A little bit of new gameplay footage - "Big Leagues" Perk

Look at the NPCs' reaction when the player kills the guard. Great effort with the animations, Bethesda /s.
According to the Perk description the rank 5 of Big Leaguers is still just a damage increase, It doubles the damage of Melee weapons and it just activates an animation that doesn't even seem to be like the special Vats moves from New Vegas....

Also when he kills the guard a loot window appears briefly, it only gives 2 options "Take" and "Transfer", transfer to what? Companions? Settlements?
Interestingly enough AL East is on the Green Monster which is a league that didn't exist till the late 1960's. Might be another parallel like the Fallout universe electing Reagan or something.
According to the Perk description the rank 5 of Big Leaguers is still just a damage increase, It doubles the damage of Melee weapons and it just activates an animation that doesn't even seem to be like the special Vats moves from New Vegas....

Also when he kills the guard a loot window appears briefly, it only gives 2 options "Take" and "Transfer", transfer to what? Companions? Settlements?

Didn't they make looting corpses and other things unintuitive if I remember correctly?
The Loot window doesn't seem to show the Armor as lootable and seems to appear when you hover over a Corpse instead of openning the menu, so I am guessing "Take all" will be the default option for both.
Were there crops in the last shot? Did BGS finally learn that people need to grow food in order to survive?
Looking at it closely there is a Green highlight on the Bottle Caps so maybe you do get to choose item by item. Maybe you control it with the D-Pad on a console, but how will it work on a PC? Sounds janky as fuck either having to look up or down while looting and potentially getting out of the range for the window to appear or getting locked in there and constantly getting stuck on the loot window while trying to fight because you happened to lock eyes with a corpse...

Edit: Another option would be to force you to use the ARROW keys to select what to loot, which is also pretty crappy.
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I wonder if it makes the baseball sound and crowd noise everytime. I guess that noise is in your character's head, because with this perk you have become a psychopath--as you now see people's heads as baseballs. But I guess it sorta goes stylistically with the death "cha ching."
The Loot window doesn't seem to show the Armor as lootable and seems to appear when you hover over a Corpse instead of openning the menu, so I am guessing "Take all" will be the default option for both.
There's an ellipsis at the bottom of the loot menu. I'm assuming this is where the rest of his items are, so if you just wanted his armor, you'd go down to the ellipsis, or something.
Were there crops in the last shot? Did BGS finally learn that people need to grow food in order to survive?

We have seen even in the E3 video that you need to grow crops to attract and take care of your settlement residents, so I would think it not much of a leap to have others growing crops as well.
I did notice that with the settlements. Something tells me that BGS might be completely oblivious of it outside a gameplay mechanic.
You don't even understand why I am calling it badly designed, don't you?

If what you say is true then that means that not only is the new Loot window some clunky hover menu but that it will also forces you to open further submenus when they could've instead used that slot with the "---" to list another item. And seeing how the Loot Window doesn't even have a scroll bar I am doubting is that. Regardless it looks like a badly designed interface again, and not just because it's of the same Snot Green as everything else.

So The other option is that, Like I said before, you can't loot armor off enemies which would probably be to force you to either buy it or craft it. The armor is also on a "Body part" system, so if they where to show the body armor in the hover menu it would take up to 6 separate slots....
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