Civ 5


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
I was wondering if anyone else had Civ 5 and if you guys wanted to play sometime?
(I've had it for months and only put in about 12 hours of it).

Like we could link up once a week or so and just play through Civ.
Damn, I used to play CiV a lot, but that was a while ago...
I would, but the laptop I'm using atm cannot run it and I'm kinda busy these days.

Damn you Millim, now I have an urge to play.
sadly i've been waiting just for civ vi. not sure if i want go back to v again; with its messy system and content
Do you have the DLC? The pack really makes up for the vanilla game simplicity and AI retardness
I could, but unless you are in EU schedule it'd be a weird arrangement.
IIRC I used a bunch of mods to make the game very natural (I guess I could use that word). Of course, I'm referring to the full game, all DLCs etc.

Not looking forward to Civ VI tho. Beyond Earth wasn't my cup of tea, and I expect more DLC-whoring. Will get GOTY eventually, but not before it's dirt cheap.
sadly i've been waiting just for civ vi. not sure if i want go back to v again; with its messy system and content

If you thought Civ V was bad, I don't think Civ VI is going to be anything special for you. From what I've seen on leaked videos of the game and from the demo handed out to the presses, the AI is actually WORSE than Civ V's despite promised improvements. It does look like they took some of the experimental stuff from Beyond Earth, but it isn't enough in my eyes. Not to mention there's only 18 Civs right off the bat, so if you want the full experience we're once again going to have to wait for 2 expansion packs costing 30 dollars each. It's not worth it, and after they jipped me on Beyond Earth I don't plan to buy Civ VI until all the DLCs are out and it's like 75% off.
If you thought Civ V was bad, I don't think Civ VI is going to be anything special for you. From what I've seen on leaked videos of the game and from the demo handed out to the presses, the AI is actually WORSE than Civ V's despite promised improvements. It does look like they took some of the experimental stuff from Beyond Earth, but it isn't enough in my eyes. Not to mention there's only 18 Civs right off the bat, so if you want the full experience we're once again going to have to wait for 2 expansion packs costing 30 dollars each. It's not worth it, and after they jipped me on Beyond Earth I don't plan to buy Civ VI until all the DLCs are out and it's like 75% off.
check my thread about it btw, and i dont think its bad actually. you got ai agenda, which is make it more consistent. Also the casus belli aspect will be a solution to what ussually deemed as warmongering penalty problem. check totalbiscuit and drew durnil, so far they give positive impression on the earlier alpha version. And unstacked unit also return
I have it and all the DLC, haven't played it in a little while though. If a couple of you guys want to get together and play I'd be down to join in I guess.