Buggy ending [Spoilers!]


God of Blood and War
So yeah, I've just completed Wasteland 2 after being busy with it for quite some time. I won't go into too much detail as there could possibly be spoilers, but I noticed some location endings didn't turn out as I expected them to be. Especially Hollywood was very unsatisfying. According to my end game messages, Heidi was still in charge, when in fact, I had Veronica elected as the new boss. Also, when I was in Arizona, after saving AG Center (which in itself was a pretty bad choice regarding the whole water situation I guess), I *never* got any radio contact about the three outbreaks, so naturally, in the end credits, it mentioned mutant plant infestations still were still scattered throughout the wastes.

Has anyone else experienced bugs like this? It kind of pissed me off, 'cause I didn't get me the ending I was hoping to achieve. In general, Wasteland 2 seemed to be a pretty buggy experience, which is sad, 'cause it was a nice game. The main plot could maybe be a little more thought out, but it was very satisfying to destroy the Cochise AI. I like stories involving self aware computers. :)

Anyway, kinda bummed out because of this. I think I may have to restart the game and maybe see if I was using an up to date version of the game. Any way to see which version you're on? Couldn't seem to find it during my last playthrough.
Woah sucks! I didn't encounter any bugs when I played although I didn't pay that much attention to the ending slides. I just couldn't care what happened to the different places as you do when you play Fallout 1 & 2.
The game is quite buggy and is the only flaw that really bothers me. The other flaws I can live with.

The Director's Cut was released with a bug that makes all your companions disappear if you dismiss them to Ranger Citadel to get new ones.

Even with all these serious issues I still have more fun with and am more immersed in Wasteland 2 than Fallout 4 which is telling.
I haven't played Fallout 4, but I believe you. Fallout 3 was a disaster and no fun at all. Wasteland 2 was a fun experience even with all its flaws. Really enjoyed myself, and I think I'm going to have to replay it some time in the future. I'm curious to the other possible endings. I've been playing the "ranger way" on my last run.

Oh, some other endings which didn't register correctly: I got the Topekans and Atchinsons to negotiate a truce, but according to the ending slides The Topekans killed all the Atchinsons (or the other way around, dunno). Also, it said Schwag was still in charge at Schwag's while I made sure Flo was in charge. Bummer. :(