
What is your opinion on drugs, personally I think they should be legal. They are on level with alcohol in my opinion.

Of course I'm not under some illusion that drugs are good for you, it's a vice like any other. But in moderation (obviously I'm not supporting addictions like alcoholism) I think they would only be as damaging as any other vice is like drinking or smoking.

Saying all drugs should be legal is a pretty broad statement that I don't think is saying much. There are many forms of narcotics and some are far more harmful than others.
I do think cannabis should be legalized for several reasons, but beyond that there are handful of drugs which perhaps deserve the legal status. Most of the stuff that is banned should be banned.
I would say everything should be decriminalised but not necessarily legalised. There's plenty of shit that you shouldn't be able to deal, but simply possessing it shouldn't be a criminal offence.

Weed and Shrooms ought to be fully legalised. It really doesn't make sense to have something that grows naturally be a criminal offence, plus they are each relatively harmless.

Acid should be legalised but heavily regulated.
Maybe they should legalize drugs and ban drink , see what happens ?

Why is drinking bad though. I mean as-long as you moderated you drink then its fine. Heaving a pint after work isn't going to hurt you. My literally do you go as it will get you socializing ! Maybe that just a british thing I don't know.

Think drugs is the same. Having a 'joint' after work that sort of thing could really work. But I think it needs to be measured like drink. So like you have a pint of beer you can have some sort of measure of weed. I think something like that can work. I think drugs like acid though shouldn't be legal.

Imagine though if you could take drugs sales at say %40. That be awhole lota money for schools and shit
They should at the very least decriminalize drugs so that people aren't afraid of seeking help and sending junkies to prison isn't going to be helpful since they'll have to deal with drug problems AND lack of employment due to their prison record.

Obviously you can't manufacture or sell drugs or anything, there's a reason why legal drug companies need licensing and regulations.

As to what drugs should be legally obtained like cigarettes and alcohol? I dunno. There's a difference between cannabis, cocaine and krokodil.
Legalize all of it

Gasoline is free for you to drink, but you won't, cus you'll die.
Whatever doesn't kill you, but gives you a buzz, people will jump hoops to get hold of either way, which brings us to War on Drugs and 100 000 + dead in Mexico alone

Legalize all of it, and when it comes to weed, be honest about it: Weed is fun, it also lets people take a breather
Alcohol is very important to society, and around most of the world, we acknowledge this. Without a regular availability of alcohol, people would go nuts. Muslim countries make up for it with copious ammounts of nicotine and caffeine and qat as well as smuggling illegal alcohol and cannabis

Humans are not made for complete and permament sobriety. It's a failure of nature, we get homicidal. Legalize the hard drugs in order to curb violence, as well as unburdening the court and prison systems, and legalize the soft stuff cus its fun for all the family.

Also, legalizing all drugs would create a tremendous economic collapse in all the drug money that is funneled into world banks. It'd be fun to see what'd happen with the worlds #1? #2? absolutely biggest flow of money suddenly disappearing. As an experiment!
Not possessing a medical degree, I feel slightly underqualified to have an opinion one way or the other on which drugs are 'helpful' for people.

I do however think spending shitloads of taxpayer money to hunt down and detain non-violent people is both morally and economically idiotic.

It would be one thing if banning drugs actually solved a tangible issue, but the policy as it stands doesn't even seem to work in and of itself. I could walk down the street right now and likely get my hands on just about any illegal substance I wanted to within minutes. What the fuck is everyone paying for exactly?
I find that illegal drugs, possession, etc. is an unenforceable law (as in it's a constant occurrence and many people do them) and many criminal organizations made their bones on supplying them to people, much like the prohibition of alcohol basically created the mob.

Also to specify, by "drugs" I mean the usual suspects: cocaine, weed, meth, LSD, heroin, Molly, PCP, Ketamine, speed, etc.

And of course I don't mean legal as in any average Joe can sell it on the block. Their would be regulations on the manufacturing and selling of said drugs much like alcohol. Like having professionals create the drugs and licensed sellers.
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