CD/DVD RW rom isn't working.


The voice of reason
I'm running vista(you can use this space here to laugh at me) and my old dvd drive died. so I got a new one and this fucking thing won't work. I've been all over the google and that brings me back to microsoft telling me to edit my HKEY and deleting my upper and lower filters....I did and it stil didn't work. (did a million uninstalls and reinstalls too)

In fact I've gotten 2 dvd rw drives and neither of them have worked. the one from the 90's did when I needed to install program did.

So I cam here to all of you to be my Obi-Wan since you are my only hope.....
Is it sata or the older IDE plug? When you hook it up does Windows at least recognize that a new device is present and try to install it?
it is a sata with a ide converter, and windows says it is there. I can enable and disable it, but whenever I put a disk in it locks up and doesn't budge. so far I got it to read music cd. it list the song track but won't play them.

and I have another CD/DVD rom too and it did the same thing. And they are both new from the store except it was a ide model.