Arr0nax said:
First, it needs to be spread because the American government doesn't want it to be spread. It's a piece of information depicting a critical event and should be made public for the sake of freedom of information.
Spread it all you want, no one in any position of power gives a shit. Videos such as these have been around since 2003 with Gung-Ho Marines yelling OohRah! as they gun down people from roof tops.
Granted the videos are usually grainy and out of focus, the actual people dying being quite far away and for all the youtube posters know could have actually been armed, that does still not stop the hippies from screaming atrocity when they know nothing of the conditions our Marines and Soldiers are thrust into.
Arr0nax said:
Third, it needs to be spread because the behavior of the military involved is just disgusting. They are literally impatient to sheding blood and it's quite interesting to hear them. You can clearly hear the impatience of the shooter with phrases like "let me shoot". You can hear him enjoining the dying crawling men to "pick up a weapon" so he can kill him. You can hear him laughing about a humvee rolling over a dead body.
Well you can just get over that shit, it is not going to change. What more can you honestly expect? We train our Marines and Soldiers to be able to take life at the whim, to be the best warriors in the world and you cry foul when they enjoy what they do?
Before PT starts at our functions if we are not talking about girls we are talking about how bad we want to get to Afghanistan so we can kill as many of those fuckers as possible, the indoctrination starts even before boot as our recruiters join in the convo and encourage it.
On a side note I ship to Parris Island April 12th.
Arr0nax said:
Fourth, it needs to be spread because people tend to forget there's a real war going on at the other end of the world, for shading reasons, and that you're lucky not to be the civilian living next door to these massacres.
But people don't care, the vast majority do not. They just want to go to work, come home, eat a hot dog and watch CSI or what ever the devil it is people watch these days. No one gives a shit when some random Iraqi or Afghani happened to be mixed up with insurgents and got lit up by mistake.
War sucks, mistakes are made on both sides but things go on. The difference being you actually have the luxury of sitting at home and whining about it on the internet.