Best YouTube Lets Play/Reviewer


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
So we've got our glittering gems of hatred out of the way.
But what are some of your favourite YouTube Reviewers/Lets Players?

I think in terms of reviews, I enjoy DWTerminator (even through I disagree with him on more than a few things), Superbunnyhop does at least do honest reviews and never has too many positives or negatives to say about a game.
Mistercaption is like the opposite of Mr Mattyplays (although I don't think he will like that comparison).

There's also the more comedic reviewers like Angry Video Game Nerd, Jontron and I will put ProJared in on there.

I do think TotalBiscuit is probably the most important out of the lot through.

In terms of Lets Plays however, I don't really watch any, but I find that NecroVMX is pretty decent (I especially liked his old commentary videos, but he has sadly stopped doing them) and Shamus Young (who does the Spoileralertshow), seriously, I could easily watch his lets play of Fallout 4 without any issues.
Yahtzee of of zero punctuation is probably my favorite humorous game reviewers. He also does lets plays as well which are equally entertaining.

Retrospectivegaming. He mostly reviews old RPGs. Even though I played most of the games he reviews, I still enjoy hearing his opinion.

Zaric zharkion. He mostly reviews mods,and talks about es lore
DWTerminator (even through I disagree with him on more than a few things)
I think it is a better comparison of the edgies. While the 1st one pulled better Fallout 4 review and pretty much nothing else earlier. (too edgy to my taste, really) He behaves itself rather edgy-asshaty especially in a questions he have minimal, let's say, 'education'. And early stuff due to visible lack of script and lack of voice building rather jarring.
Caption worked better on Skyrim territory and while his earlier stuff isn't any great either, it's heavens and hell in comparison with the first edgy kid.
But can't say they both have what it takes to be clarified as 'best' of YT.
Oh yeah, I like LGR as well.
I loved his Fallout 1 review (and Duke Nukem one as well).
I like Noah Caldwell Gervais and LGR. I also watch Previously Recorded(Red Letter Media). As for more retro stuff I sometimes watch Game Sack, they did a parody send up of a lot of the retro review guys and it was quite hysterical to me. His impression of Happy Console Gamer's canadian accent cracks me up. Two words Bob Cornhole

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