A first look at Magic the Gathering - Fallout. Available March 8, 2024

Colossus hammer is perfect!, I am definetly putting that in the deck. magnetic theft reminds me of inventory management
Oh wow that is crazy as shit. Especially if you have those weird boardstates where you had just creatures destroyed and all this equipment laying around but its all too expensive to equip in time.
I do have a soft spot for the temples though, I enjoy scrying when playing a land
Those are some of the better lands that enter the battlefield tapped to be honest, especially in EDH where the gameplay is usually a slower pace. They've only been just recently powercrept by the Murder at Karlov Manor lands that are fetchable (they have the land typings like Forest, Island, etc.) and instead of scry 1 they have surveil 1. They're good enough that they see a few copies in most Modern decks even since you can fetch it at the end of your opponent's turn and filter your top card afterwards.
There's a whole archetype in magic called Legion (I think)
If you mean creating a bunch of tokens there's never really been a solid archetype nickname for that. There's the colloquial "going wide" (where the voltron thing with BoS we talked about is sometimes called "going tall") and usually people just call it a token based strategy or just say token aggro I guess? Though to me, aggro is usually low mana costs with fast damage and has little gas left in the tank by late game which is *usually* bad in EDH because you have more opponents to clobber through. Things like Assemble the Legion not being answered will sometimes make up for the lack of late game momentum though, that card has been a great non-competitive EDH card since it first came out in my opinion. Yes, there's a competitive EDH scene and it looks almost like an entirely different format and they almost never want to play against non-competitive decks. So at least they aren't just pubstombers lol.

It is funny though now that you mention how the Legion gets a whole deck despite being in one game and all the other things now seem a bit less emphasized, especially Brotherhood.

Thankfully you can just restrict the cards you play with your pod if your fortunate enough to have friends that play Tragic. I do that with Yugioh all the time cause pendelum summoning and link summoning is fucking stupid.
Yeah that is very true. I just have been playing this game for like 17 years now. And after my first 4 years, I got into EDH and played almost only that for about 10. So I'm a bit sick of EDH especially as I saw how much Wizards was influencing the format with direct-to-EDH cards compared to how the format felt prior. I got really into other 1v1 formats and started competing. I did okay for someone who never tried to learn how to play better and suddenly shifted gears but I burned out on it and just haven't played in like 2 years now.

But that doesn't take away from your sentiment. I just am not thrilled to deal with some of the things they're doing even if it doesn't actually affect how the game plays much. I got into the game when it was shifting its identity in a huge way for the first time and its had minor changes since then and now with the crossovers, it feels like the game's identity has been abandoned all together. I remember when "New Phyrexia is the most sci-fi we ever plan on getting" and look at it now. I don't absolutely hate it, but I dislike that I am not thrilled either. It's a very solid card game and is pretty much every other TCG's grandpappy for a reason.
If you mean creating a bunch of tokens there's never really been a solid archetype nickname for that.
My bad I'm still used to Yugioh archetypes where the effect and name of the cards sync up, A blue eyes deck, a Dark Magician deck... I called legion an archetype because there's a lot of red and white (sometimes black) cards based around human soldier spam specifically with "Legion" in their name

Yes, there's a competitive EDH scene
cEDH is a whole other ball game man, I don't even try to read into it
It is funny though now that you mention how the Legion gets a whole deck despite being in one game and all the other things now seem a bit less emphasized, especially Brotherhood
I mean, technically the "Science!" Precon is based on the brotherhood, with Madison Li/Liberty prime being the two commander choices. A couple of brotherhood cards appear in the other decks, but a majority of them are concentrated in the Science Deck and I think thats just because of how widespread the brotherhood is in the games

the decks aren't trying to capture a faction, but rather one of the 4 Bethesda era games.. somewhat

Caesar and Madison Li decks give you fallout 3 and new vegas covered, then the Dogmeat precon (with Preston Garvey as the alternate commander) makes sense for fallout 4. Mothman is the face of the mutant deck (With the Master as the alternate commander, funnily enough) because of Fallout 76

The precons have characters and things appear from other games in them, but I don't think they're really based around the factions in the series
I just am not thrilled to deal with some of the things they're doing even if it doesn't actually affect how the game plays much. I got into the game when it was shifting its identity in a huge way for the first time and its had minor changes since then and now with the crossovers, it feels like the game's identity has been abandoned all together. I remember when "New Phyrexia is the most sci-fi we ever plan on getting" and look at it now. I don't absolutely hate it, but I dislike that I am not thrilled either. It's a very solid card game and is pretty much every other TCG's grandpappy for a reason.
Yeah I can understand that too, "if you don't like it, don't play it" mentality only goes so far.
So I'm a bit sick of EDH especially as I saw how much Wizards was influencing the format with direct-to-EDH cards compared to how the format felt prior
Now they own it lol

Lanius as only a 2/2? Nor very accurate.
This is actually something that gets meme'd on by players and designers have explained the discrepancies in that.
Within the same set, a soldier token based on Greek soldiers is a 1/1 and a boar token is a 2/2. So to effectively kill a boar and have at least one surviving soldier, the boar would need to be intercepted by three soldiers lmao.

The joke about the power/toughness of creatures in the game is really popular with the meme of "Who would win? A cosmic entity who devours entire planes of existence or 15 flying squirrels?"

Now they own it lol
Yeah, I mean they've always had the legal right to "own" it but the community leaders of the format have fully given up after that recent ban controversy and handed it over officially to them. But EDH was a format where big crazy spells that were completely unviable or unplayable in any other format got to shine. In competitive formats, there's sometimes a handful of big mana spells like that but there's only going to be a small maximum that can reasonably exist in the metagame as they will be the best answers that you can use for your gameplan. The others just become casual fodder and EDH felt like a solution to that issue. Sol Ring only had a home as a one-of in Vintage decks before EDH was popular, and Vintage is a very expensive and crazy format since what normally gets banned is instead restricted to one copy. Otherwise, those old Sol Rings you might have are practically worthless unless you can afford a Vintage deck (which at that point you could definitely buy multiple decks in other formats for the same price). But now a lot of the big crazy spells feel silly to play in EDH because the format has had cards tailored to it that are lower on the mana curve. cEDH decks usually have an average mana cost of like 1.5-2.5 and top out with a very few cards that are 4-5 mana. Some decks are going crazier with mana and whatnot and have more than that but usually you're either accelerating hard, making infinite mana, or "cheating" those things out with graveyard recursion or ways to freely cast stuff.
Out of boredom i decided to check what is going on with Magic after i heard there's Final Fantasy cards for some unholy reason. What i found is complete madness, like fucking Fortnite cards. And this shit apparently has been going on for like three years.

What's next, characters from Dragon Ball? The Simpsons? Charmed TV series? This is complete nonsense.