Can we stop talking about Fallout 76 now?


Degenerate who belongs on a cross
Alright, we get it. It's a shitty game, and playing it is less fun than ejaculating into a rotting buffalo carcass. Is there really anything more that needs to be said at this point? I feel like we've abused this horse cadaver enough.
I'm moving beyond my ragejaculaiton and mad-laughter stages but sortof feel this weird mourning coming on afterwords. Its move passed infuriating, into funny, and now its just sitting with Skyrim and Fallout 4 in 'what might have been, if only someone competent and worthy owned you, oh tombstones of hope' sad. So, to answer your question, I think nearly. I still sortof *want* to stay mad so that I don't forget, just in case a friend tries to lean on me or convince me that they've "improved" the game in a year from now, or when Starfield comes out, or TES 6, or even Fallout 5.
This is a Fallout community. Fallout 76 is the latest Fallout game being released. What else would we talk about?

Until Fallout 5, we don't have much Fallout to talk about besides Fallout 76.
We already said pretty much everything about the classic games, we already said everything about Fallout 3 and 4, we definitely said everything about POS, we said everything about Fallout Tactics... We have to keep up with the times, and Fallout 76 is just a fountain that keeps giving... When we have nothing else to talk about 76, the game/devs/whatever just get up and give us more stuff to talk about.

It was always like this, the latest Fallout game gets being talked for ages after being released, and Fallout 76 was only released a couple months ago. There will be plenty more talk about it until Fallout 5. It's the vicious circle.
This is a Fallout community. Fallout 76 is the latest Fallout game being released. What else would we talk about?

Until Fallout 5, we don't have much Fallout to talk about besides Fallout 76.
We already said pretty much everything about the classic games, we already said everything about Fallout 3 and 4, we definitely said everything about POS, we said everything about Fallout Tactics... We have to keep up with the times, and Fallout 76 is just a fountain that keeps giving... When we have nothing else to talk about 76, the game/devs/whatever just get up and give us more stuff to talk about.

It was always like this, the latest Fallout game gets being talked for ages after being released, and Fallout 76 was only released a couple months ago. There will be plenty more talk about it until Fallout 5. It's the vicious circle.
Except this isn't a fallout game.
No, I want to enjoy the warmth of this dumpster fire as long as I can. This is kinda like being Irish and watching the British Empire fall apart in the 50s and 60s. Bethesda is the enemy as far as I'm concerned. They make shitty games which barely run, their writing is sloppy, tropey, uninsightful and often doesn't make sense.

I guess I never got it from the first game, but I was ENRAGED Fallout 76 was gonna have cryptids in the game with no explanation, I was enraged when surrealism takes the place of realism, where I can't get a mod where the stags have one head because Bethesda didn't build one wire frame mesh for realistic animals.

I'm not saying I'd have ever gotten what I wanted from Fallout, but what I wanted was Red Dead Redemption 2 only with post-apocalyptic weapons some vehicles, and a scattering of well-justified mutants. But what they gave me in the basic narrative was so shitty, my headcanon could barely save Fallout 3 and flat out couldn't save Fallout 4.

I feel like this: Fallout 1,2 and NV were books, with engrossing narratives, Fallout 3 and 4 were toys, Happy Meal toys. New Vegas asks a lot of deep questions, Fallout 3 does not and Fallout 4's big question: is the knowledge of the Institute worth saving? doesn't answer what the Hell is the Insitute doing, what that knowledge actually is, and doesn't answer how far you can redeem the Insitute as Director (which should never have been a possibility in the first place).

I want Bethesda to burn for making bad narratives. I want it to burn for making horribl;e fetch sidequests, I want it to burn for fucking over Obsidan, or letting Obsidian do a sequel to New Vegas. I hate their complacent, lazy, no talent asshats toymaker asses.

If you sell me an RPG, I expect a story, a compelling one, not a toy to play with, and certainly not a broken mess the community has to fix.
Alright, we get it. It's a shitty game, and playing it is less fun than ejaculating into a rotting buffalo carcass. Is there really anything more that needs to be said at this point? I feel like we've abused this horse cadaver enough.

Yes, we should not report the news because it bothers you.
Except this isn't a fallout game.
It doesn't matter if it is or not a Fallout game. It is a game called Fallout, released by the holder of the Fallout IP and canonically in the same universe using the same lore (albeit changing a lot of it for no good reason).

If we didn't talk about it, we wouldn't have anything else to talk about except talking about Fallout 4 which was the previous game. If we didn't talk about Fallout 4 we would be talking about Fallout New Vegas, but we still do that even now and it gets hard to find new things to talk about Fallout New Vegas, since most or all things were already discussed to death, same with any previous games.

Fallout 76 might not be a Fallout game, but it is a Fallout "game". And since everything was already discussed about the previous titles, it makes sense we talk about the fresh one that just keeps making blunders over and over... We talk about how they destroyed lore for absolutely no reason, then we stop talking about that and Bethesda makes it so the game uninstalls itself, we stop talking about how it deletes himself, the critics release their rating for the game and it is not a good rating, we stop talking about the ratings and Bethesda goes and gets investigated for a lawsuit because the product was so bad and they decided not to offer refunds, we stop talking about that and people start complaining about how Bethesda didn't include the promised items in the package that costed $200... It keeps going and going.
It's not us, it's Bethesda.
Also if we don't talk about the current state of Fallout, we wouldn't be a Fallout community, even FOBOS had several threads around here when it came out, and FOBOS didn't have all of these blunders happening all the time.

Also, no one is stopping you or anyone else from posting about different games. But instead even you made a thread about Fallout 76 ;).
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People need to know they got ripped the fuck off man. Look at this garbage:

Nylon, a cheap ass map, plastic helmet, and a disc that will still need 20 or 30 gigs to download, for 200 bucks. Oh but it glows.

6 minutes in and you can see how butthurt these demons are. I typed moron wrong and it spellchecked to demon so it stays in. DEMONS ON EARTH!! YOUR EVIL IS STINKING UP OUR STREETS!

People need to know they got ripped the fuck off man. Look at this garbage:

Nylon, a cheap ass map, plastic helmet, and a disc that will still need 20 or 30 gigs to download, for 200 bucks.

Its funny as canvas is pretty cheap. I can go down to Hobby Lobby right now and get canvas on the bulk for like 10 bucks and make my own bag. You can also download a real map of West Virginia and get glow in the dark materials and make one for less then 5 bucks. You can also find someone on Etsy to make you a real helmet out of real metal and material for a little over the same price as the Special Edition and the Etsy one will be custom made for your head size and had time and care put into it.
Its funny as canvas is pretty cheap. I can go down to Hobby Lobby right now and get canvas on the bulk for like 10 bucks and make my own bag. You can also download a real map of West Virginia and get glow in the dark materials and make one for less then 5 bucks. You can also find someone on Etsy to make you a real helmet out of real metal and material for a little over the same price as the Special Edition and the Etsy one will be custom made for your head size and had time and care put into it.

Yep. It just shows how scummy these rich fucks are. They will continue to be reported on as long as newsworthy material is brought up. It's either this or the long anticipated (not) post apocalyptic movie reviews, so which is more relevant? I'll let myself out.
No, I want to enjoy the warmth of this dumpster fire as long as I can. This is kinda like being Irish and watching the British Empire fall apart in the 50s and 60s. Bethesda is the enemy as far as I'm concerned. They make shitty games which barely run, their writing is sloppy, tropey, uninsightful and often doesn't make sense.

I guess I never got it from the first game, but I was ENRAGED Fallout 76 was gonna have cryptids in the game with no explanation, I was enraged when surrealism takes the place of realism, where I can't get a mod where the stags have one head because Bethesda didn't build one wire frame mesh for realistic animals.

I'm not saying I'd have ever gotten what I wanted from Fallout, but what I wanted was Red Dead Redemption 2 only with post-apocalyptic weapons some vehicles, and a scattering of well-justified mutants. But what they gave me in the basic narrative was so shitty, my headcanon could barely save Fallout 3 and flat out couldn't save Fallout 4.

I feel like this: Fallout 1,2 and NV were books, with engrossing narratives, Fallout 3 and 4 were toys, Happy Meal toys. New Vegas asks a lot of deep questions, Fallout 3 does not and Fallout 4's big question: is the knowledge of the Institute worth saving? doesn't answer what the Hell is the Insitute doing, what that knowledge actually is, and doesn't answer how far you can redeem the Insitute as Director (which should never have been a possibility in the first place).

I want Bethesda to burn for making bad narratives. I want it to burn for making horribl;e fetch sidequests, I want it to burn for fucking over Obsidan, or letting Obsidian do a sequel to New Vegas. I hate their complacent, lazy, no talent asshats toymaker asses.

If you sell me an RPG, I expect a story, a compelling one, not a toy to play with, and certainly not a broken mess the community has to fix.
do u sit alone at the lunch table
Even if he does he is not alone. We are all here. Laughing at the rainbow colored bus with all the dunce caps.
People need to know they got ripped the fuck off man
I'm pretty sure they know.
Look at this garbage:

Nylon, a cheap ass map, plastic helmet, and a disc that will still need 20 or 30 gigs to download, for 200 bucks. Oh but it glows.

6 minutes in and you can see how butthurt these demons are. I typed moron wrong and it spellchecked to demon so it stays in. DEMONS ON EARTH!! YOUR EVIL IS STINKING UP OUR STREETS!

Counter-argument: If they're willing to spend $200 on a Bethesda title, then frankly they deserve to get ripped off.
I'm pretty sure they know.

Counter-argument: If they're willing to spend $200 on a Bethesda title, then frankly they deserve to get ripped off.
No one deserves to be ripped off. Specially when promising something and then sneakily replace that something with a cheaper and much worse alternative without warning or telling anyone. And then reply to a complaint with "we are not thinking on doing anything about it". And after the backlash "we are not giving you the canvas bag we promised! Here, contact us with proof of purchase and we will maybe give you 500 atoms, so just shut up!".

And I hope people keep making videos, articles, posting an forums and social media all of this stuff, because if there is one thing I hate is the gaming industry always managing to get away with stuff other product industries wouldn't be able to.

First was EA and lootboxes, now it's Bethesda with all the lies and scummy practices with Fallout 76... The only thing I am waiting now is for something to start happening with Star Citizen or something stupid like that.
If the consumers don't start raising a big fuss about scummy practices, companies will always keep doing the same stuff or start doing even worse stuff. If enough of a fuss is raised, maybe governments will make legislation to protect consumers from gaming industries (like how many governments had to chime in with the EA lootboxes situation).
I mostly ignoring Beth related stuff since i've read F4 first reviews. ( i had moderate hopes that they would learn from FoNV)

There are enough Fallout games being released without having to worry about the *official* ones.
(truckload of mods for Fo1-Fo2-FoT-Fo3-FoNV-Fo4 plus countless spiritual successors. Those are the games we should be talking about, not those branded contents that don't even try to feel even remotely Fallout-ish)
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No one deserves to be ripped off. Specially when promising something and then sneakily replace that something with a cheaper and much worse alternative without warning or telling anyone. And then reply to a complaint with "we are not thinking on doing anything about it". And after the backlash "we are not giving you the canvas bag we promised! Here, contact us with proof of purchase and we will maybe give you 500 atoms, so just shut up!".

And I hope people keep making videos, articles, posting an forums and social media all of this stuff, because if there is one thing I hate is the gaming industry always managing to get away with stuff other product industries wouldn't be able to.

First was EA and lootboxes, now it's Bethesda with all the lies and scummy practices with Fallout 76... The only thing I am waiting now is for something to start happening with Star Citizen or something stupid like that.
If the consumers don't start raising a big fuss about scummy practices, companies will always keep doing the same stuff or start doing even worse stuff. If enough of a fuss is raised, maybe governments will make legislation to protect consumers from gaming industries (like how many governments had to chime in with the EA lootboxes situation).
And isn't this literally the job of games journalists?

Also, I will point out that this thread was created before the bag-gate scandal broke. While I still stand by my assertion that we don't need to be involved with this shit, I will admit that my comment about the Bethesda fans deserving to get ripped off was perhaps a tad excessive.
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