Anyone writes fiction? I got a little philosophical conundrum


Keeper of the trout
When do you do your job as a writer and author, and actually write and decribe an event in your fiction, versus merely alluding to it having happened, if the situation is such that the reader could easily guess the course of events by themselves.

Do you drop it, in this case, letting the reader have the details resolved by themselves - or do you still go out of your way to describe the events, because after all, that's what writing is - detailing things in a creative and evocative manner

Usually this choice comes kind of natural to me, but other times it really stops me in my process and leaves me wondering for a long time: Should I even bother to write this part of the chapter?

Any thoughts?
I don’t write fiction but I think a logical answer would be it depends on the story you’re writing and your personal voice as a writer.

That said, unless the thing at hand actually contributes something to the characters, setting, plot, themes then chances are it can be cut. At the same time, you should try your best to put yourself in the readers shoes and see if it’s really THAT easy to imply. Some stuff that seems obvious as an author aren’t nearly as obvious from a reader perspective.

Obviously events can also fall in the category of “it doesn’t matter” and you can use chapter transitions or the like in order to effectively skip forward in time between the actually important shit.
Depends on what you want the reader to get out of the narrative really.

For example, let's say there is an assasitation happening in the story. Do you want the reader to see the event itself because either the POV characters did or because you want to communicate something from the direct events? Then show them. Or is it an event that you intend for the reader and maybe the characters to be confused and shocked by Then you can just state something happened and imply the details later to make them feel the same thing the characters are feeling.
So I am a new writer and I have a question. So should I read more books to get an idea of how to write since I only remember like 10 fiction books or should I just put stuff out there and practice?
So I am a new writer and I have a question. So should I read more books to get an idea of how to write since I only remember like 10 fiction books or should I just put stuff out there and practice?

If you're not a strong fiction reader, you might wanna look into audio books, they never even occured to me, some fringe thing for fringe people, but a friend recommended it to me, told me he would sometimes just sit and game while listening to audio books.
I can't deal with audiobooks. If there is something I am very anal about is reading at my own speed, if I listen to someone reciting a text too slowly or too fast I get annoyed pretty fast.
If you're not a strong fiction reader, you might wanna look into audio books, they never even occured to me, some fringe thing for fringe people, but a friend recommended it to me, told me he would sometimes just sit and game while listening to audio books.

I am writing science fiction that explores the unknown, space, as well as just the feeling of existence. Any kinda authors besides Lovecraft and arthur c clarke for it?
If you want to write about space you shoulnd't be reading Lovecraft in the first place, also you should read some non fiction speculative science too.
also you should read some non fiction speculative science too.
An early scene in the film: Throw Mama From The Train... Billy Crystal's character is teaching a writing class, and his student is reading her military Submarine thriller—and describing the the action as, "Dive, dive! Yelled the captain through the thing..."
(Always write what you know. ;))