Fallout 2 mod Brahmin Rustling Issues


First time out of the vault
I picked up the Fallout Restoration Mod (lastest version, 2.3.3) recently and I'm having trouble finishing the Brahmin Rustling quest.

For some reason, when I go to try and examine the Brahmin out behind the Duntons' house shop, it won't let me examine them. There's no looking-glass icon, just a talking one like I should be talking to them. I've restarted my game, reloaded saves, cycled mouse modes multiple times, pretty much everything I can think of. Also, the character I'm running through has 10 perception; there's no way my special eyes can't not see the markings.

It's possible I'm just really stupid and I'm missing something obvious, but the only options I have for them is moving my character and "talking" to them, which just tells me "You see a regular domesticated brahmin."
Any help here?
You can use looking glass on pretty much anything in the game. Right click?
I do believe you have to talk to Maida Buckner first about what's going on in town, then you examine the brahmin after that.
maybe this sounds stupid but have you tried to hover the mouse over a cow when in pointer mode and "Click & Hold" left mouse button to show other options available and still holding LMB slide mouse down to highlight binoculars and let go LMB?