cool new idea! must see!

Ratty Sr.

Ratty, except old
hello, i'm Ratty and i have a brilliant idea for new Fallout 3.
Fallout 3 should be a first person game based on improved Doom 3 engine, which would support resolutions 1600x1200 and above, pixel shaders 2.0 and 8x FSAA. minimum requirements should be geforce FX, 512 mb RAM and P4 processor with HyperThreading. it should be an arena based multiplayer only game, with realistic damage model and physique from Serious Sam. in my opinion, developers should throw out all those weapons, armors and other items. there should only be supersledge, 10mm pistol, dual magnum, minigun, gattling laser and a rocket launcher. oh, yeah, and A-bomb thrower. as for other items, there would be stimpaks for healing and keycards for opening secret doors. there would be only one armor in the game, advanced power armor, and every player would be equipped with it from the beginning. oh, and there should be no dialogue in the game, but there should be character creation, only without charisma, intelligence, perception and luck, and without speech, barter, science and repair skills. the game would be called Fallout Tournament: Battlefield 2242 and would feature Max "Serious" Stone as the player character. it should be released for XBox, and then, two years later, for PC.

P.S. the contents of this post don't reflect the view of the author in any way. it is, in fact, quite possible that the author is opposed to the pointless 3d hardware race in recent years, where quality of games is measured primarily in the number of lens flares displayed per frame, and their development is dictated by the demand on console market.
P.P.S. ironically, the sarcastic vision of new Fallout 3 presented by the author (for it is, indeed, sarcastic) could very soon become reality, especially if Interplay manages to sell a million or two copies of "new" kickass Fallout tactics for XBox to hordes of braindead munchkins commonly known as "console gamers". other words, the future looks bad. o tempora, o mores! :?
Now watch carefully nWo... Even though this person is clearly messing around here (I hope) there will still be people posting here "What the *beeping beep* are you doing here? Go back and *beep* your *beep*! :x" He may just be poking fun at the idea of a Fallout FPS, but the forum rules that you see even before you enter this forum clearly states that you can't post about Fallout FPS or Fallout Online. This applies for when you're being serious AND when you're talking about their faults. I'd give it 24 hours before it gets dipped into the vats. If anything, you can talk about this in the General Fallout forum.

Anybody else?
Hi Ratty and welcome i am also new.

And if you broke the forum rules which i never even read myself but anyways its going to get dipped into the vats but don't take it too hard my first post when there too.

nWo says well if its going to the vats i might as well light up. 8)
nWo said:
And if you broke the forum rules which i never even read myself but anyways its going to get dipped into the vats but don't take it too hard my first post when there too.

Read the rules.

And don't vat this, this belongs on the FO:POS forum.
a lithel hint.

if you se somthing printed in red text under the board description
you should read it. if you dont understand it ask your parents ore someone else what it mean.

god luck
i apologize for unintentionally breaking forum rules, but i think you misunderstood the whole point of the post. its sole purpose is to show everyone how pissed i am with the fact that we'll most likely never see fallout 3, and even if we do, it will probably be some twisted action game that will have about one percent of traditional fallout's atmosphere and immersiveness. my description of Fallout FPS is merely a metaphore for the modern game developing philosophy, where all efforts are aimed at making a shiny and graphically attractive, but dull and unimaginative product which can bring a lot of dough with minimum investment, both in means of finances and human effort. i thought the forum rules imply that one shouldn't post serious suggestions and ideas for a Fallout FPS or online game. i didnt consider the possibility that they might also apply to a sarcastic metaphore of a multiplayer based Fallout shooter which in fact sums up and mocks greatest fears of every true Fallout fan (which i certainly am). so, i hope nobody deletes this thread or, worse yet, bans me from this forum, because i had no intention to break the forum rules and i definitely had no intention of promoting an idea as absurd as a Fallout action shooter. hopefully we'll never have a chance to see such a mutilation of fallout, knock on my mother-in-law's head. :wink:
I got the idea, i liked the post. a different presentation on a subject that has already been discussed is always a good thing, i think.
Welcome then.
I, for one, believed the sarcasm could be laid a bit more thick.

So what do you fellows think? Put it into the FO:POS forum for Chucklehead Cuervos to notice, or leave it here as a sarcastic middle finger aimed back at Interplay? I do have to note that some people at Interplay are dumb enough to take that seriously (i.e. Chuck), so that might be a bad thing.

Another downside to leaving it here is that some idiot will take it as a sign to okay posting about Fallout FPS ideas. Then you have people like I/O Error, which in having their head up their ass could be the definitive I/O Error, who post stupid (and serious) threads about such a topic, get explained why it would be incredibly bad (as in, a real Fallout Enforcer), and then will come back later and register here and whine like a little twit about why those topics are banned when anyone with an idea of what to search on could find their idiocy in the archived boards.
i agree. it would be good if moderator moved this post to Fallout: POS. i think it'll be safe from idiots there. :P
LoL I thought of a Fallout FPS but quickly dismissed it becuase it would take away alot of the creativity of the old games but thanks for making me laugh any ways ^_^
Hey, that reminds me.. Can we post about Fallout Enforcer in the General Discussion forum? The rules say that posts in that forum can have nothing to do with Fallout, and as far as I can tell, neither does Fallout Enforcer.