Bethesda does it again - Steal other peoples work


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member
We have previously reported on the crooked behaviour of Bethesda. Last time we reported on one of these incidents Bethesda had been "heavily inspired" by questmod Autumn Leaves for New Vegas. As far as I know they did never apologise for the theft or remove any of the stolen content.

Now they are at it again! Ars Technica reports that Bethesda has copied an entire D&D adventure. I quote:

Bethesda’s latest Elder Scrolls adventure taken down amid cries of plagiarism
Pulled "Elsweyr" RPG is extremely similar to a D&D adventure published in 2016.

[Update 3:52 pm Eastern: While the original Facebook post linking to the "Elsweyr" adventure has been taken down, the files in question are still accessible via Bethesda's Dropbox.]

A promotional Elder Scrolls-themed tabletop RPG adventure released by Bethesda Tuesday contained widespread instances of apparent plagiarism from a Dungeons & Dragons adventure published by Wizards of the Coast in 2016. That adventure was pulled down from the Internet Wednesday afternoon, and Bethesda now says it is "investigat[ing] the source."

Bethesda's pen-and-paper Elder Scrolls "Elsweyr" adventure (archived here for reference) contains text that in total seems only slightly reworded from the D&D adventure "The Black Road," written by Paige Leitman and Ben Heisler as part of Wizards of the Coast's Organized Play program. The adventures are largely identical throughout their texts, aside from sometimes sloppy replacements of certain words and phrases with synonyms and the changing of certain items and locations to fit in the Elder Scrolls setting.

The introduction to "The Black Road" reads, in part:

There's nothing like the desert to make people feel small and insignificant. In every direction, huge dunes roll across the landscape, and an even bigger sky looms above. The oasis of Vuerthyl is a motley collection of sun-bleached tents in the vast Anauroch desert.

Through various means, it has been arranged that you would meet Azam the caravaneer in the large, Calimshan-styled tent that passes for a tavern here. A pair of tieflings, who seem to be unaffected by the heat, eye approaching visitors warily. The dim interior of the tent is a relief from the bright light and wind, though it’s as hot here as anywhere else. The gentle sounds of a stringed instrument fill the air, and the people inside are hunched over food, drink, and conversation. A dragonborn with rust-colored scales greets you, and guides you to a private table. There are a few other adventurers here.​

"Elsweyr's" introduction reads as follows:

Nothing beats the desert to make people feel small and unimportant. In every direction enormous dunes roll across the landscape, and an even larger empty air skies above it [sic]. The oasis on the border between Cyrodiil and Elsweyr is a colorful collection of sun-drenched tents in the vast desert of Elsweyr.

In various ways it is arranged that a group of adventurers would get acquainted with the caravan leader named Kar'reem. His big tent is filled with several Khajiit, which seem unaffected by the heat, they stare at you cautiously. The dim interior of the tent is a relief compared to the bright sunlight from outside, even though it is still as hot inside as out there. The soft sounds of stringed instrument [sic] fill the air, and the people are busy over eating, drinking, and conversation [sic]. An Argonian servant escorts you to an empty table.​

The similarities often extend to gameplay and scenario details as well. Here's a description of a caravan players can encounter in "The Black Road":
  • Four wagons, each pulled by two foul-tempered camels
  • One wagon carries the caravan’s food
  • One wagon carries the caravan’s water and a shipment of medicinal herbs
  • One wagon carries a shipment of weapons
  • One wagon carries the statue of Angharradh
  • The caravan travels and sleeps in two shifts every day. Travel from predawn until noon, sleep from noon until late afternoon in the shade, travel from late afternoon until after dinnertime. Sleep from after dinnertime until predawn.
And here's a description of a caravan in "Elsweyr" that appears the same point in the adventure:
  • Four carts, each pulled by two horses
  • One cart carries all food
  • One cart carries all water and medicines
  • One cart carries a large load of weapons
  • One cart carries the statue
  • The caravan travels in two shifts every day. From early in the morning to the afternoon, then rest and sleep until late in the afternoon. And from late in the afternoon to sunset.
These are just a few examples of the significant similarities between the two adventures. A Bethesda spokesperson told Ars, "We’re digging in deeper to figure out what happened, but in the meantime, we’ve pulled the adventure based on what has been brought to light." Representatives for Wizards of the Coast have yet to respond to a request for comment from Ars.

Bethesda's Facebook post announcing the "Elsweyr" adventure (link since removed), which says it comes from "our friends over at Bethesda Netherlands," contains many comments from D&D players complaining about what they see as a rip-off. That includes Paige Leitman, listed as a designer and author on the D&D adventure. She posted a lengthy Facebook thread titled "How They Plagiarized Our Adventure, An Annotated Powerpoint Presentation," highlighting many examples of overwhelmingly similar text in the two works.

"Hey, The Elder Scrolls Online, would you please let your legal team know?" Leitman writes. "This is REALLY not cool."

In response to a request for comment from Ars, Leitman said she had "no comment until both authors have a chance to fully discuss it and understand the ramifications."

In the video game realm, it can be hard to prove copyright infringement absent direct copying of "expressive elements" like artwork, music, and sound effects. Even games that copy mechanics and general game flow wholesale may not meet a legally actionable standard for infringement.

In the case of a written, pen-and-paper game like this, though, the direct and overwhelming similarities in the stories and their wording could amount to a clearer case of copyright infringement. As IP lawyer David Lizerbram wrote in 2017 regarding D&D copyrights, "You’re free to describe, discuss, or criticize any published content in any format that you like... However, you should avoid copying chunks of text or reproducing images." And Bethesda's changing of a few words and settings here and there likely wouldn't protect it against a substantial similarity argument in court.

The video game version of Elder Scrolls Online's Elsweyr expansion will be available via PC early access May 20, with Xbox One and PS4 versions hitting on June 4.
This doesn't surprise me at all. We all know that Bethesda are completely bankrupt on ideas. They couldn't even create their own post-apocalyptic setting, so they had to buy Fallout (and ruin it).
Someone really goofed. I don't know why as a writer in the modern era, you'd think you could get away with this. There's sites that apparently even check for plagiarism. Working for a multi-million dollar company isn't going to help you hide your plagiarism.
Normally, I'd be all for just blaming the writer who plagiarized but when a company like Bethesda who can hunt down people infringing on anything The Elder Scrolls but they can't be bothered to copy and paste some text from an adventure and find that it was stolen from Wizards of the Coast?

Seriously, it makes sense when reviewers steal other people's reviews off the Steam store page or Youtube videos that struggle to break a thousand views that people can hide it for some time and we blame them not the company they work for. When you have two written pieces that you can just copy and paste the content into a search engine to see it ripped off the legal owners of D&D's work yet fail to catch this, you have more than a plagiarizer to worry about. Was no one checking this?
Elsweyr sounds amazingly similar to Elsewhere, which is where they got their story from. ;)
-addressing the mod
I'm pretty sure its fair game legally to use fanmade content, so long as it was made using your tools and engine, in your official game. Isn't that usually part of the T.O.S. on these games?
Far Harbor was the best piece of gameplay fallout 4 had to offer, so the game was definitely better off for it. This debacle only proves bethesda are hacks incapable of writing their own stuff, which we know already, and doesn't really point towards real plagarism or malicious intent. In fact, if they were more willing to copy the old games the series would be less shit.

-addressing the DnD game
This is worse because theyre ripping off another copyrighted product by another actual company. I hope they get fucked up the ass.
Does Bethesda own the rights to all the mods produced for their games? Like how Blizzard owns all the rights to every Starcraft 2 player-made custom game (they added that to their Terms of Service as a reaction to DotA becoming so popular in Warcraft 3 and spawning League of Legends).

Speaking of which, Blizzard took several ideas for World of Warcraft from fan-made Warcraft 3 stuff that they didn't own the rights to. Guess this is a common practice
I don't think they own the rights to any mod, but they own the right to prevent people selling the mod or using the mod publicly. Tricky question, any lawyers around here to answer.

If any mod uses Bethesda's property, well they own the rights to that, but if you build your own separate work and injected it into the game, I can't see them legally stopping that. Think of car manufactures and car parts built by 3rd parties. A 3rd party car part might spoil a cars warranty, but the manufacturer doesn't have the power to prevent its owner using the part. I would be surprised if the courts leaned on Bethesda's side.

Terms of Service are just thrown down to confuse and intimidate people, what are the actual legal rights of these companies are in regards their customers, well some of that hasn't been defined in the courts. Having lawyers write out a Terms of Service doesn't mean shit if the courts decide it has no merit. Didn't these same companies fight and lose their case against selling 2nd hand games to game stores.
If any mod uses Bethesda's property, well they own the rights to that, but if you build your own separate work and injected it into the game, I can't see them legally stopping that.
Yeah, if you use their assets you definitely cannot sell or distribute it without their legal permission, I think. So I'd imagine if they really want to waste time doing so they could cease and desist a lot of mods and just make a statement saying that they won't allow it anymore. Would be a dick move but they can do that. Of course mods could still be made and shared but giving easy access to thousands would be hard if they did something like that.

Terms of Service are just thrown down to confuse and intimidate people, what are the actual legal rights of these companies are in regards their customers, well some of that hasn't been defined in the courts. Having lawyers write out a Terms of Service doesn't mean shit if the courts decide it has no merit. Didn't these same companies fight and lose their case against selling 2nd hand games to game stores.
ToS can be pointless depending on legality but seeing as most people don't give a shit about ToS as it never affects them unless it's a fairly rare case, courts aren't going to be really examining them. I'm not a lawyer but those things can be tricky with what can and can't become legal. Some things you agree to can circumvent what the law says and some of things you agree to cannot circumvent what the law says AFAIK.
Considering the US president's brother is part of the admin board, they might have greater ability to change the law to their own benefit than the average Joe. (or the above average Joe)
Let's not forget that the ToS for FNV GECK are non existing. You can download the GECK and there are no ToS in the download page or the archive containing the GECK. There are no ToS when you install or run it either.
I think even if you get the GECK from Steam, it still also doesn't come with any ToS. :lmao:
I don't think they own the rights to any mod...

If any mod uses Bethesda's property, well they own the rights to that, but if you build your own separate work and injected it into the game, I can't see them legally stopping that.
AFAIK, it's a condition of using their toolset; and fairly boiler plate too.

One of the reasons for this (in the industry) is simply to protect a studio's ability to create content for their games... otherwise anyone could accuse them of copying something found in a mod... any mod; even mods they have never seen. A studio needs to be unhindered in this. Some mods might even copy/implement their own (as yet) unpublished ideas; or ideas that turned out to be infeasible at the time.


I have often wondered whether releasing a mod as separate from its required resource files (for games that allow loose files), would work as a means of marking a clear division of what they have ownership rights to; that being only their editor's generated files, and not the media assets, (3D models, textures, and audio files; and possibly text dialog files).

ToS can be pointless depending on legality but seeing as most people don't give a shit about ToS as it never affects them unless it's a fairly rare case, courts aren't going to be really examining them.
That shouldn't be... and it's a shame (that some are incapable of feeling); but it goes both ways in that event. Legally they are allowed by the conditions agreed upon in order to access their tools, but when people renege upon their agreement they cannot then cry foul when the other party simply exercises their rights. One submits to co-ownership by accepting their deal; and in return they allow public tinkering with their product, using (their) specialized tools.

*Which if we [NMA] wanted to, we could best them with their own toolset, making a FO3 mod. They would own it too, but it's useless to them, because of their audience's gaming preference.

** And if they did copy it... that would be a good thing IMO.
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You don't own the game, you own a license to use it. But all mods for games that encourage it (or not) as long as you're not breaking encryption, generally fall under fair use doctrines so long as you are not profiting from other's works.

But Bethesda loves modding. It gives them ideas, it keeps a user base interested for over a decade and people are still dropping $40 on GOG to play quality installs of TTW.
You don't own the game, you own a license to use it.
This entirely would depend on national laws, what the license agreement says, and more.

You don't just buy a license to use a game. Sometimes a license agreement can circumvent normal behaviors past the law, other times it can't. Like in the USA, if I signed a EULA that would cause me to become a slave in a worldwide slave trade, that's not legal because I clicked "I agree."

I'm fairly certain in the EU there is data privacy laws that could work similarly.