After "The Vault" and the "Fallout Wikia" merged together to make the .fandom Fallout Wiki, many Fallout fans were increasingly disappointed with this wiki.
Inaccuracies and headcanon are being posted as facts, while real information keeps being edited back to the false and inaccurate garbage causing a general dissatisfaction with the only Fallout wiki in existence. So fans decided to make yet another Fallout Wiki (with Blackjack and Hookers):
Independent Fallout Wiki
Here's to hoping that this one will strive to be accurate and factual.
Inaccuracies and headcanon are being posted as facts, while real information keeps being edited back to the false and inaccurate garbage causing a general dissatisfaction with the only Fallout wiki in existence. So fans decided to make yet another Fallout Wiki (with Blackjack and Hookers):
Independent Fallout Wiki
Here's to hoping that this one will strive to be accurate and factual.

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