Boast Your Fallout Box's,Also: Localizations Suck (F3 split)

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
I lost both my original Fallout boxes, I only have the CDs left.

Which makes me very, very sad.
I know how you feel, Kharn...

I think my mom has thrown away every fucking PC game cartboard box I've ever own.

It makes me sad. And angry. I should've taken them all with me when I moved away from home.

Kharn said:
I lost both my original Fallout boxes, I only have the CDs left.

Which makes me very, very sad.
i've got the boxes (they're in my pc game box-wall of course), but my CD's are fubar thanks to my brother (though i got backups, but it still hurts). reminds me to kick him in the nuts next time i see em.

anyway, i've always regretted that i don't have an US made manual (you know with the metal binder thingy).
I still have original Fallout & Fallout 2 boxes that I bought soon after premieres.
Sadly, both boxes and manuals are in polish, and manuals are 4 times shorter than .pdfs.
I don't know why they bothered translating them instead of selling original english boxes and manuals - anyone who can't read an english manual would be unable to play the english version of Fallouta anyway.
And they weren't any cheaper than western editions...

Was a shortened manual a normal thing in UK version or the polish distributor wanted to save on paper?
My Fallout is a 'value-box' version a.k.a just the disk, no manual.
My Fallout 2 is a gift from my friend and again, no manual. I suspect he has 'manual-fetish'.
Mikael said:
In Poland, CD-Projekt has released a jewel box for Fallout. Very cheap, but awfully packed.

And Polishized, AFAIK.

The last translated game I bought from CD projekt was NWN2. The translation was so utterly horrible than even Intoxicate would have done a better job.

Not buying a single translated game again. I'll have my bro ship the goodies from England.
Wooz said:
Mikael said:
In Poland, CD-Projekt has released a jewel box for Fallout. Very cheap, but awfully packed.

And Polishized, AFAIK.

The last translated game I bought from CD projekt was NWN2. The translation was so utterly horrible than even Intoxicate would have done a better job.

Not buying a single translated game again. I'll have my bro ship the goodies from England.
This is offtopic but: is it normal (or usual) that people buy translated games there in Poland? :o I thought people always prefer the original version of any any artwork (given they can understand it, of course). I'm surprised that you even bought translated games :? even more in developed countries like poland... :?
Morbus said:
This is offtopic but: is it normal (or usual) that people buy translated games there in Poland? :o I thought people always prefer the original version of any any artwork (given they can understand it, of course). I'm surprised that you even bought translated games :? even more in developed countries like poland... :?
ask the french, spanish, etc. they want everything translated. hell, even americans if the original language isn't english.
I don't know why, but here in Poland, some people consider translanting games a progress :? ...
SuAside said:
ask the french, spanish, etc. they want everything translated. hell, even americans if the original language isn't english.
Also the Germans. I can't stand watching German television because *everything* is overdubbed.
Lucky Portuguese it seems :lol: No money for translations, but no money for education too xD So a lot of people don't know english or other languages... Not even correct portuguese, most of the times :P
Still have the manuals, but pretty sure mom threw the boxes... think she even asked about throwing them. If I thought they might have eventual value I might have kept.

Hmm pretty sure I have Wizardy 1 box and all... hidden away where mom can't find.
Pretty sure this has no relevance to the thread whatsoever.

Splitting it along with the derail.
Sander said:
SuAside said:
ask the french, spanish, etc. they want everything translated. hell, even americans if the original language isn't english.
Also the Germans. I can't stand watching German television because *everything* is overdubbed.
Yep. Sucks to be German. That's why I _love_ DVDs. I wish I lived in Switzerland, I'd love to go to a cinema and actually watch a movie in its original language.
Same thing with books, PC-Games (plus the fact that we kinda have an indirect censorship) , ...
Someone mentioned Americans wanting things translated... this is because very few Americans are multi-lingual; AFAIK, notably less (in terms of %) than Europeans. So... not a desire, so much as a need. If they're to experience it at all, they must experience it in English.
I have an empty Fallout 2 case if you want it. I have no idea where the orginal CD went so i used it to house my burned copy of Fallout 2 which is now unreadable. The offer is on the table.
Complete with manuals and cd cases, everything in working order... :D

My precioussssssssssssssss...
I've still got both FO:I and II in their original boxes unopened...I play with the dual-jewel case so i don't have to open them...kinda weird but whatever.