Cthulhu Armageddon


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
Hot on the coat tails of Dude101's novel release, CT Phipps asks us to post about his new book: Cthulhu Armageddon. As the name implies, it's a mix up of two genres which are beloved by our community: post-apocalyptic sci-fi and Lovecraftian horror.

Cthulhu Armageddon is a post-apocalypse science fiction set in the world of H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. One hundred years have passed since the destruction of the Earth by the Great Old Ones' Rising. Humanity continues to survive in small pockets. John Henry Booth as a Ranger for New Arkham suffers a devastating loss when his team is wiped out looking for a group of kidnapped children. Blamed for the disaster and exiled into the Wasteland, he vows to get revenge on the magician responsible. It's the only thing he has left.

Cthulhu Armageddon is available in ebook and audiobook form with the latter narrated by Jeffrey Kafer. Fallout was a big influence on my work and I mention that in my Foreword. I hope everyone who decides to check it out will enjoy it.


A small snippet of text is available on Amazon, so take a look to find out if this book is for you.
Is the front page just ad space?
Might as well be with how slow the news feed is. Personally I think that NMA should post news about anything post-apocalyptic so that it can branch out. Besides, if you're an up and comer then you need as much publicity as you can get and I don't necessarily see anything wrong with helping out someone else and since his book is post-apocalyptic it isn't sticking out like a sore thumb either.

At the end of the day though: :shrug:
Might as well be with how slow the news feed is. Personally I think that NMA should post news about anything post-apocalyptic so that it can branch out. Besides, if you're an up and comer then you need as much publicity as you can get and I don't necessarily see anything wrong with helping out someone else and since his book is post-apocalyptic it isn't sticking out like a sore thumb either.
, I thinks it's only natural that we also cover stuff coming from our own members.

At the end of the day though: :shrug:
Just something off about some random new user whose barely been here for a month getting to peddle his stuff on the front page on request.
, I thinks it's only natural that we also cover stuff coming from our own members.
Does some new guy's pre-existing stuff really count as "coming from our own members"?
So, the relevance of someone's work is being evaluated by amount of shitpost on message boards now? Since Bethesda employees are not NMA members and yet NMA is full of news about Bethesdean games inspired by Fallout, what's wrong with some book inspired by Fallout? FFS guys..
Is it Fallout or post-apoc related?
Could it interest some of our members?

I understand your concern and yes this is hard to judge. However, do you have anything better to post?
Can any random person request personal ads now?
Only if they bribe me.
In any case, I want to thank the good folk here at NMA for doing it.

I really appreciate it.

You guys rock.

Thank you @SuAside.

Does some new guy's pre-existing stuff really count as "coming from our own members"?

While we are archenemies *waves liberal voodoo doll at him*, I should point out the Foreword states the book was partially inspired by Fallout along with several other Post-Apocalypse materials.


What would you get if you crossed Mad Max with the Cthulhu Cycle? These are the kind of thoughts you have when you’re up at 5:00 am working on your master’s degree in college as well as a hardcore tabletop gamer. Cthulhu Armageddon was my first novel idea and I’ve re-written it six (count ’em, six) times since first coming up with the story. In the end, I always came back to the vision of a lone soldier traveling across a wasteland while Great Cthulhu loomed in the background. It’s a very gamer image.

And I am a gamer.

Over the years, I’ve played ungodly amounts of Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, and Vampire: The Masquerade. I’ve also played a lot of video games, of which my favorites have included Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth and the Fallout franchise.

Cthulhu Armageddon is undeniably a mash-up fiction which is brought about from the idea of what it would be like to experience a post-apocalypse survival tale from the perspective of someone who was more akin to the Road Warrior than Giles from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer (more typical of Lovecraft’s protagonists than Mel Gibson). For those looking for a traditional telling of H. P. Lovecraft’s work about the cosmic horror of humanity in a nihilistic universe where nothing makes sense, I suggest you look elsewhere.

This is a work drawn from my own experiences of treating Lovecraft’s bestiary as my own personal Monstrous Manual. I love Lovecraft’s work even if I suspect my anarchist, pro-racial-equality, pro-gay, theistic viewpoint of the world wouldn’t go down well with him. Then again, Lovecraft had quite a few odd friendships, so maybe we would have gotten along on our shared love of monsters.

No, this is a novel which was written with the idea of soldiers and survivors traveling across the blasted hellscape of a planet warped by the rising of the Great Old Ones. It’s fantasy-horror at best rather than just horror, and I can assure you many monsters are horribly killed. The cold nihilistic universe of Lovecraft is no friendlier to the Great Old Ones than it is to humanity.

In a way, my book does them a service because this is a world where the Great Old Ones have incontrovertibly won. Earth has been warped beyond recognition and mankind is reduced to scattered bands of survivors. They are survivors, however, who have learned to adapt to their new world, however. While Cthulhu and Yog-Sothoth may rule the cosmos, mankind may be the ants which ruin their picnic. If you’re a Lovecraft purist, this will not go over well, but I’m far from the first man to think the best thing to do when you meet Cthulhu is call the Ghostbusters.

Hell, there was even an episode of the cartoon where they defeated Old Batwings. Likewise, Brian Lumley wrote a series of novels (the Titus Crow series) where his protagonists beat the living crap out of them with a flying coffin-TARDIS. This is just my contribution to the genre.
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No Wutants Allowed

Well, that ruined a heartfelt thanks.


This is what you get for talking to your wife during a post.

In any case, I've had a lot of fun here and it's nice to take a day from being Charles Whipps the Wuthor.
haha u have a wife
I'm so lonely

Seriously though when I get back from Morocco I'll order it. No point getting it now as it'll arrive too late.

Have fun in Morocco!

It sounds like a wonderful place from all I've heard. The only time I've come close was when I killed two people there as Agent 47.
While we are archenemies *waves liberal voodoo doll at him*, I should point out the Foreword states the book was partially inspired by Fallout along with several other Post-Apocalypse materials.
Well if your understanding of those series you mentioned is anything like your understanding of Fallout I'm sure it's just an absolute blast.
Well if your understanding of those series you mentioned is anything like your understanding of Fallout I'm sure it's just an absolute blast.
Oi don't be mean. He admits that 1, 2, Tactics and New Vegas are superior games; he just defended some of our (albeit justified) criticisms of 3 and 4. Plus he's stopped his head canoning phase and we're all very proud of him.

I killed two people there as Agent 47.
Yeah I'm going to the big square where the game is set :) So long as I don't go to any fortune tellers or Swedish embassies I should be fine.
Oi don't be mean. He admits that 1, 2, Tactics and New Vegas are superior games; he just defended some of our (albeit justified) criticisms of 3 and 4. Plus he's stopped his head canoning phase and we're all very proud of him.
An NMA without meaness, hate, vitriol and toxicity is no NMA I want to be a part of :twisted:
Gas the bethfans
Fallout wars now!
Well if your understanding of those series you mentioned is anything like your understanding of Fallout I'm sure it's just an absolute blast.

Alas, I had to focus on world-building and characterization than mindless shooting. So, no, it's nothing like the things I love in Fallout.


Oi don't be mean. He admits that 1, 2, Tactics and New Vegas are superior games; he just defended some of our (albeit justified) criticisms of 3 and 4. Plus he's stopped his head canoning phase and we're all very proud of him.

I don't see it as headcanoning but inferring. Like Markath has little to fear from Dragon Attacks according to the Jarl and the town is made of stone. Me saying, "Markath is made of stone so that's why it has nothing to fear from dragons who breathe fire" is not headcanon.

But thanks.
