
Which camp do you belong to?

  • Morphotypical human - cilantro tastes normal.

  • Mutant freak - cilantro tastes like dish-washer soap.

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Keeper of the trout
Some people are born with a debilitating mutation causing cilantro to taste like soap, sometimes overpoweringly so. I am one of them, and I have no choice but to carry this burden, as there exists no cure - at least for the time being. With raised awareness, focus and research initiatives, maybe in the future, our childrens children will know a world where all humans can truly be considered equals - cilantro or no cilantro.

So - which camp do you belong to?
Feel free to share your story. Your pain is our pain. We are family!
It used to taste that way to me as a kid, but my taste has changed as I've grown up and now I like it even by itself. It's good in Mexican pie. I don't have any cilantro stories but my mother always forced my to try chicken livers whenever she made them growing up. I hated it. So much so that my dad had her stop making me try them.

Cilantro in salsa really accentuates the overall flavor of the salsa for me. Having to pick the leaves off when you need a bunch can be annoying as you don't want that stringiness they can have if not peeled right.
You learned to like it? That's interesting. You know about the mutation thing, right? You've probably gone through an effort "normies" did not have to. I've also found that cilantro *mixed into* a dish it's less noticeable. The first time I really noticed cilantro was when gf took me to my first proper sushi-place (in my own home city obv) and the chicken spears were just *covered* in fresh cilantro.
I was SO put off by the aroma - the sauce was delicious, the chicken was - and I had no idea what the strong, pungent flavor was. I tried to like it - I'm very omnivorous, but I could never quite enjoy it. Finally we figured out about the whole gene-thing, which has since left me wondering what I'm missing out on. Apparently, the fresh flavor should be kind of lemony
I must have the soap mutation then and just convinced myself to like it. :lol:
I hated it so much as a kid, but had to eat it since my parents used it so often. It's kinda like beer or especially IPA's are very soapy for me so I don't usually drink it unless it's an Oatmeal stout. Cilantro isn't something I usually want though. I am just neutral unless we're talking salsa. I don't get a lemon flavor just a weird bitterness that can be nice.