Cybernetics and Biomechanics


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Tried to google but quick search got nothing.

So in Deus Ex, Adam Jensen and JC Denton SHOULD feel pain right? Unless the chip imparts finely tuned motor control for their limbs via no pain like pressure.

I wonder because when Adam breaks locks, it doesn't seem to hurt him.

Also, what are the ramifications of a prosthetic that is able to ruin locks and doors?
Tried to google but quick search got nothing.

So in Deus Ex, Adam Jensen and JC Denton SHOULD feel pain right? Unless the chip imparts finely tuned motor control for their limbs via no pain like pressure.

I wonder because when Adam breaks locks, it doesn't seem to hurt him.
Seems like it. The feedback could probably be turned off like how we turn off phone vibration.

Also, what are the ramifications of a prosthetic that is able to ruin locks and doors?
Same as a bolt cutter, I assume, if that bolt cutter had sentience and a gun. Apparently Adam was actually a bit of a psychopathic monster in the backstory and only really became more positive as most players wouldn't like to play a villain. I think of him more along the lines of Armitage from Neuromancer minus the whole mentally unstable part.

MIT mountain climber and engineer Hugh Herr that develops some of the more groundbreaking prosthetics today:


Probably some kind of power regulator. Sucks to accidentally punch a whole in your MMA opponent.
Actually reminds me of the technology induced existentialism that was portrayed in one part of the Ghost in the Shell manga I have:


At what point of augmentation do you cease to be you? Is it from step one, or when you start messing with the brain?

I haven't played the original Deus Ex gammes. I bet they're on sale right now for summer.