Does anyone think I'm crazy for doing this?


Still Mildly Glowing
I am about to quit my job, in like ten hours. I think I'm going to work out my shift today and that's it.

See, recently there's been a problem with people stealing money from the register at work. The store manager apparently has no interest in catching whoever is doing it, so long as she gets the money back by the following pay day. I have done what I can, but my efforts are hampered by the fact that I can not trust anyone at this point. :( The real problem is that I am being held accountable for these missing funds, and it has come to over $700 so far this month. That's about a hundred dollars a day. :shock: I have to pay back equal shares with everyone who worked on a shift where money was missing. This is going to total out to about $160. That would be about half of my weekly net pay. :evil:

On top of that, corporate tells me that if I don't pay, they will fire me. :evil: My original plan was to work out the week, and tell them they were not getting a damn dime. Then they would fire me, and I could file a wrongful termination lawsuit. Since they would then be required to prove that I stole the money, I'm pretty sure I would win. :twisted:

Unfortunately, the stress is killing me, damn near literally. Thanks to six weeks of this bullshit, I now have a bleeding ulcer happily eating away at the lining of my stomach. :cry:

On the one hand, I want out, and bad. On the other hand, I know from experience that finding work in this area during the winter is damn hard, since so many of the jobs around here are outdoor seasonal work; this means that there are lots of laid-off people looking for work about now.

But I think that it's finally come to the point that I have to leave, as it's starting to affect my life outside of work. Normally, I leave my private life at the door when I get to work, and I leave my work at the door when I go home. But this shit is just too fucking much.

Really, no one has to post to this, I just wanted to rant a bit and express myself to a group; but if you want to chime in, go ahead- just do it in the next nine hours, because I'll be leaving for my last day of work about then.

Wish me luck, folks!
Well, it is either get fired, quit or pay the funds.

I'd rather just quit, it looks much better on you resume when you go look for another job.

Why not be a mall santa claus!?!
Good luck! I know exactly where you're coming from. Up until recently, I was stuck in a job that for several years had me dreading waking up every morning. Although unemployment sucks, no one should continue working in a situation like the one you described.
Talisien said:
I could file a wrongful termination lawsuit. Since they would then be required to prove that I stole the money, I'm pretty sure I would win.
that wholely depends on your contract. there's probably a clause about this kind of situation inthere somewhere.

but gl.
They first have to prove that you owe the money before they garnish it, period. It is against the law for a place of employment to require you to pay them money from your paycheck unless it's a matter that you personally have caused. Unless it's in a special provision, no employer may garnish wages unless it's by court order or by agreement with the employee.

If they want to make you liable for it while you're not in such a position, tell them they can talk to the labor board of your state. There first has to be satisfactory evidence that you were involved or responsible, and if you're not in a position to be held liable for others, and they decide to fire you/fine you for this, then you have one hell of a lawsuit on your hands, and they can bother to investigate the problem and not just scapegoat it on anyone they care.
If you're feeling feisty then you should play the bleeding ulcer card and see if you can't get them to give YOU some money. I'm guessing most of them Ohio folk are pretty simple, and winning a case in court should be a breeze if what you say is true
Wouldn't you rather try to find whomever's stealing the money? Set a trap or something.

I wouldn't tolerate some goddamn thief putting my employment at risk.
well, if i recall correctly, most contracts here in belgium stipulate that the cashier is responsible for his or her personal cashregister and that he or she has to make up for the difference (between reality and digital cash register files) at the end of each day.
on the other hand any surplus is for him or her.
(this is usually more a 'stick behind the door' rather than an enforced rule though.)

and Stock, it's hard to set a trap when others are unmotivated to do anything about said problem (especially the manager). setting a one person sting is hard and can even be dangerous.
SuAside wrote:
that wholely depends on your contract. there's probably a clause about this kind of situation inthere somewhere.

Contract? Over here, companies are in to this 'at will' employment thing. No contracts unless you're salary or high up in the company.

Rosh wrote:
There first has to be satisfactory evidence that you were involved or responsible, and if you're not in a position to be held liable for others, and they decide to fire you/fine you for this, then you have one hell of a lawsuit on your hands, and they can bother to investigate the problem and not just scapegoat it on anyone they care.

Unfortunately, I am third manager, so I guess you could say I'm responsible for others. Also unfortunatley, I spend most of my time cooking. And whoever is stealing is a better thief than I am a cop, so not having anyone else trying to catch this bastard sucks balls.

Stock wrote:
Wouldn't you rather try to find whomever's stealing the money? Set a trap or something.

I wouldn't tolerate some goddamn thief putting my employment at risk.
Been there, done that, and it didn't work. At this point, I think that it's multiple people. I think someone (or several someones, for all I know) saw me getting fucked for someone elses crime and decided to jump on the bandwagon. And if I ever catch who's behind this shit... They just better watch their ass, is all I'm saying.

Luke wrote:
Steal even more money so it evens out.
Don't think I ahven't had the thought. "Hell, if they're gonna fire me for stealing anyway, I might as well..." But that's not my style. I hate thieves, and always have.

Well, I'm leaving in about ten minutes (they accuse me of stealing, then call me in two hours early to cover for someone- WTF?!?), so wish me luck guys...
Ey, you fucked up the quotes.. Good luck, though! I wouldn't take shit like that. I wouldn't steal in return either - wasn't being serious about that - but it would be tempting.
Talisien said:
Contract? Over here, companies are in to this 'at will' employment thing. No contracts unless you're salary or high up in the company.
hehe, no wonder they push you around...

sjeez. even to work as a temp or get a student job you need a full contract over here (in writing, not verbal).

its got to be one of the most satisfying experiences of ones life to quit a job they hate that is giving you grief...

in fact Id quit find another job and then quit that one right away two,

working any bullshit job is not worth stress of any kind.
Talisien said:
Unfortunately, I am third manager, so I guess you could say I'm responsible for others. Also unfortunatley, I spend most of my time cooking. And whoever is stealing is a better thief than I am a cop, so not having anyone else trying to catch this bastard sucks balls.

Then if the top manager or anyone else at the local part of the company does not care to help you, you have done what you personally can to try and stop this - which is all you're legally obligated to do, as if your boss doesn't try to help you despite your efforts, you are not personally responsible. At such a point you can tell them that they can either help you catch the thief, or they will be minus a third manager as you quit due to inhospitable working conditions AND the money as now nobody would care to catch the thief and they don't have a sap to scapegoat, and you'll be sending the bill for your ulcer treatment to them as part settlement of employee abuse. Send this to corporate, as they'll care about a thief being put over a manager costing them yet even more.
Well, I did it, I quit. And the real kicker is that today, another $110 came up missing. I DID NOT take it, in spite of my earlier comment. I wish I could be there in the morning to see the boss' face when she gets the letter of resignation I left. I have been thinking that she may even call the cops, LOL. Now, I hope they try to sue me or press criminal charges. My attorney, whom I
contacted today, tells me that he's sure they will be very sorry if they do. Since his firm specializes in business and commercial law, as well as criminal, I am fairly confident that he knows what he's talking about.

As things stand, I wish that I could still work there; the job itself was a good one. But the bullshit is unreal. It's like living in a soap opera. I'm better off gone. If nothing else, it'll give me more time to spend here, and working on my Alcatraz mod, LOL.
To hell with them anyway, definately keep us posted on the next exciting chapter!
Oh, belive me, stupidity of the collossal sort they are dishing out absolutely MUST be shared. If anything comes of it, I'll post. If not... I'llprobably post anyway, LOL. :lol:
If you know any other current employees you can keep in contact with, see if they'll let you know if more money is going missing.

Then, collect up a tally of every bit they have docked from you as "reimbursement", and proceed to get that back. I'd talk with the attorney about that, as I'm not that familiar with your local laws.
Actually, Rosh, they haven't gotten shit from me... yet. They want it all back on Friday (pay day). On advice from my attorney, I'm going to get my check, THEN tell them they can have their money... IF they can prove that I stole it.This will force them to drop it, or attempt to force me, via legal proceedings, to give it to them. He's confident that they don't have enough evidence to do that, so I should be in the clear.

But, yes, I do have a contact still working there who will keep me updated on anything else that happens. She's just as fed up as I am, but needs the money worse and can not afford to quit yet. She is hoping that if this shit falls on her next (she's the most likely person to take my job), she can use what happens to me to her advantage. So it is in her best interest for me to have this resolved in my favor.

Also, there's another manager who, after hearing about this shit, has put in her two weeks notice today. Looks like they are going to be a bit short-handed pretty soon. Aww, ain't that just too bad... :D