So we've got our glittering gems of hatred out of the way.
But what are some of your favourite YouTube Reviewers/Lets Players?
I think in terms of reviews, I enjoy DWTerminator (even through I disagree with him on more than a few things), Superbunnyhop does at least do honest reviews and never has too many positives or negatives to say about a game.
Mistercaption is like the opposite of Mr Mattyplays (although I don't think he will like that comparison).
There's also the more comedic reviewers like Angry Video Game Nerd, Jontron and I will put ProJared in on there.
I do think TotalBiscuit is probably the most important out of the lot through.
In terms of Lets Plays however, I don't really watch any, but I find that NecroVMX is pretty decent (I especially liked his old commentary videos, but he has sadly stopped doing them) and Shamus Young (who does the Spoileralertshow), seriously, I could easily watch his lets play of Fallout 4 without any issues.
But what are some of your favourite YouTube Reviewers/Lets Players?
I think in terms of reviews, I enjoy DWTerminator (even through I disagree with him on more than a few things), Superbunnyhop does at least do honest reviews and never has too many positives or negatives to say about a game.
Mistercaption is like the opposite of Mr Mattyplays (although I don't think he will like that comparison).
There's also the more comedic reviewers like Angry Video Game Nerd, Jontron and I will put ProJared in on there.
I do think TotalBiscuit is probably the most important out of the lot through.
In terms of Lets Plays however, I don't really watch any, but I find that NecroVMX is pretty decent (I especially liked his old commentary videos, but he has sadly stopped doing them) and Shamus Young (who does the Spoileralertshow), seriously, I could easily watch his lets play of Fallout 4 without any issues.