About the Fast Shot trait effects


Casual Modder
OK, this post will be a bit long.
Here are some tables showing the effects of Fast Shot trait in current FO1/2 (I hope the forums can support proper tables):

|Weapon/Attack types  |-1 AP cost|No aimed shots|
|Ranged weapons       |   YES    |     YES      |
|Melee/Unarmed weapons|   YES    |     YES      |
|Unarmed attacks      |    NO    |     YES      |

FO2 vanilla:

|Weapon/Attack types  |-1 AP cost|No aimed shots|
|Ranged weapons       |   YES    |     YES      |
|Melee/Unarmed weapons|    NO    |     YES      |
|Unarmed attacks      |    NO    |     YES      |

FastShotFix=1 (Haenlomal's fix, sfall default since 2.13 from 10 years ago):

|Weapon/Attack types  |-1 AP cost|No aimed shots|
|Ranged weapons       |   YES    |     YES      |
|Melee/Unarmed weapons|    NO    |      NO      |
|Unarmed attacks      |    NO    |      NO      |


|Weapon/Attack types  |-1 AP cost|No aimed shots|
|Ranged weapons       |   YES    |     YES      |
|Melee/Unarmed weapons|   YES    |     YES      |
|Unarmed attacks      |   YES    |     YES      |

Notes for the tables:
1. Ranged weapon: a weapon that has range > 2.
2. Melee/Unarmed weapon: a weapon that has range <= 2.
3. Unarmed attacks: no weapon in the active item slot, i.e. bare hands.

FO1 in-game description:
  • You don't have time to aim for a targeted attack, because you attack faster than normal people. It costs you one less action point to use a weapon.
FO1 manual (page 3-15):
  • You cannot perform targeted shots, but all weapons have AP -1 to use.
FO2 in-game description:
  • You don't have time to aim for a targeted attack, because you attack faster than normal people. It costs you one less action point for guns and thrown weapons.
FO2 manual:
  • (page 27) You will not even be able to switch to targeted shot mode if you are a Fast Shot.
  • (page 42) If you have selected the Fast Shot trait for your character, you cannot make targeted shots, and you will never see the targeted shot icon.
  • (page 130) Characters that have the Fast Shot trait will never even see the targeted shot icon.

If we go by the manual, the FastShotFix was never needed because the vanilla game behavior already did what the manual said, and the setting 2 was never the real "Fallout 1 behavior" (it's largely due to my carelessness when writing descriptions to add all hidden options in sfall back in ddraw.ini during 3.6-3.7).

I think the main idea of the fix by Haenlomal is about applying the effects equally (I do hope he would show up for some replies):
If you attack faster than normal people (-1 AP cost), you don't have time to aim (no aimed shots); if you cannot attack faster, you should have time to aim like normal people do.
New Vegas also limits the effects to ranged weapons only.

So here are some ideas on changing FastShotFix:

1. Check the attack/weapon subtype (in the engine there are types of Unarmed/Melee/Guns/Throwing) instead of the weapon range to determine if a weapon is really a ranged weapon, in case someone wants to make some bizarre weapons like a fantasy knife with 10 hexes range or a pocket pistol that can only shoot 2 hexes range.
If that's the case, the first column of the tables will be like this:
|         Attack types         |
|Ranged weapons (Guns/Throwing)|
|Melee weapons                 |
|Unarmed (weapons/bare hands)  |

2. Add a new setting for a new behavior closer to FO1, or something in the middle of the current setting 1 and 2, for example:
* range check replaced with subtype check

FastShotFix=1 (modified Haenlomal's fix, still the default):

|         Attack types         |-1 AP cost|No aimed shots|
|Ranged weapons (Guns/Throwing)|   YES    |     YES      |
|Melee weapons                 |    NO    |      NO      |
|Unarmed (weapons/bare hands)  |    NO    |      NO      |

FastShotFix=2 ("alternative" behavior):

|         Attack types         |-1 AP cost|No aimed shots|
|Ranged weapons (Guns/Throwing)|   YES    |     YES      |
|Melee weapons                 |   YES    |     YES      |
|Unarmed (weapons/bare hands)  |   YES    |     YES      |

FastShotFix=3 ("tweaked" FO1 behavior):

|         Attack types         |-1 AP cost|No aimed shots|
|Ranged weapons (Guns/Throwing)|   YES    |     YES      |
|Melee + Unarmed "weapons"     |   YES    |     YES      |
|Unarmed attacks (bare hands)  |    NO    |      NO      |

3. Overhaul the settings with different combinations, for example:
New settings (replacing range check with subtype check):


|         Attack types         |-1 AP cost|No aimed shots|
|Ranged weapons (Guns/Throwing)|   YES    |     YES      |
|Melee weapons                 |   YES    |     YES      |
|Unarmed (weapons/bare hands)  |    NO    |      NO      |

FastShotFix=2: (FO1 behavior)

|         Attack types         |-1 AP cost|No aimed shots|
|Ranged weapons (Guns/Throwing)|   YES    |     YES      |
|Melee weapons                 |   YES    |     YES      |
|Unarmed (weapons/bare hands)  |    NO    |     YES      |

FastShotFix=3: (just like vanilla FO2, but with different check for "ranged" weapons)

|         Attack types         |-1 AP cost|No aimed shots|
|Ranged weapons (Guns/Throwing)|   YES    |     YES      |
|Melee weapons                 |    NO    |     YES      |
|Unarmed (weapons/bare hands)  |    NO    |     YES      |

My preference is the effects should apply equally (has the benefit, has the drawback; no benefit, no drawback). If someone likes to have the effects applied unequally, it's easy to change AP cost for weapons in a hook script. What's you guys' opinions?

EDIT: OK, the incoming changes will be minor, not something dramatic or game-changing:
1. Change the simple range check to a weapon type+range combo check. The "ranged weapon" has to be Guns or Throwing type and with a range >= 2. This works as an additional fix to the FO2 default (=0) and Haenlomal's fix (=1).
2. Add the original FO1 behavior as the new setting 3. The setting 1 and 2 are unchanged.
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@gustarballs1983 probably wants to chime in on this one.

I'm a bit biased, because IMO the "fix" was never necessary to begin with and I like it the way it's done in vanilla Fo1/2. The difference between the two games is likely just because the devs did some balance tweaks.
I feel like core of the problem sits in a way how FastShotFix is configured, and not what effects to apply. Instead of giving limited amount of choices (which is a meh approach, what's proven by this thread itself), allow to define effects exactly.

; Fallout1 vanilla
FastShotFix=RangedApCost RangedNoAim MeleeApCost MeleeNoAim UnarmedNoAim

; Fallout2 vanilla
FastShotFix=RangedApCost RangedNoAim MeleeNoAim UnarmedNoAim

And so on, just follow naming convention until all 6 effects are covered.

That would make option "final" with no need to revisit it again 10 years from now. Modders/players can pick what they think The Absolutely Correct Way is on their own. Plus, some crazy modders could go further and remove all *NoAim from ddraw.ini and use custom effects defined in scripts instead (for example, by reducing chance to hit by N% for aimed shot on Fast Shot characters).
My personal idea is the effects should apply equally (has the benefit, has the drawback; no benefit, no drawback). If someone likes to have the effects applied unequally, it's easy to change AP cost for weapons in a hook script.
I am firmly with you on that. Really don't like unequal application. so I personally really like Haenlomal's fix 1.

I think the original fix1 and fix2 are quite reasonable and do respect the rule. Although changing the condition (range check vs weapon check) might improve the logic.

It is also noteworthy to mention that the Fastshot trait was worded as "FAST" + "SHOT" , and not necessarily a "FAST" "ATTACK" or a "FAST HANDS". And even the image art suggests it to be gun related. Now if we want to change that interpretation to include all weapons I think it's no great sin, its ok. Additional options don't hurt anybody.

given that throwing is not benefited by bonus hth attacks, then to include it in fast shot I think would be a nice option feature giving the ability to reduce throwing costs.

As long as the rule "If no benefits, then no penalties" is respected I am for it.

A nice arrangement would be if 1 fix affected only guns, and another fix affected guns and throwing, a 3rd option affecting guns, throwing, and melee.

And then you have to ask, do you really wanna stack Bonus hth attacks with fast shot for unarmed?

That's my 2cents.

Oh and, the AP costs for unarmed are too high by default and I personally change them to 3 for primary, and 4 for secondary. So then to stack them with Bonus HtH Atk is really nice and fair. but then to add fast shot to it, would be 1AP cost for punch. Not good.
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The problem is In FastShotFix= for Fo1 does *not* behave the same way as on vanilla Fo1.
Namely in vanilla Fo1 (a.k.a without Crafty's sfall1 or any Fo1 sfall build at all) one could never achive 1ap for unarmed/melle attack. I mean sure You could get Fast Shot triat, and get -1AP and no aim with it, so that fist attack costed 2AP however if You'd pick Bonus HtH Attacks afterwards, attacks that costed 3AP get reduced to 2AP, but 2AP fist attack (assuming we have Fast shot already) would *stay* at 2AP and not get reduced to 1AP as sfall does it. 12 fist attacks in a turn is simply OP.

The game was never ment to be played by killing mobs with flares, it's just a buggy gimmick ppl found during playtesting, and not a proper way to pass the game, so I don't find Quai-gon's and/or Vali's points valid, that it would ruin flare build. Flare build is broken game mechanic not a proper way to complete a game. Same as stupid chars. Originally it was designed so that players would notice they screwed up something during character creation with going with IN <4, (as in a mockery of traditional AD&D RPG builds) not to fully complete a game with such a build. Even Max Stone has IN4 so that he'd get normal responses, that was done for a reason too.

In the end I don't fucking care about Fast Shot benefitting HtH or not in general, i Just want it to work like in vanilla Fo1 so that 3ap HtH attacks don't sudennly end in 12 attacks per turn, because that's OP. Healonal's approch is cool, however if i see a benefit i go for it and 12 fist attacks per turn is clearly more beneficiall to 4 aimed fist attacks, simply because You'd do more damage, possibly to more targets.


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I always play with fast shot.

In fallout2 i use only unarmed kicks in temple of trials, then i buy in Klamath pistol and never use anymore melee or unarmed.

But for people that use this more often, this maybe its interesting.

@NovaRain its possible to take out energy and Big weapons from this, so this dont have effect to them?
its possible to take out energy and Big weapons from this, so this dont have effect to them?
No. Why would it? Makes no sense.

i Just want it to work like in vanilla Fo1 so that 3ap HtH attacks don't sudennly end in 12 attacks per turn, because that's OP.
Well, the only thing it does in Fo1 is that NovaRain posted in the first post. So if we're rewriting how the Sfall "fix" works, then that's all there is to it.
The Fast Shot description says "It costs you one less action point to use a weapon" which big guns and energy weapons clearly are a part of.
The Fast Shot description says "It costs you one less action point to use a weapon" which big guns and energy weapons clearly are a part of.

It will be better change this so only have effect to pistols, like a cowboy.
Generally capping all attack costs after reduction to 2ap / strike is advisable, *at least* for the game *not to be super OP* . True balance would probably never be achived, but 12 attacks per turn when other npc's have like 1 or 2 is simply *wrong* .

So the simplest fix to FastShotFix=2 would be to cap minimal attack cost per strike to 2 action points, so *nothing* would cost 1AP to strike anymore, as this is OP. Simply put so many (12 a.k.a twelve) actions per turn (except walking) should not be allowed when others are capable of 1-3 actions per turn. It actually is more in line with cheating / godmode behaviour when one does something 4-12 times more often than others. This is simply not acceptable in any turnbased game.
The Fast Shot description says "It costs you one less action point to use a weapon" which big guns and energy weapons clearly are a part of.
Strange logical exception... though it might be over thinking it: Miniguns spin up, and fire at a constant rate. So even if the PC switches targets, and pulls the trigger immediately... wouldn't the gun only fire when it was mechanically ready? Wouldn't it fire exactly the same way for any user?

(Its electric trigger is not directly connected to the firing pin, and it cannot fire until the barrel is in position.)
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So the simplest fix to FastShotFix=2 would be to cap minimal attack cost per strike to 2 action points, so *nothing* would cost 1AP to strike anymore, as this is OP. Simply put so many

I really don't see this as an issue that should be handled by the Fast Shot trait.
Strange logical exception... though it might be over thinking it: Miniguns spin up, and fire at a constant rate. So even if the PC switches targets, and pulls the trigger immediately... wouldn't the gun only fire when it was mechanically ready? Wouldn't it fire exactly the same way for any user?

(It's electric trigger is not directly connected to the firing pin, and it cannot fire until the barrel is in position.)

Yes youre right, its the same with flamer etc.

It make sense for pistols not for big weapons or laserguns.

Maybe add new perks like Tesla-Freak for energy weapons
1AP attacks are *not* an issue to You?

You seemed like a person that wants to keep the gameplay on the 'balanced' way of things. How can you call 1AP attacks balanced at all, when you have up to 12 action points at your disposal?

as for the big gun and energy weapons fast shot.
Onlly miniguns don't catch up to fast shot theme. for example M-60 and Light supprt weapon don't have rotating barrels so it's only a matter of fast trigger response. Laser weapons are the same thing the faster you pull the trigger the faster it shoots. since your reflexes don't allow you to aim precisely you are an 'agressive trigger puller', which in turn makes you shoot faster, by reacting faster, it's not exactly a case of gun firing delay. it's reflexes not gun mechanics, hence it is a triat. the only exception beeing Miniguns with long delay for the spinup, but i guess it can be ommited here as I've said true balance may never come.

However 12 attacks per turn is *hilariously* op for a game with 1-2 attacks per turn on avarage.
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The 1AP issue should be tackled under a different banner than "Fast Shot fix" is all I am saying.

Just it should be fixed. However if this should be fixed in a diferent 'banner' than the whole fast shot fix agenda is unnessecary it seems. the only issue i had actually was the 1ap attacks. I just couldn't articulate it clearly enaugh before it seemes.
Yes, you stirred all of this up and now you gotta live with it. :>

Just it should be fixed. However if this should be fixed in a diferent 'banner' than the whole fast shot fix agenda is unnessecary it seems. the only issue i had actually was the 1ap attacks. I just couldn't articulate it clearly enaugh before it seemes.

Best way to give weapons like minigun more ap to use from 6 maybe 8 or 9.