Believe it or not?

He must've had a boner, and it was poking through the fly of his boxers. I can't see how he could mistake his weiner for a chicken's neck unless he was holding the chicken between his thighs.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA That is so fucking stupid!!!!
He must have had some kind of blackout or something.
How is it even possible to mistake your own penis with a chickens neck????
I always mistake my penis for an ostrich's neck. 8)

Minus the feathers, of course. :look:
What the fuck's up with Romanians and cutting off their penii? Seems it's the second or third thread reporting that tendence...
Wooz said:
What the fuck's up with Romanians and cutting off their penii? Seems it's the second or third thread reporting that tendence...

I think they're doing everything they can to avoid fucking Polish women.

Smart guys.
Was in Transylvania recently. Baia Mare.

Strangely deserted streets... must have been the Penis Vampires.
Very strange indeed...
We never heard of vampires in these parts, but some penises are really disapearing violently :)
Someone should tell them that's NOT how shemales are made...

Damn Japanese and their dickgirl comics, destroying the lives of good commies...
(grabs his piece as he tries to imagine it being cut off)

Oh man that's just to much to bear...if he had a boner he probably would have died of blood loss or shock.

As for the dog...I sure hope it enjoyed that sausage 'cause when the owner gets back he's gonna put it down.

The Vault Dweller
He'll have tp put it down, open up the dog and fish his chewn, half-digested dick out of the dogs' entrails.

And sew it back on. Yummy.