A new ranger needs advice


Still Mildly Glowing
So, I've bought W2 and right now I'm doing Ag Center mission. Since I've just started I'd like some advices and maybe a judgment on my characters.

Edgar Silk mouth

Co. 3
Lu 3
Aw 3
St 4
Sp 3
In 5
Ch 7


Leadership 2
Kiss Ass 2
Barter 2
Smart Ass 2
Bladed weapons 1
Quirk: Delayed gratification
He's the frontman/leader of the group. Originally I wanted him to be a doctor, but I found that I couldn't make him do both. Right now he is using a pistol, but in the future I want to specialize him into becoming a sniper


Co 8
Lu 2
Aw 3
Str 4
Sp 4
In 6
Ch 1


Handguns 3
Ass rifle 3
Dem 2
Heavy weapons 1
Quirk: Repressed Rage
As you can guess he's the ranged/gun expert

Jacky Nun O'Connell (nickname is ironic)

C 5
L 3
A 4
St 3
Sp 5
In 7
Ch 2

Field medic 3
Surgeon 3
Bladed weapons 3
Lockpicking 2
Handguns 1
She is the doctor of the group. Originally she was meant to be more of support, but she has became a good fighter.

Smiling Jeffrey

C 6
L 2
A 3
St 7
Sp 5
In 4
Ch 1
Quirk: Psychopath

I think I've made a bit of a mess with the leader/doctor and maybe I've should have focused my characters more on a restricted group of abilities. Let me know what you think.
You could always restart with a new character once you've figured out the systems! Makes the game more entertaining.

Going to ag center first is the right choice!

e: oops! meant highpool
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You could always restart with a new character once you've figured out the systems! Makes the game more entertaining.

Going to ag center first is the right choice!

I've read that Highpool is better. Anyway pod people are a real pain in the arse.

By the way I've decided to stick with these characters. I'm in Titan Canyon I'm doing fine. Though I must admit that progressing through the game I've learnt that I could have built them better. For example Brute strength seems to pair well with Melee, same goes for Energy and computer hacking. Furthermore I was wondering If lockpicking can be replaced altogether by Brute force.