A Fallout Game Set in Europe


Still Mildly Glowing
Obviously, the world doesn't stop at the United States, or what's left of it 200+ years after the bombs fell.

What would a Fallout game set in Europe be like? How would Europe have fared following the Resource Wars and Great War?

I think the closest we'd have to a functioning nation-state would be Switzerland. They're neutral as all hell and hard to invade. They're PREPARED, what with all the mountainsides they have to dig into. There's no reason why the Swiss wouldn't have created their own vaults like the Pre-War U.S. did with Vault-Tec. You'd probably have one nation of vaults, ultimately being the NCR with French, German, Italian, and Romansh spoken instead of English.

I could see Italy fragmented into small states similar to how it was between when the Eastern Roman "Byzantine" Empire pulled out and when the House of Savoy united the peninsula in the 1860s. We'd probably have an AUTHENTIC version of Caesar's Legion with aqueducts and everything.

Scandinavia might still have its social democracies, but any raiders would be reminiscent of REAL Vikings (Read: NO HORNS!). We could probably count on the Nordic countries to fare relatively well, too, given their latitude.

France, the UK, Ireland, Spain, Catalonia, Portugal, etc. might all be balkanized, too. Germany might degenerate back to hundreds of tiny states with a common culture and language. Greece and Turkey could regress back to city-states and tribes in another Dark Age, but with pockets of civilization in and around Athens, Sparta, Istanbul, Ankara, Batman (yes, there really is a city in Turkey named that), etc. Russia could also fare well, too, given its size. Only one country has ever conquered in in our timeline: Mongolia.

Uh given the established lore I'd say that as much as it fascinates me, the exploration of post apocalyptic Europe just wouldn't work. However something like that old spin off game set in Northern Italy during the European Commonwealth's infightings could be interesting, at least in theory.
For the record, I agree with Sublime. But to answer the question...

Europe was fractured in the Resource Wars when the EU (or Fallout's version of it) dissolved, so I think most countries would be divided. Also, there's a lot of different nations with different languages there, and bad blood between some that goes centuries back, so I think you can pretty much forget all the borders.

Also, after the War, UK still does not consider itself a part of Europe. That's the headcanon I'm sticking with.
If I remember correctly isn't it commonly accepted that Europe in general got fucked pretty bad before and during the Great War? Like to the point that it's more of a hellscape than the US? If we had to have games in other countries I'd rather see Mexico/parts of Central America or Canada. I still vote Mexico/Central America since even if most people there were wiped by nukes people from the US can migrate there more easily.
Even if the Resource Wars had fucked up Europe, I could still see Switzerland at least faring relatively well compared to the rest of the "continent". Again, we have to consider geography. Switzerland is a mountainous country and they're CRAZY prepared in case of an invasion, despite being officially neutral since 1815. Surely they might have their own version of Vault-Tec to build vaults in the mountainsides.

But why stop there? Why not take a look at the rest of the Eurasian continent? How would the Asian part of the continent have fared? Might we have an authentic version of the Great Khans? Perhaps attempts to recreate Imperial China? What of the Indian subcontinent? Southeast Asia? Think of the possibilities!
Even if the Resource Wars had fucked up Europe, I could still see Switzerland at least faring relatively well compared to the rest of the "continent". Again, we have to consider geography. Switzerland is a mountainous country and they're CRAZY prepared in case of an invasion, despite being officially neutral since 1815. Surely they might have their own version of Vault-Tec to build vaults in the mountainsides.

But why stop there? Why not take a look at the rest of the Eurasian continent? How would the Asian part of the continent have fared? Might we have an authentic version of the Great Khans? Perhaps attempts to recreate Imperial China? What of the Indian subcontinent? Southeast Asia? Think of the possibilities!
Honestly except for China Asia seems pretty boring. Especially when you take in account Tha the main games already has things like the Caesar Legion or the Great Khans. European factions would be more of the same, just a bit more on the historical side I suppose
I think the EU was a mess, but some places were not that bad. After all, Germany has superior and more advanced energy weapons than the USA when the bombs fell. So Germany was probably invested in research and scientific advancements (even if it was just military ones).
I assume some countries would have fought between each other but I don't think they would have been destroyed.
For example, most countries do not have oil or other fossil fuels, so they wouldn't be targeted with war. I think the EU fell because countries just couldn't agree on how to share the remaining resources and some went to war with those who still had resources. But since most countries would be too weak to wage wars, I think only rich ones could afford that.

I assume the Soviet Union was one of the few countries that still had some oil, because SU does have oil sources in it's territory. And I can't see how many countries could even think of wage war with the SU for oil. Specially after they seem to have reverted to "us and only us" mentality.
I assume the Soviet Union was one of the few countries that still had some oil, because SU does have oil sources in it's territory. And I can't see how many countries could even think of wage war with the SU for oil. Specially after they seem to have reverted to "us and only us" mentality.

The Soviets definitely had oil and natural gas.

And good luck trying to take over, unless you are the Mongols. The USSR was fucking HUGE. Even the current Russian Federation is gigantic. They're the only country that borders both Norway and North Korea. The Soviets could lose a few towns and cities, maybe a whole oblast or republic, and it wouldn't matter. They could just surround and liberate it. There's also their weather. Napoleon and Hitler both failed to take over Russia because they invaded IN WINTER. What chance would anyone else have?
I can probably imagine Europe being stuck emulating their ancient pasts in the style of the Legion. They had already drained their resources long before America and had none of the flashy, luxurious weapons and technology either. Most likely you'd just be seeing the Dark Ages 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Though considering that half, if not most of the main titles have immigrants from Britain and Ireland, I don't imagine anyone even wants to bother living there anymore. Especially when everyone else probably has even worse sounding accents than they do.
I can probably imagine Europe being stuck emulating their ancient pasts in the style of the Legion. They had already drained their resources long before America and had none of the flashy, luxurious weapons and technology either. Most likely you'd just be seeing the Dark Ages 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Though considering that half, if not most of the main titles have immigrants from Britain and Ireland, I don't imagine anyone even wants to bother living there anymore. Especially when everyone else probably has even worse sounding accents than they do.
Europe had more advanced weaponry than the USA. So I'm not sure what you mean by "had none of the flashy, luxurious weapons and technology either".
The most advanced weaponry in the classic games came from Germany:
The German Rheinmetal AG company created the ultimate minigun. The Vindicator throws over 90,000 caseless shells per minute down its six carbon-polymer barrels. As the pinnacle of Teutonic engineering skill, it is the ultimate hand-held weapon.
Praised for its range and stopping power, the PPK12 Gauss Pistol is of German design. The pistol uses an electromagnetic field to propel rounds at tremendous speed and punch through almost any armor.
The M72 rifle is of German design. It uses an electromagnetic field to propel rounds at tremendous speed... and pierce almost any obstacle. Its range, accuracy and stopping power is almost unparalleled.
H&K G11:
This gun revolutionized squad level support weapon design. The gun fires a caseless cartridge consisting of a block of propellant with a bullet buried inside. The resultant weight and space savings allow it to have a very high magazine capacity.
H&K MP9 submachinegun (10mm variant). A medium-sized SMG, capable of single shot and burst mode.
An H&K L30 Gatling Laser. Designed specifically for military use, these were in the prototype stage at the beginning of the War. Multiple barrels allow longer firing before overheating. Powered by Micro Fusion Cells.
The Heckler & Koch P90c was just coming into use at the time of the war. The weapon's bullpup layout, and compact design, make it easy to control. The durable P90c is prized for its reliability, and high firepower in a ruggedly-compact package.
The Heckler & Koch CAWS (H&K CAWS) is a prototype automatic shotgun—designed as a combat shotgun—co-produced by Heckler & Koch and Winchester/Olin during the 1980s. It was Heckler & Koch's entry in to the U.S military's Close Assault Weapon System program.

The Plasma Pistol in the classics was made by the Austrian Gaston Glock (which managed to turn himself into an advanced artificial intelligence being, so they could even transfer people's conscience into machines, instead of having to use real brains like in Old World Blues):
Glock 86 Plasma Pistol. Designed by the Gaston Glock artificial intelligence. Shoots a small bolt of superheated plasma. Powered by a small energy cell.

Other European Weaponry in classic games:
There is soviet weaponry in classic Fallout games too:
An AK-112 5mm Assault Rifle. An old military model, out of use around the time of the war. Can fire single-shot or burst, using the high velocity 5mm rounds.
There is also the 14mm Pistol, that is also European (although I have no idea which country it came from):
A Sig-Sauer 14mm Auto Pistol. Large, singleshot handgun. Excellent craftsmanship.
Even the Flamer might be a French weapon, because it's actual name is Flambe (flaming/flamed in french):
A Flambe 450 model flamethrower, varmiter variation. Fires a short spray of extremely hot, flammable liquid. Requires specialized fuel to work properly.
The XL70E3 is British:
This was an experimental weapon at the time of the war. Manufactured, primarily, from high-strength polymers, the weapon is almost indestructible. It's light, fast firing, accurate, and can be broken down without the use of any tools.
The FN FAL is Belgium:
This rifle has been more widely used by armed forces than any other rifle in history. It's a reliable assault weapon for any terrain or tactical situation.
And there is also the Mauser pistol.

Even the ammo for the most powerful non-energy weaponry is only used by European weapons:
  • 2mm EC - Gauss Rifle and Gauss Pistol
  • 4.7mm Caseless - H&K G11, H&K G11E and Vindicator Minigun
  • 14mm - Sig-Sauer

It's quite obvious that in the classic Fallout lore, Europe was quite ahead of the USA in terms of weaponry. Which makes sense.
First, they actually were at war with the Middle East before the bombs fell. Second, since they would have run short of resources before the USA, they would have started to look into alternative and more efficient energy sources and weaponry.

Also, the Soviet Union would still have resources. Russia was in general good terms with the USA, which I don't think would have happened if the USA had the remaining oil deposits.
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Europe had more advanced weaponry than the USA. So I'm not sure what you mean by "had none of the flashy, luxurious weapons and technology either".
The most advanced weaponry in the classic games came from Germany:

The Plasma Pistol in the classics was made by the Austrian Gaston Glock (which managed to turn himself into an advanced artificial intelligence being, so they could even transfer people's conscience into machines, instead of having to use real brains like in Old World Blues):

Other European Weaponry in classic games:
There is soviet weaponry in classic Fallout games too:

There is also the 14mm Pistol, that is also European (although I have no idea which country it came from):

Even the Flamer might be a French weapon, because it's actual name is Flambe (flaming/flamed in french):

The XL70E3 is British:

The FN FAL is Belgium:

And there is also the Mauser pistol.

Even the ammo for the most powerful non-energy weaponry is only used by European weapons:
  • 2mm EC - Gauss Rifle and Gauss Pistol
  • 4.7mm Caseless - H&K G11, H&K G11E and Vindicator Minigun
  • 14mm - Sig-Sauer

It's quite obvious that in the classic Fallout lore, Europe was quite ahead of the USA in terms of weaponry. Which makes sense.
First, they actually were at war with the Middle East before the bombs fell. Second, since they would have run short of resources before the USA, they would have started to look into alternative and more efficient energy sources and weaponry.

Also, the Soviet Union would still have resources. Russia was in general good terms with the USA, which I don't think would have happened if the USA had the remaining oil deposits.

Well shit, fuck my ill-informed ass I guess. You learn something new everyday.
This topic comes up every now and then, and there's always collective REEEEing about how Fallout is AMERICANA and thus unable to function in Europe, which I disagree with. The first two games had surprisingly little that rooted the games in the US in my opinion, and it would be interesting to explore how european countries would have looked like in the world of Fallout.
No, it wouldn't be the same as the previous games, especially not like the 3D Fallouts that puke 50s MURRCA all over the game at all times. But you know, I'd enjoy some fresh paint on it, and I certainly wouldn't mind not seeing a fucking super mutant or BoS paladin in a Fallout game for a while.
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Boy, the Italian commonwealth would be a war between North and South italy, with the Pope's Brotherhood in the middle .
But jokes apart, it would be an interesting, new view on what the rest of the (old) world has become. Knowing Italy (hey, I can say it), it may be a shooting range of powers that want to rise but suffocate on themselves.
Also, there may be some Ancient Romans-wannabe like the Legion, maybe not that "enslave and crucify", and been actually more like Rome was.

A french Fallout would be lovely, too.
I don't think Beth or any developer will try the russian soil, since it would be too similar with a Stalker or a Metro game. Now, what about a Fallout:China ? (Maybe called Fallout:Yangtze)
This topic comes up every now and then, and there's always collective REEEEing about how Fallout is AMERICANA and thus unable to function in Europe, which I disagree with. The first two games had surprisingly little that rooted the games in the US in my opinion, and it would be interesting to explore how european countries would have looked like in the world of Fallout.
No, it wouldn't be the same as the previous games, especially not like the 3D Fallouts that puke 50s MURRCA all over the game at all times. But you know, I'd enjoy some fresh paint on it, and I certainly wouldn't mind not seeing a fucking super mutant or BoS paladin in a Fallout game for a while.
I have to disagree.
The classic Fallout games were USA retro-futuristic westerns (westerns are very USA too), following a Googie style (an American style) for most stuff like robots and energy weapons. Then we have the whole "super capitalist" style of corporations in that universe, which is also a USA specific characteristic, how they represent the pre-war and advertisements (like the TV on the intro) is also very 50's USA like, the things about how muscle cars are represented is also very USA. Even the Nuka-Cola joke is very USA. The cold-war feeling, very USA. The Vault Boy slides on the intro are very USA, and so on.

The games have a very American feeling in almost everything. Although, that's the things with "feelings" it might be different from person to person.

If the game happens to be in a different country, or that country will adopt a lot of stuff that seems American, or it will lose some or most of it's charm.
Not that it couldn't be good, but it would change the feeling in a lot of ways, in a way, what would be the point in calling it a Fallout game?
I guess the difference between how Americans and Europeans see Fallout as a setting is familiarity. Most Europeans tend to be familiar with US history due to all the media we consume. We recognize the American fifties immediately, but additionally we have our obsolete visions of the future and science fiction canon, one that is more influenced by the regional culture. We tend to see Fallout as an extrapolation of the American World Of Tomorrow and tend to then compare with our own local versions of that style. The familiarity is much lower the other way around, I think, because many different countries can be familiar with one other country, but that country can't be as familiar with all these other countries, if you get what I mean. So while for example a Fallout set in Germany would be instantly recognizable as Fallout to me, it wouldn't feel so for anyone else, especially not Americans.
That being said, I think a Fallout set in Germany would be extremely interesting. I'll look up some German science fiction from the 50s and 60s later, you'll see that the differences aren't that big.