me. I suppose maybe there is a licensing issue that prevents them from using the first games as source material. I'd like to think so, anyway. That's sad, I was excited for a minute.
It doesn't matter wether if it uses original games content or not.
It doesn't look like it's a roleplaying board game but rather a wargame centered around combat and made to be played in short bursts rather than to be a proper PnP-sit-n-play type of game so it is disappoint in the concept itself.
"Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Fallout, a post-nuclear adventure board game based on Bethesda’s blockbuster video game series. In Fallout, one to four players take on a role within an irradiated landscape inspired by those in Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and their downloadable content expansions."

Yikes, immediate turnoff for me. I suppose maybe there is a licensing issue that prevents them from using the first games as source material. I'd like to think so, anyway. That's sad, I was excited for a minute.
It doesn't matter wether if it uses original games content or not.
It doesn't look like it's a roleplaying board game but rather a wargame centered around combat and made to be played in short bursts rather than to be a proper PnP-sit-n-play type of game so it is disappoint in the concept itself.
It's based on Fallout 4 so... pass!.
To address all of these at once, I think it's hardly fair to judge it based solely on the fact that it's based on the content of the newer games or isn't the type of game you want. It could very well be a great board game and so you should judge it as such, not as if it is some main entry into the franchise. The way I see it, the game holds potential simply because it could be a good board game and its Fallout theme is merely an eye-catcher and a bonus to us fans. I'll reserve final judgement until I have at least seen a few reviews, played it myself, or purchased it after release.

Unless you just don't like board games, especially if it's war game/area take over type as it seemingly is, which then, of course, it's totally fair to not pick it up or give it a second look.
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It's unfair to not buy a game based on it's themes and gameplay.... What...
I corrected myself and stated that not purchasing it due to its prospective gameplay genre is fine, but I did stand by my opinion that judging based solely on its thematics being drawn from the newer titles is a little bit unfair. If you never even try the game or review it in detail simply because it features locations from the Bethesda releases then it very well could be your loss on a great game, if you enjoy its genre and actually play board games. Personally, I love board games, and I already own some of Fantasy Flight's games, and so I am willing to look past the fact that the setting is Bethesda's titles and enjoy it for being both Fallout and, possibly, a great board game.

I say just wait until it comes out. Maybe members of the NMA community will review it for us.
I corrected myself and stated that not purchasing it due to its prospective gameplay genre is fine, but I did stand by my opinion that judging based solely on its thematics being drawn from the newer titles is a little bit unfair. If you never even try the game or review it in detail simply because it features locations from the Bethesda releases then it very well could be your loss on a great game, if you enjoy its genre and actually play board games. Personally, I love board games, and I already own some of Fantasy Flight's games, and so I am willing to look past the fact that the setting is Bethesda's titles and enjoy it for being both Fallout and, possibly, a great board game.

I say just wait until it comes out. Maybe members of the NMA community will review it for us.

This. It could be the best wargame ever and just because it features the Commonwealth you don't play it? Now if you are just a Fallout fan who does not care about such things I understand. Or if you don't want to give money to the man I can buy that as well.
I don't see why I would have sone obligation to buy and review something that is unappealing to me....
I don't see why I would have sone obligation to buy and review something that is unappealing to me....

You don't. I think the point was saying don't judge it based on appearances it might be solid mechanically.
Also I am not putting any more money on Bethesda's pocket. Specially it is Fallout related.

That was where my comment about not giving money to the man comes in. I'm much the same way until it comes to stuff like this. I just had to have my Fallout shirt. Fuck you in advance. Fuck giving them money for Fallout 4, but I will buy a badass boardgame if it plays like Arkham Horror.
This. It could be the best wargame ever and just because it features the Commonwealth you don't play it? Now if you are just a Fallout fan who does not care about such things I understand. Or if you don't want to give money to the man I can buy that as well.

This is me. I've enjoyed good board games, but have no particular interest in buying them. It's the Fallout fiction connection that interested me. But the Bethesda half of that fiction is the part I don't care about. To me, this was another chance to inhabit the Fallout 1 and 2 universe, and I don't think I'll ever get that chance in a video game (aside from mods, maybe). It could still be a well-made game, but meh.
A word of warning about that Fallout Tactics total conversion. You better know both english and french.
In the words of the mod developer:
But another thing is that I WANT the game to present both french and english dialogues, depending where you are in the map and who you are speaking to. It is an artistic choice I decided to make. You have to be bilingual to understand everything.