Advice for modding new companions into fallout total conversion mods


First time out of the vault
Just as the name says, how can it be done? i tried. I got the modded game running no problem, i just wanted to add a companion because i don't like being alone in the wasteland.

but there seems to be no mapper or .dat unpacker \ re-packer that will work if the master.dat file is edited.
just a black screen for 1/10th of a second, then back to desktop with mapper2.exe.
using bis mapper, proto files editor for fallout 1 and 2, mapper2,

the program all work fine on win 10, its just when i add the map files from fallout 2 last hope folder / data / maps to the master.dat things screw up. ( yes the game runs fine if all files in maps folder is deleted when copies those files are put in master.dat. but that makes it a edited \ modded master.dat)

I am happy to use whatever it takes to make it work.

Can someone please help me?
okay so i found somewhat of a work around. now i just need help to make a companion to join instantly when i talk to them, and have a inventory screen \ standard companion control page that comes with every companion. Someone please help.
Or at least a weapon / item editor that works for modded files. It would be more fun to make my own. nothing online is working. can someone help?
You might PM this topic to a few of the more prolific modders here; they have the modder tag on their profile. Not everyone checks in every day, and those who know your answers probably haven't seen your questions yet.
You might PM this topic to a few of the more prolific modders here; they have the modder tag on their profile. Not everyone checks in every day, and those who know your answers probably haven't seen your questions yet.
like who? please list some and how to do that.
I have read this thread, but unfortunately, I'm mainly a modder for Fallout New Vegas (and some non-fallout related games). I did some Fallout 2 modding work in the past, but only graphical stuff, so I have no idea how to make companions.
that cool and all, i make so many mods for any fallout with g.e.c.k. with the greatest of ease. but fallout 1 and 2 are hard. I just want to make a companion. i got some blank charaters game but no coding so they just stand there, the item mods i make for all are working beaufifully though. too bad there is not a item that makes people your companion.
like who? please list some and how to do that.

Most of the problems you're going to run into with a unique companion are scripting issues.
I stream scripting on Saturdays, I'll happily answer your modding questions (as best I can) if you drop by :)