Anyone know were i can get Wasteland

Von Drunky

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I hope this is not considered WARS talk or w/e but since Wasteland 2 is in production i really want to give Wasteland a try. I've seen a broken link somewhere on this site at one point and when I searched for "wasteland" there is just too much threads to look through. Anyone know were i can buy/download a copy?
Abandonware sorta falls outside of the warez rule. No one's gonna complain that pretty much every game released for the C64 can be downloaded for emulation.
Per said:
Abandonware sorta falls outside of the warez rule. No one's gonna complain that pretty much every game released for the C64 can be downloaded for emulation.

Wait, so we're cool with abandonware now?
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Wait, so we're cool with abandonware now?

Sorta? I can't remember that we weren't. Not to the point where we enter the argument about its legality and morality, but to the point where we don't vat abandonwarez threads outright. I could be wrong. Of course, in that case we'd have to ban everyone who posted in this thread.
If you want to buy Wasteland, you should look on ebay or amazon. They sometimes have a copy that can be gotten for a reasonable amount of money.

Since Brian Fargo stills holds the license to Wasteland (or got it back from somewhere? a few years back) you really should buy a copy,
I think.
Fargo may have the copyright to Wasteland now, but the game itself belongs to EA. Fargo isn't making or losing any money by anyone buying the game or downloading it (and neither is EA or Interplay, for that matter), and since he's supposedly making a sequel I would think he'd rather having people playing and discussing the game rather than avoiding it because they don't want to pay $50 or more to play it "legally".
I’m not a collector so paying that much for a game that is older then I am sounds silly. I got, I’m happy. Btw if I was to buy it on ebay it would be an old school floppy and I wouldn’t be able to play it.
No, technically, if you own the disks, there is no harm, then, in getting the actual files transferred onto your computer from less legit means (same legal reasoning as owning a record of your favorite band, but wanting it in MP3 format... you could do it the hard way, or the easier way, but you still own a legit 'physical copy' to back up proof that, "yes, I am legally allowed to listen to it at my leisure").
Let’s no turn this into the morals of piracy thread, the only reason I mentioned anything about warez was because I get in enough arguments with the admins around here. Thread done.