Elder Scrolls VI leak



Also, it's a prediction, not a leak.
  • TES VI: Argonia

  • The 3 Attributes, Health, Stamina, and Magicka, are now automatically derived from your skill levels in the Warrior, Thief, and Mage aligned skills.
  • There are now 12 Skills, with the removal of Alteration, Pickpocket, & Block. Light Armor & Heavy Armor are combined into Armor, Conjuration & Destruction are combined into Offensive Magic, and One-Handed & Two-Handed are combined into Melee.
  • Alchemy involves 20 ingredients with 15 effects.
  • Enchanting chosen from 25 effects. All effects are now "Constant Effect," with weapon enchantments no longer draining charge on hit.
  • Tempering removed; all equipment now created through crafting mini-game.
  • All races now have the same stats & starting skills. The previous racial powers can be obtained in-game by selecting a "Specialization" from certain trainers in cities. Bosmer & Altmer combined into "Old Elves," Nords, Bretons, & Imperials combined into "Northmen," Orcs removed.
  • All dialogue choices involve choosing between 4 options: "Yes," "No," "Maybe?," and "Yeah, sure!" All choices are interchangeable and advance dialogue equally. All NPC settlements have between 1 & 3 buildings, aside from several main cities which have up to 6 buildings. There is one male & one female voice actor for each race.
  • Fast traveling can now be done to any location on the map, regardless of whether the location has been previously visited. In addition, viewing a Quest in your Journal gives you the option of fast traveling directly to the next objective for that quest, wherever it may be. Fetch quests removed; all quest objectives now involve combat.
  • There are now only 3 factions, the Dark Brotherhood & Thieves Guild combined into the Shadows Guild. All 3 guilds (Shadows, Fighters, & Mages) are housed in different wings of a single large building, the Guildoffices Complex. Each guild has a 3-quest questline to become the leader.
  • After escaping from prison, you learn of the local legend of a particularly infamous Hagraven colloquially referred to as "Aunt Hag." Apparently Aunt Hag has used an Elder Scroll to learn a secret art which can forcibly extract sap from the Hist trees and use it to empower herself. She has become hopped up on Hist and is planning to use her newfound power to destroy the world. You must find and defeat Aunt-Hag-on-Hist.
  • Lore: The 8 Divines combined into 3 Divines, and the 17 major Daedric Princes combined into 5 Daedric Princes. Each race depicted as either inherently evil or good for simplicity (E.G. Dark Elves are evil, Old Elves are good).

  • TES VII: Valenwood

  • Your Health, Stamina, and Magicka are now directly tied to your character's level, and cannot be influenced.
  • There are now 6 Skills, with the removal of Armor, Speech, & Illusion. Melee and Archery are combined into Weapons, Sneak & Lockpicking are combined into Stealth, and Restoration & Offensive Magic are combined into Battlemagic.
  • Alchemy involves 2 ingredients with 2 effects: red flowers make health potion, and green flowers make poison.
  • Enchanting now has 4 possible effects: Fortify Weapons, Fortify Stealth, Fortify Magic, and Fortify Enchanting.
  • Bows/Crossbows replaced with the new "Gun" weapontype, reverse engineered from ancient Dwemer prototypes.
  • Northmen & Redguards combined into "Humans", Old Elves & Dunmer combined into "Elves", Argonians & Khajiit combined into "Beastmen." Elves look exactly like Humans but with longer ears. Beastmen also look exactly like Humans, but with several animal traits such as fangs, furry ears, or slitted pupils. Standing Stones removed. Orcs re-added, then removed in patch.
  • NPC Dialogue is automated without any player input. When not giving an automated dialgoue as part of a quest, all NPCs are silent. Cities removed; all NPCs live in one of the 5 single-building settlements. All NPCs in a particular settlement share the same voice-actor, regardless of race or gender.
  • Quests now autocomplete once sufficient time has passed since accepting them, depositing rewards directly into the player's inventory. All quest objectives for all quests now involve entering caves and killing Draugr. This includes assassination quests, which have Draugr exclusively as targets in place of NPCs.
  • All guilds combined into a single guild, called The Guild, with only 1 NPC, The Guildmaster, who gives a single quest, "Become the next Guildmaster."
  • While studying ancient scrolls in the library of the prison you are held in, you learn of a prophecy that Aunt-Hag-on-Hist will be resurrected soon and attempt to conquer Nirn. After enacting your cunning escape plan, you start to follow clues leading to Aunt-Hag-on-Hist.
  • Lore: Daedra renamed Demons, Aedra renamed Angels.

  • TES VIII: Elsweyr

  • There are now 2 Attributes: Stamina & Magicka are combined into "Energy," alongside Health.
  • There are now 3 Skills, with Smithing, Alchemy, & Enchanting combined with Weapons, Stealth, & Battlemagic into Warrior, Thief, and Mage.
  • Alchemy involves 1 ingredient, "Flower," that makes "Potion," which gives you a buff to damage dealt.
  • Custom Enchanting removed; Enchanting skill now determines the strength of enchantments found on pre-enchanted items.
  • All non-Gun weapons removed; ammo is now unlimited.
  • Humans are the only remaining race; instead, subtle cosmetic features such as slightly larger eyes, pointed ears, various skin shades, or slitted pupils can be chosen during facial customization. Racial "Specializations" removed.
  • Buildings removed; Both NPCs live in tents. One NPC remains in constant voice contact with the player via an enchanted amulet and continually points out quest-relevant information, comments on the player's status & activities, as well as critiquing the player's ability in combat in realtime. The other NPC is Aunt-Hag-on-Hist. Both NPCs share a voice actor.
  • Movement by foot is no longer possible, all transportation is done via fast-traveling. Receiving any quest will automatically teleport you into melee range of a Draugr. Defeating the Draugr will then teleport back to the original location for your reward.
  • You begin the game as the current Guildmaster. No related quests.
  • When the kings of the lands learn that Aunt-Hag-on-Hist is up to her old tricks again, they rush couriers to all the prisons in the land to look for a hero. They find YOU!
  • Lore: All other divine beings removed, excepting the two remaining deities, Emo & Padme. Nirn re-named Nirnia.

  • TES IX: Elsweyr 2: Saint Elsweyr

  • Health is the only remaining Attribute; Energy is removed, now all actions have no cost and are based on cooldowns.
  • Skills removed; all skills have been combined into the "Combat Rating" stat. However, it is directly tied to your level and cannot be influenced.
  • Alchemy removed.
  • Enchanting & Magic removed.
  • You have a gun.
  • All players use the same default avatar: a gruff, muscular man named Gary.
  • NPCs removed. There is 1 location: Prison.
  • Quests removed. Traveling removed. Gary rides in an automatic prison minecart.
  • Guilds removed.
  • You begin in a prison, which becomes overrun with demons. You gotta shoot the demons.
  • Lore removed.
