Bethesda Fought the Lore

The Jet in the medbox could've been better and showed the TERMINAL ENTRY SAYING from before the WAR that Jet was being shipped to V95. Anyone watching could write off that bit as non-canon loot tables.

Also lol @ the Museum from FO3 stating the prototype vertibirds weren't in service yet, though they show up in FO4 pre war. I think this says more that the management of Bethesda's world designers and lore handlers (or maybe handler singular) working together is just deeply skewed. I wouldn't say BGS hates the lore or that they intentionally try to mangle it for a 'profit' (because really, money probably isn't in mind when they retcon, just for technical and personal preference rule-of-cool reasons) but they sure have a devil-may-care attitude, that reeks more of ignorance and lazy management from bloated staff hires that aren't being properly managed on world consistency and the themes/writing of the game series they are working on. I lol at the conspiracy theories that claim all the stuff like in the video is intentional or part of some giant evil plot. These are mistakes, and mistakes that exist because BGS upper management care more about rule-of-cool and because of their own incompetence to rush out a game rather than an immersive experience - There is surprisingly more consistency in GTA and R* games and they are at the same level of publicity and wealth as BGS.

And I think that speaks volumes about BGS and their writing work ethic if they can't even get a few things like Jet, Vertibirds and Power Armor right and still make their rule-of-cool stories work. Because they can but choose not to and think it's utterly impossible to have x or y exist in such fashion unless there's these COOL POWER ARMORS or AWESOME VERTIBIRDS all recognizable and existing there, rather than making the story fit the lore they want the lore to fit their story.
I couldn't find the terminal, I can't stand playing the game it gives me a headache. I searched for ages, so I settled for that in the end :\

Yeah with the museum one, I think Vertibirds were originally meant to be Enclave creations in Fallout 2, so they completely fucked it up. I know what you mean though, they couldn't hold the consistency between their own games.
Good stuff, but the most egregious example is missing.

"The President has been leading our country from a Poseidon Energy oil rig just off the coast of San Francisco.

It's certainly an odd choice for a Presidential command center. Or is it? Not as much as it may seem, as our investigation discovered. Thanks to the testimony of a highly-placed anonymous source, the Boston Bugle has learned that the official designation of the oil rig is actually "Control Station Enclave" - giving credence to the long-running rumors of a secret, militarized "shadow government," known as the Enclave, that would take control of the United States in the event of a nuclear conflagration."
I get breaking the old games lore in certain regards because of what tech can allow you but into a video game for example the vertibirds or something but breaking there own lore is just lolable

I mean the biggest thing that video missed is water ! In fo3 everyone struggling for water that what the game is literally about oh but wait whats this in fo4 you can just make a purifier easily no way. What bull crap is that
The Bethestards will still come up with excuses for all the lore breaks in Fallout 3 and 4, even with ingame evidence.
I mean the biggest thing that video missed is water ! In fo3 everyone struggling for water that what the game is literally about oh but wait whats this in fo4 you can just make a purifier easily no way. What bull crap is that
Ha, never even thought about that. What a waste of the GECK as well.
What we really need is a clip from Who's Line is it Anyways during the props skit. Just switch the faces, props, and jokes. Would be perfect for this.
You don't even need to compare Fo3 and Fo4. Fo3 contractif itself a lot, even if it was a standalone game.

I am shocked that they didn't include the kid in the fridge. Much like the Jet and the Geck, it contradict one of the MAJOR plot of the classics. If you removed Necropolis water ship AND didn't repaired the waterpump, the entire ghoul population would have died of thirst of been forced to move away.
You don't even need to compare Fo3 and Fo4. Fo3 contractif itself a lot, even if it was a standalone game.

I am shocked that they didn't include the kid in the fridge. Much like the Jet and the Geck, it contradict one of the MAJOR plot of the classics. If you removed Necropolis water ship AND didn't repaired the waterpump, the entire ghoul population would have died of thirst of been forced to move away.
I could always make a part 2. If I can collect more inconsistencies.
Good stuff, but the most egregious example is missing.

"The President has been leading our country from a Poseidon Energy oil rig just off the coast of San Francisco.

It's certainly an odd choice for a Presidential command center. Or is it? Not as much as it may seem, as our investigation discovered. Thanks to the testimony of a highly-placed anonymous source, the Boston Bugle has learned that the official designation of the oil rig is actually "Control Station Enclave" - giving credence to the long-running rumors of a secret, militarized "shadow government," known as the Enclave, that would take control of the United States in the event of a nuclear conflagration."

Serious? They did this in Fallout 4?

The idea was that no one knew about the Enclave beyond its members, let alone that someone would be able to tell a newspaper about its existence.
The Enclave most likely would have shut down the newspaper before this could be published.

As for the oil rig. All the public knew was that it was build to secure the last major oil well for the United States.

I just don't have any word to describe the people who made this and thought they were so clever other than that they are a bunch of imbeciles that should never have gotten near Fallout or any game franchise that has a dedicated fandom.
Here's why consistent lore matters to me: it makes the world believable. Having consistent rules, established and shown and then following them is one of the most important things in games that are trying to immerse you into a world. When a sequel starts to do dumb shit and changing shit for no reason other than to make kewl shit or to fit their stupid narrative (Fallout 3 and 4), that's when the world starts falling apart.

People who care about lore consistency are not "lore nazis", we just care for consistency and established rules. So these people who say lore breaks "are not a bad thing" don't get where we are coming from.
most things bethesda did may not be lore-breaking but just dumb. like, for example, jet being on east coast.

or jet being in a vault.

or geck using magic.

or fev being on east coast.

or brotherhood of steel being on east coast.

or enclave being on east coast.

or super mutants being on east coast.

or deathclaws being on east coast.

or centaurs being on east coast.

or radscorpions being on east coast.


you can make up explanations and excuses for that, sure. it's a fictional world and suspension of disbelief is subjective. if you try hard enough, you could also prove that fallout and star wars take place in the same universe or toy story is a movie about holocaust. you could but it's just fucking stupid and i am not buying it. bethesda took a well-established, cohesive and believable world and ruined it.

(yes, i actually heard a theory that toy story is about holocaust)
Most likely more than one list. Most people don't check previous threads before creating a new one. And most moderators don't fuse similar threads together.
Boy it's gonna be a field day once F:76 releases. It's entire setting just contradicts Fallout 3, to say short.