Aurelius' Legion Overhaul


You Have Alerted the Horse
It's still a WIP and thus not on the Nexus yet, but I figured I ought to come to this community for suggestions and feedback on ideas for an overhaul mod I'm making.

Currently, I've made combat and Hardcore survival more brutal, made VATS a more fleeting resource (you'll use it once a fight, maybe), adjusted some values to be more like classic Fallout (armor, for one). What I still need is to set up some quests, and a few more Karmic/Reputation changes, scarcity, etc.

So that brings me to the meat of the post.

1) Does anyone know how to create weapon/supply scarcity in the GECK without adjusting every last inventory in the game?

and 2) Does anyone have ideas for quests that you'd like to see implemented? Keep in mind that a) I've been given a go-ahead by @Cobra Commander to use some of his resources and b) I'm hopefully gonna be working with @RangerBoo on the quest portion, so if you can dream it, we can build it... or try to. If it doesn't come out well, we can always save it for an update.
It's by and large a general mod, but the Legion content is going to be at the forefront. For example, Cobra's Legion redesign mod Arizona Slave Army is going to be included, and I'm in the process of writing some Legion quests. However, that doesn't mean that I'm not going to do quests for other factions; as I said, by all means feel free to give me any ideas that you wish, both inside and outside Legion territory. I'm willing to find as many voice actors within this community and without as necessary.
Then I would like to see non-military Legion settlement(s). Though where to put in on the map is something to think about as well. For reference:
Definitely somewhere south of the Fort, maybe even across the Cottonwood Cove. Some settlements where they plant their crops and breed livestock as a source for supply. I vaguely recall the Legion plundered the Mojave and attack caravans to resupply, but deploying an army definitely need as many resources as one can get. You can then have quests revolving the settlement, like establishing a (secret) trade routes with some traders who didn't care for the NCR but wants to make maximum profit, and based on how you handle the deal, the Legion ended up crucifying the traders (in spirit of what they did with Nipton) or leave them be.

This is just some rough suggestion and I definitely can think of some more. Been a long while since I played New Vegas and I have practically zero modding experience outside of modding the game for playing purpose, so I apologize for not being much help.

Cheers and good luck with your project, bros and sis!
Thanks man. And a non-military Legion settlement is just the type of thing I would enjoy putting together. Much appreciated.

As for feeling like you've not been much help, I assure you, every little bit does help, and you're getting a consultation credit either way ;)
The best advice I can give you is to not worry about voice actors until the mod is finished.
Certainly. Last thing I wanna do is have to write dialogue catering to voice types and all that shit.

It's gonna be a WIP for a long damn time, simply because of all the content I want to put into it, but one thing at a time, as they say.
I'm a bit busy at the moment to be able to participate in a thread like this. The household is chaotic and busy with the current situation and I will need a few days until I have this new laptop setup properly.

So at the moment I am just reading the forums when I have a couple minutes spare. I will participate in this thread when I have the laptop setup.

Keep this thread alive and active, since I will be "watching" it (subscribed to it), otherwise I will forget it exist. :aiee:
He’s gone, goddammit, someone stole him, someone stole my SON

Wait, no, not gibberish, Bethesda writing. My mistake.
Somewhat disappointed, opened the thread thinking you were doing your own specific Legion Overhaul. The general one sounds fun though and admire the effort.

Also, the Arizona Slave Army mod just misses the mark for me. I think the Legion definitely need a visual tweaking in making them a bit more Mad Max roman-esque. Chunkier football pads and scrap-metal galea helmets are the right direction but I think the mod goes a bit too far/too tasteless with some of its additions.
Well, perhaps I’ll make it optional then; could always make two .esps I suppose.

And hopefully it will be a Legion-oriented overhaul, when all is said and done, though time will tell.
I'd concur with Alpha Promethean that Arizona Slave Army isn't quite right - I think it's a lot better then most Legion armor mods, though, which are mostly centered on making the legion look "kewl". Arizona Slave Army comes closer than most since it doesn't totally reject the football/mad max look, but yeah it still goes a bit overboard.

In terms of Legion settlements, I don't think you need more than one; namely, I'd reccomend you just use Dry Wells from Lonesome Road. Just re-build the settlement based on the ruins we can see and expand the hinterland beyond the mountains so you can have a wilderness space for quests to be set in. Having the Legion Settlement be effectively a separate world space like the Fort I would imagine would be very useful for a modder.
I feel that. I appreciate the input, @Hardboiled Android. I’ll see what I can do about making my own Legionary armor splices; they may not be pretty, in which case I’ll figure something out.
I always thought that a Legion-oriented companion would be a fun addition as well, and they wouldn't even need to be a shitty legionnaire or die-hard follower of Ceasar. A slave who is purchased at The Fort or a Legion-controlled settlement could provide a lot of insight into life within Legion territory and perhaps even have their own twisted loyalty to Caesar and his empire.

In terms of Legion settlements, I don't think you need more than one; namely, I'd reccomend you just use Dry Wells from Lonesome Road. Just re-build the settlement based on the ruins we can see and expand the hinterland beyond the mountains so you can have a wilderness space for quests to be set in. Having the Legion Settlement be effectively a separate world space like the Fort I would imagine would be very useful for a modder.

This is all really good advice, too. You could use the docks at Cottonwood Cove to access it the same way you do The Fort, I feel like it being at least a little far off would make sense on account of the fact that if there was an actual town in the Mojave that was seized and occupied by The Legion there would be a lot of talk about it in vanilla areas.
The idea of a slave companion is... genius, and I honestly never thought of that. Thanks!!

As for a settlement accessed similarly to Fortification Hill... that’s also a good point. Some relocation is in order!

Life has been hitting me hard, so I’ve not been working on this mod as hard as I was; that being said, it’s not at all dead in the water, and I’m still mapping out quest storyboards on paper, etc when possible.

Still haven’t figured out how to adjust inventory scarcity by group so I’ve been doing so manually, one by one... T-T
I'm glad you like the slave idea!

I've kind of daydreamed a bit about the concept from time to time, an example I came up with was a ghoul slave-soldier who was kind of tied in with some of the Van Buren lore and was seized from Reservation after The Legion conquered it with the assistance of surrounding human tribes. His combat ability would come from the fact that he was used to clear hazardous and toxic ruins for Legion-affiliated prospectors.
That’s honestly really cool; tell ya what, I’ll send you a PM and we’ll discuss this more. Your further input would be greatly appreciated! :)
I'd concur with Alpha Promethean that Arizona Slave Army isn't quite right - I think it's a lot better then most Legion armor mods, though, which are mostly centered on making the legion look "kewl". Arizona Slave Army comes closer than most since it doesn't totally reject the football/mad max look, but yeah it still goes a bit overboard.

This is wrong.

Of course you may dislike my mod, but it was never my intention to make them "kewl" (I don't speak english, so I researched it and that's a mocking word for cool, right?)

I put a LOT of attention and thought into every piece present in this mod, from the boots to the head, to be lore friendly as possible, and all pre war pieces are limited (for example, riot helmets on vexillarius, which could be found in sports stadiums, just like their vanilla gear).

The rest was thinking about something that a blacksmith or tribal artisan could build, from simple raw material. The Lorica segmentata from the smaller classes are made of pieces of leather and band wrapped for example, and not all of them have the right to have that solid boot that everyone has in the vanilla, needing to wear hand made sandals, and there are no pieces of lanius armor everywhere, however tempting it was to use them.

Each Centurion have a motive to to be as they are. For example, the Legion uses things from the enemies, and they killed all the dangerous wildlife in their territory. So I put a Centurion who led this campaign using pieces of the dead animals, because I don't think it should be just humans.

It's basically their vanilla uniform, with accessories on top.

The praetorian that I think was wrong, I am not satisfied, one day I may change.
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