DT/DR values from wearing armors are saved in bonus stats in the gamesave files, so if you change armor stats or use mods like F2WR, trying to unwield/change worn armors in existing saves will result in leftover or negative values.
For example, Sulik was wearing a leather armor with vanilla stats in an old save; he should have Laser DT 0 and DR 20% in his bonus stats (can be checked with F12se). If you installed F2WR, it changes Laser DT/DR of leather armor to 2/0%. When you load the save and tell him removing his armor, his naked Laser DT/DR bonus values will become -2/20%, making wearing other armors has less Laser DT and more Laser DR. The same goes to the player. Of course you can prevent this issue by firstly removing all armors you and party members are wearing in the save before installing mods, but that's kinda redundant IMO.
I've been working on my own weapon/armor mod that's similar to F2WR + canon tuning. Since I need to test different armor values, I made a script that can reset armor bonuses for player and party members to save me some trouble.
The script will make sure there won't be leftover or negative values in bonus stats when you take off or replace armors for party members. For the player, you can "click" (pick up & put down without dragging) your current worn armor in the inventory to update your armor stats. Due to scripting limits, your DT/DR values won't be reset if you move your worn armor directly back to the inventory list, but the values will be corrected when wearing a new armor.
It's probably not the most elegant one and definitely not versatile enough, as you can see it only works on limited party members and requires additional definitions for Myron (who has AC bonus equaling to Dodger perk) and Lenny (who has natural armor once he levels up). It could be rewritten into loading armor bonus stats from party member protos with an INI containing a list of their base/stages PIDs, so it would be more versatile for other TCs with new party members. But I'm not good at scripting/programming stuff.
For example, Sulik was wearing a leather armor with vanilla stats in an old save; he should have Laser DT 0 and DR 20% in his bonus stats (can be checked with F12se). If you installed F2WR, it changes Laser DT/DR of leather armor to 2/0%. When you load the save and tell him removing his armor, his naked Laser DT/DR bonus values will become -2/20%, making wearing other armors has less Laser DT and more Laser DR. The same goes to the player. Of course you can prevent this issue by firstly removing all armors you and party members are wearing in the save before installing mods, but that's kinda redundant IMO.
I've been working on my own weapon/armor mod that's similar to F2WR + canon tuning. Since I need to test different armor values, I made a script that can reset armor bonuses for player and party members to save me some trouble.
// gl_armorreset.int
procedure start;
procedure reset_pc_armor_stats(variable armor);
procedure reset_npc_armor_stats(variable critter, variable armor);
procedure set_npc_armor_bonus(variable critter, variable dtdr_arr);
procedure inventorymove_handler;
procedure invenwield_handler;
#include ".\HEADERS\DEFINE.H"
#include ".\HEADERS\define_extra.h"
#include ".\HEADERS\COMMAND.H"
#include ".\HEADERS\sfall.h"
#define party_equip_armor(critter) (critter == Vic_Ptr) or (critter == Myron_Ptr) or (critter == MacRae_Ptr) or \
(critter == Sulik_Ptr) or (critter == Lenny_Ptr) or (critter == Davin_Ptr) or \
(critter == Miria_Ptr) or (critter == Kitsune_Ptr) or (critter == Dex_Ptr) or \
(critter == Cat_Jules_Ptr)
procedure start begin
if game_loaded then begin
register_hook_proc(HOOK_INVENTORYMOVE, inventorymove_handler);
register_hook_proc(HOOK_INVENWIELD, invenwield_handler);
procedure reset_pc_armor_stats(variable armor) begin
variable i, j;
if (armor > 0) then begin
set_pc_extra_stat(STAT_ac, get_proto_data(armor, PROTO_AR_AC) + has_trait(TRAIT_PERK, dude_obj, PERK_dodger) * 5);
// DT loop
for (i := STAT_dmg_thresh; i <= STAT_dmg_thresh_explosion; i++) begin
set_pc_extra_stat(i, get_proto_data(armor, (i * 4))); // PROTO_AR_DT_*
// DR loop
for (i := STAT_dmg_resist; i <= STAT_dmg_resist_explosion; i++) begin
set_pc_extra_stat(i, get_proto_data(armor, (i + 16 + j))); // PROTO_AR_DR_*
j += 3;
set_pc_extra_stat(STAT_dmg_resist, get_proto_data(armor, PROTO_AR_DR_NORMAL) + has_trait(TRAIT_PERK, dude_obj, PERK_toughness) * 10 + dude_is_prizefighter * 5);
end else begin
set_pc_extra_stat(STAT_ac, has_trait(TRAIT_PERK, dude_obj, PERK_dodger) * 5);
for (i := STAT_dmg_thresh; i <= STAT_dmg_resist_explosion; i++) begin
set_pc_extra_stat(i, 0);
set_pc_extra_stat(STAT_dmg_resist, has_trait(TRAIT_PERK, dude_obj, PERK_toughness) * 10 + dude_is_prizefighter * 5);
procedure reset_npc_armor_stats(variable critter, variable armor) begin
variable i, j;
if (armor > 0) then begin
set_critter_extra_stat(critter, STAT_ac, get_proto_data(armor, PROTO_AR_AC));
// DT loop
for (i := STAT_dmg_thresh; i <= STAT_dmg_thresh_explosion; i++) begin
set_critter_extra_stat(critter, i, get_proto_data(armor, (i * 4))); // PROTO_AR_DT_*
// DR loop
for (i := STAT_dmg_resist; i <= STAT_dmg_resist_explosion; i++) begin
set_critter_extra_stat(critter, i, get_proto_data(armor, (i + 16 + j))); // PROTO_AR_DR_*
j += 3;
set_critter_extra_stat(critter, STAT_dmg_resist_emp, get_proto_data(armor, PROTO_AR_DR_EMP) + 500);
end else begin
set_critter_extra_stat(critter, STAT_ac, 0);
for (i := STAT_dmg_thresh; i <= STAT_dmg_resist_explosion; i++) begin
set_critter_extra_stat(critter, i, 0);
set_critter_extra_stat(critter, STAT_dmg_resist_emp, 500);
procedure set_npc_armor_bonus(variable critter, variable dtdr_arr) begin
variable i;
for (i := STAT_dmg_thresh; i <= STAT_dmg_resist_explosion; i++) begin
set_critter_extra_stat(critter, i, get_critter_extra_stat(critter, i) + dtdr_arr[i - STAT_dmg_thresh]);
procedure inventorymove_handler begin
slot := get_sfall_arg,
item_moved := get_sfall_arg;
if (obj_item_subtype(item_moved) == item_type_armor) and slot then begin
if (obj_pid(critter_inven_obj(dude_obj, INVEN_TYPE_WORN)) > 0) then begin
call reset_pc_armor_stats(obj_pid(critter_inven_obj(dude_obj, INVEN_TYPE_WORN)));
end else begin
call reset_pc_armor_stats(-1);
procedure invenwield_handler begin
critter := get_sfall_arg,
item := get_sfall_arg,
slot := get_sfall_arg,
wielding := get_sfall_arg,
level, dtdr_arr;
if party_equip_armor(critter) and (slot == INVEN_TYPE_WORN) then begin
if wielding then begin
call reset_npc_armor_stats(critter, obj_pid(critter_inven_obj(critter, INVEN_TYPE_WORN)));
end else begin
call reset_npc_armor_stats(critter, obj_pid(item));
if (critter == Myron_Ptr) then begin
set_critter_extra_stat(critter, STAT_ac, get_critter_extra_stat(critter, STAT_ac) + 5);
if (critter == Lenny_Ptr) then begin
level := get_npc_level(mstr_scrname(239));
// Do not set EMP DR bonus
switch level begin
case 1: dtdr_arr := [1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 10, 15, 15, 10, 10, 0, 15];
case 2: dtdr_arr := [1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 10, 20, 20, 10, 10, 0, 15];
case 3: dtdr_arr := [2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 2, 15, 25, 25, 15, 10, 0, 15];
default: dtdr_arr := [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
call set_npc_armor_bonus(critter, dtdr_arr);
It's probably not the most elegant one and definitely not versatile enough, as you can see it only works on limited party members and requires additional definitions for Myron (who has AC bonus equaling to Dodger perk) and Lenny (who has natural armor once he levels up). It could be rewritten into loading armor bonus stats from party member protos with an INI containing a list of their base/stages PIDs, so it would be more versatile for other TCs with new party members. But I'm not good at scripting/programming stuff.

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