Any musicians here?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
If you own any instruments. What do you own? Guitar, Bass, drums, trumpet, or tuba? All's welcome here. Feel free to show a picture of your instrument and gear.
Is there not a thread like this already?
Anyway, yeah, I play electric guitar, recently started to play bass, and started and gave up on cello.
Mainly guitar, though, and mostly Metal. I currently own five guitars and two basses:
Strandberg Boden Classic 7, Ibanez RG 550, Gibson Les Paul Studio Faded, Squier Classic Vibe 50s Telecaster, Yamaha RGX121SJ, Ibanez SR506, and Squier Classic Vibe Precision Bass. In my Black Metal band I play mostly the Gibson through a Peavey 6505 Mini head and a Palmer 2x12" cabinet with Eminence Governor speakers. For bass playing at home I have an Ampeg SCR DI.
Here's the demo of my band:

And here we are playing live (actually our first gig):

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i have an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar (cort zenox, i'm not sure what model is it) and a midi controller. i don't need much else since i mainly work with electronic music. right now i'm trying to save up for new headphones and maybe a better audio interface

@Hassknecht love the sound, just like the good old black metal
Is there not a thread like this already?
Anyway, yeah, I play electric guitar, recently started to play bass, and started and gave up on cello.
Mainly guitar, though, and mostly Metal. I currently own five guitars and two basses:
Strandberg Boden Classic 7, Ibanez RG 550, Gibson Les Paul Studio Faded, Squier Classic Vibe 50s Telecaster, Yamaha RGX121SJ, Ibanez SR506, and Squier Classic Vibe Precision Bass. In my Black Metal band I play mostly the Gibson through a Peavey 6505 Mini head and a Palmer 2x12" cabinet with Eminence Governor speakers. For bass playing at home I have an Ampeg SCR DI.
Here's the demo of my band:

And here we are playing live (actually our first gig):

Schwarzer Tod. Blackest War right? Sounds pretty good. I like it. Reminds me of the old black metal. I own only one bass. It's an Epiphone Thunderbird. With a third rate peavey 50 watt bass combo amp from 1992. With the dials kinda broken. Can't get my high dial on 10 without the amp sound fading out. It's one my dad gave to me. But I'm getting a Fender 200 watt on tuesday so I'm a little satisfied. I mostly play hard rock and metal on my bass. And a little funk here and there since I like the slap techniques.
Schwarzer Tod. Blackest War right? Sounds pretty good. I like it. Reminds me of the old black metal. I own only one bass. It's an Epiphone Thunderbird. With a third rate peavey 50 watt bass combo amp from 1992. With the dials kinda broken. Can't get my high dial on 10 without the amp sound fading out. It's one my dad gave to me. But I'm getting a Fender 200 watt on tuesday so I'm a little satisfied. I mostly play hard rock and metal on my bass. And a little funk here and there since I like the slap techniques.
Nah, it means black death. All these songs are about the Black Death plague around 1349. Hence the masks and costumes on stage, too :D
But yeah, we're pretty much going for old school Black Metal, and not all of our songs are about the Black Death.
Nah, it means black death. All these songs are about the Black Death plague around 1349. Hence the masks and costumes on stage, too :D
But yeah, we're pretty much going for old school Black Metal, and not all of our songs are about the Black Death.
Damn. I confused Tod and Krieg. Though they both go hand in hand. I remembered because one of my friends name is Tod and I told him in Germany he'd be an omen with a name like that. But that sounds like some good stuff man. Reminds me of the band 1349 a little bit.
Damn. I confused Tod and Krieg. Though they both go hand in hand. I remembered because one of my friends name is Tod and I told him in Germany he'd be an omen with a name like that. But that sounds like some good stuff man. Reminds me of the band 1349 a little bit.
Thanks man. Now with the demo ready we're looking to play much more live, and also we're thinking about immediately recording an album. Got quite a few new songs in the pipeline (a bit more elaborate than especially Pestplage and Pestarzt, which were rather early songs by the guys before I joined in last year). Some go more in the direction of Gorgoroth, one is very much inspired by Craft and pretty thrashy, and one is more Shining-like. Few different directions, but our drummer can't actually properly do blast beats, so we're not going full Marduk or 1349 for the most part :D
Thanks man. Now with the demo ready we're looking to play much more live, and also we're thinking about immediately recording an album. Got quite a few new songs in the pipeline (a bit more elaborate than especially Pestplage and Pestarzt, which were rather early songs by the guys before I joined in last year). Some go more in the direction of Gorgoroth, one is very much inspired by Craft and pretty thrashy, and one is more Shining-like. Few different directions, but our drummer can't actually properly do blast beats, so we're not going full Marduk or 1349 for the most part :D
Nice. I've played drums before. I can blast beat at a good pace. Just don't ask me to blast beat at Pete Sandoval's pace. Never could match that guy at all. I love Gorgoroth. I've had some ideas for a parody death metal band. Whose lyrics shall all just be cooking instructions done brutally.
Nice. I've played drums before. I can blast beat at a good pace. Just don't ask me to blast beat at Pete Sandoval's pace. Never could match that guy at all. I love Gorgoroth. I've had some ideas for a parody death metal band. Whose lyrics shall all just be cooking instructions done brutally.
I joined that band in January last year, they've been looking for a singer and guitar player for half a year by that point. After I joined, the other guitarist decided he wanted to sing (he's that 2 m tall goliath in the live video; that's me next to him, and I'm 1.90 m tall), so we needed another guitar player, and we found one in summer last year. He's really good, played Black Metal before and then played mostly Jazz for years. Which is fun, because we both enjoy improvising our riffs if they get too boring, which kinda often happens for our older songs because the other guys aren't that musically inclined. Let's put it this way, our bass player is the worst bass player in our band.
Used to play bass, may pick it up again at some point.

Otherwise, I make music.

Here's my first fire EP from 2010

I joined that band in January last year, they've been looking for a singer and guitar player for half a year by that point. After I joined, the other guitarist decided he wanted to sing (he's that 2 m tall goliath in the live video; that's me next to him, and I'm 1.90 m tall), so we needed another guitar player, and we found one in summer last year. He's really good, played Black Metal before and then played mostly Jazz for years. Which is fun, because we both enjoy improvising our riffs if they get too boring, which kinda often happens for our older songs because the other guys aren't that musically inclined. Let's put it this way, our bass player is the worst bass player in our band.
Ouch. Might wanna get a new bass player or tell your bassist to practice more. If he does practice quite a bit then he should look at other genres of music to improvise and add in some new basslines to make the music more interesting.
Ouch. Might wanna get a new bass player or tell your bassist to practice more. If he does practice quite a bit then he should look at other genres of music to improvise and add in some new basslines to make the music more interesting.
He founded the band and he's a really, really great guy, so we're not kicking him out. But he's an autodidact and never really learned to play properly. The good thing is that we're a Black Metal band so bass is not the most important part of the sound :D Just need to watch how I write the bass lines, I'm from a Tech Death background and tend to overplay at times, especially with the bass lines.
But our drummer wants some bass lessons, maybe I can also give some to our bass player as well. I mean, I've been playing since Christmas, so I'm obviously I'm a pro.
I wouldn't call myself a proper "musician" but I do play some instruments, mainly guitar, bass, piano and vocals (if you count them as an instrument). I've had a few bands in my teenage years where we mostly played old school rock 'n' roll. Nowadays I'm more into heavier stuff so if I do decide to put another band together it will likely be metal.
He founded the band and he's a really, really great guy, so we're not kicking him out. But he's an autodidact and never really learned to play properly. The good thing is that we're a Black Metal band so bass is not the most important part of the sound :D Just need to watch how I write the bass lines, I'm from a Tech Death background and tend to overplay at times, especially with the bass lines.
But our drummer wants some bass lessons, maybe I can also give some to our bass player as well. I mean, I've been playing since Christmas, so I'm obviously I'm a pro.
Oh okay. I'm a bit of an autodidact as well. But I got good and learned to teach myself through having a good ear and reading books on music theory and bass in general. I don't mind the tech death. Maybe you could integrate some good tech death shit into the black and make something to unique.
Oh okay. I'm a bit of an autodidact as well. But I got good and learned to teach myself through having a good ear and reading books on music theory and bass in general. I don't mind the tech death. Maybe you could integrate some good tech death shit into the black and make something to unique.
Yeah, me too. I took some lessons from a friend for a year or two, but after that I mostly improved myself.
I'm already incorporating some more tech-y stuff in the songs I write for the band, together with the other guitar player who also writes a bit more, uh, involved than what the band did before. We both like to improvise over the more "bland" parts of the old songs.

Here you can hear that, I practically never play the original lines of the song, mostly just playing around it.
Also some two-finger-tapping at some point for good measure.
I don't have any instruments besided a guitar that i hardly play.
But i took piano lessons from a girlfriend for about a year. Later i continued to study piano for about 4 years before giving up for personal reasons.
It was very nice and it changed my relationship with music forever, but it was also very hard