Caravans glitch in Fallout 1?


First time out of the vault
I'm playing vanilla Fallout 1 for the first time (first with any of the Fallout games, actually--figured I'd better start here and get the old-fashioned graphics and godawful gameplay mechanics done with first), and as far as I can tell, I'm experiencing a glitch with the "Guarding the caravans" repeatable quest. I signed up with the Far Go caravan driver; I waited until the right date; I talked to him again and said I was ready to go, and I was warped to a piece of desert with a couple wagons and brahmin with no one else around. I waited a bit and nobody showed up, so I went to the exit grid, which took me to a spot that looked essentially the same, except with three caravaners and a party of attacking raiders. Well, okay, I figured I'd done something right, so after about a million reloads to keep Dogmeat from dying, I finally got all the raiders wiped out and hit the next exit grid, assuming that's what I was supposed to do...and I got a dialog of the caravan driver yelling at me for abandoning the caravan. The Fallout wiki told me that would happen if you use the exit grid when there are still hostiles on the map, so I reloaded and waited a while, thinking maybe it just...needed to trigger or something. Nothing. The two brahmin had showed up as red during the battle (I've got the Friendly Foe perk, but of course even innocent bystanders get the red outline, so that doesn't mean much), so I thought maybe the game was incorrectly identifying them as hostiles and that's why we were stuck. Killed both brahmin. The caravaners didn't protest; in fact they pitched in. And...still no change. They stood around doing nothing, and if I took an exit grid, I got the same dialog about abandoning the caravan.

Am I doing something wrong, or does this sound like a glitch? The former is entirely possible, considering how unintuitive 99% of the gameplay is for Fallout 1, although hitting up Google for stuff like "how to guard fallout 1 caravan" didn't get me anywhere. And if it sounds like a glitch, any ideas on what I can do about it?
About that caravan run appearing in the middle of nowhere, it happens.
But probably a friendly unit got hit by you somehow or Dogmeat and you didn't see. If friendly gets hit they can attack you(they get angry) and if Brahmins die he will always yell at you. Still you get the money. Try not to save while in combat mode, do it after.

Money is only needed for buying books in the Hub but you can reload and steal them. You need to repair Power Armor, you don't buy it. And caravan run money ain't worth it, you have a time limit anyway. It's just there for fun. The worst thing that can happen is that you bump into 10 raiders and 10 bos soldiers with you right in the middle when they start shooting at each other.
Same thing happened to me every time.

- Signed up for caravan
- Got transported to encounter with raiders
- However, once victorious, none of the caravaners offers any dialouge (and no, no-one but raiders died in the battles either.)
- If I quit the map, I get transported to an empty map save for 2 Brahmin vagons
- If I quit THAT map too, I'm transported to the caravan destination with a yelling caravaner claiming I "abandoned" them.

EDIT: Apparently which way you leave the map matters. It seems that if I walk back the direction I came from after I enter the 2nd map (the one with 0 people and 2 brahmin carts), I get a "good hob" message at the end. (You'll end up teleported to your designation either way, but the message changes.)

I've been using the latet FO Fixt, 0.81alpha, by the way.
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Same thing happened to me every time.

- Signed up for caravan
- Got transported to encounter with raiders
- However, once victorious, none of the caravaners offers any dialouge (and no, no-one but raiders died in the battles either.)
- If I quit the map, I get transported to an empty map save for 2 Brahmin vagons
- If I quit THAT map too, I'm transported to the caravan destination with a yelling caravaner claiming I "abandoned" them.

EDIT: Apparently which way you leave the map matters. It seems that if I walk back the direction I came from after I enter the 2nd map (the one with 0 people and 2 brahmin carts), I get a "good hob" message at the end. (You'll end up teleported to your designation either way, but the message changes.)

I've been using the latet FO Fixt, 0.81alpha, by the way.

I was experiencing the same glitch. I tried this and it seemed to work but later I took another caravan guard job and the glitch returned and it seems no matter which way I exit the map I get accused of abandoning them. Do you have any further knowledge about what could be causing this and how to fix it?
Sorry to reply, but couldnt find a solution for this bug anywhere.

Go back where you came from. Dont use the exit grid twice in the same direction. (didnt try other exits)

On my second encounter, there was only one exit grid. (think that should be normal, like other worldmap encounters)
But other guards didnt get into the fight. Maybe this helps to find the error in the code...
Through a process of trial & error of removing various scripts from Fallout Fixt, the one that seemed to be causing this bug was CARENCTR.INT- removing or renaming it allowed me to once again complete the various caravan runs. I still encounter the second map bug on occasion but I'm no longer being accused of abandoning the caravan.
Through a process of trial & error of removing various scripts from Fallout Fixt, the one that seemed to be causing this bug was CARENCTR.INT- removing or renaming it allowed me to once again complete the various caravan runs. I still encounter the second map bug on occasion but I'm no longer being accused of abandoning the caravan.

Sorry about resurrecting the old topic, but this solution actually worked for me. Said that, deleting CARENCTR.INT will mess with all the caravan rewards so you get, for instance, 200 bottlecaps instead of 600 working for Crimson Caravans even if it clearly indicates you will get paid with 600. Is not a big deal and solves the problem in exchange of getting less bottlecaps.

Of course the problem is on that file, but perhaps exist a way to edit and get the best possible outcome. Anyways I'm not sure about that because if even the devs of Fixt haven't found a solution... There is no hope.

I must clarify that sometimes the bugged empty map with caravans will show first, but when you leave the zone you get the encounter anyways.