End Of The World

Breault cut her driving time in half. She switched to a diet of locally grown foods near her upstate New York home and lost 70 pounds. She sliced up her credit cards, banished her television and swore off plane travel. She began relying on a wood-burning stove.

"I was panic-stricken," the 50-year-old recalled, her voice shaking. "Devastated. Depressed. Afraid. Vulnerable. Weak. Alone. Just terrible."

I guess she forgot her medication...
Potentially. Our current culture is so wasteful that it is unsustainable.

But I believe when the shit hits the fan, it will kill off large swaths of population and we'll rebuild again.

Kinda like the black death. It killed a lot, leaving room for those left to rebuild.

The trick is to survive it yourself.
welsh said:
Not if we get rid of all the Chinese....

(Just kidding Darkcorp)


Go go communism, J/K

I admit the possibility of a resource shortage of PA proportions isn't going to happen, I was wondering what your input was going to be. Definitely not what I was expecting.
Well, I don't think that the US will be as affected as other, poorer countries with larger population densities. Here in the US, we may have a forced transition to renewable energy and will build walls to protect our coastal cities. We may have to start building more refineries to get drinking water out of sea water, as melting glaciers on mountains mean smaller rivers.

For poorer countries, such as India, there would be chaos. With their major rivers gone and their coasts mostly flooded(except for a few cities), people will begin to riot and chaos will ensue. Maybe there will be a coup or maybe just total anarchy. The resources there just wouldn't be able to support all of them.

More developed countries will now have to worry about securing their borders in order to stop refugees from coming in. The government may strip away more civil liberties and a wall may be built at the Mexico border.
Zub said:
Well, I don't think that the US will be as affected as other, poorer countries with larger population densities.
Wrong. The US will be just as affected, if not more, simply because it is one of the largest consumers of natural resources.
Pretty much. Developing countries would have the easiest time transitioning since they already are in a deficit. People will starve out faster without US food until they reach a sustainable level.

We consumer cultures are going to have to change most rapidly. I can see a kind of mad max world appear out of this. Starving or greedy people gather in gangs and raid each other. Starvation and killing will continue until there is enough resources for all, ether by new technologies or just by there being more to go around.
Come on. It was the same thing in the 50's with the guys fearing the nuclear bombs. I guess every generation has it's spooks, wether it's communists, the Abomb, the computer, cyborgs, the internet, heavy metal, global warming, y2k etc.

It doesn't matter really, because i don't think the world runs itself, the guys in charge want more money and power (i.e. hot boobage) not nuclear fallout and starvation (i.e. glowing, cancerous boobage)...
Ah Teen said:
Developing countries would have the easiest time transitioning since they already are in a deficit.

Developing countries would be fucked, as most of them don't have the means to feed their entire population 'on their own', depending almost entirely on international aid and imports. And guess what's going to skyrocket first?

That's right, transport prices.

That said, it's not only third-world countries that would face this particular problem. A lot of developed nations would be in a similar situation.
There are a few different doomsday scenarios out there. Some aren't even global-scale. Global Warming, pole-shift, continental dustbowl, Mayan doomsday prophecy, and the ever-popular global nuclear war. I often wish for these to happen, but only global warming and the pole-shift have any evidence of happening so far.

I won't bother explaining global warming, because everyone knows what it is, unless you've been living in a cave for the past 5 years. Or a vault....

The mega-dustbowl is only theory, based on the timeline of dustbowls throughout history (measured by studying age-lines in trees). Scientists say if there were to be another dustbowl, it would be ten times as massive and much longer-lasting, but won't come any time soon.

A pole-shift means the current of Earth's magnetic field (created by the spinning of the molten-metal core) reverses itself. When lava hardens, it leaves an imprint in itself of its magnetic condition at the moment of cooling. By studying this, geologists have found that since the 1700's, the position of the negative flows of the magnetic field (normally located on the southern hemisphere) have faded and/or moved north, while the positive flow in the north has done the inverse. The effects of a pole reversal are unknown, since humankind was not around for the last one.

My favorite, the Mayan Doomsday Prophecy, is derived from the ending of the Mayan calendar on December 21st, 2012, because the Mayans (along with many other prophets and oracles throughout history and the world) believed that on this date, global catasrophe would occur. The Mayans' calendar has been able to accurately predict weather and eclipses far into modern times. It is not stated just what the cataclysm will be, and that is where theories differ. Some believe it will be impact from another celestial body, and some believe it will be severe global climate change. There is a lot of very interesting material on this matter, so I recommend The History Channel's Youtube channel; they have two 1-hour specials on this subject broken into 5 parts each.
Yawgmoth43 said:
My favorite, the Mayan Doomsday Prophecy, is derived from the ending of the Mayan calendar on December 21st, 2012, because the Mayans (along with many other prophets and oracles throughout history and the world) believed that on this date, global catasrophe would occur. The Mayans' calendar has been able to accurately predict weather and eclipses far into modern times. It is not stated just what the cataclysm will be, and that is where theories differ. Some believe it will be impact from another celestial body, and some believe it will be severe global climate change. There is a lot of very interesting material on this matter, so I recommend The History Channel's Youtube channel; they have two 1-hour specials on this subject broken into 5 parts each.

If the world is going to end in '12, I'll take an ice age over getting smashed by another planet. I'll totally be feasting on the frozen homeless.

Mmm... people :twisted:

Oh, and welcome to the forum.
lol ditto :D dont forget to cover everything with spikes! gotta love stuff with spikes.

Interesting read tho.
Gotta say I won't be preparing, what comes-comes. And like its mentioned; i think you'll see it gradually change, meaning people realising and adapting in a calm manner.
For instance the usage of more wind/solar, waterfall resources. And using more hybrid cars and such.

But as mentioned by many, the third world countries will have a hard time.
Wooz said:
Ah Teen said:
Developing countries would have the easiest time transitioning since they already are in a deficit.

Developing countries would be fucked, as most of them don't have the means to feed their entire population 'on their own', depending almost entirely on international aid and imports. And guess what's going to skyrocket first?

That's right, transport prices.

That said, it's not only third-world countries that would face this particular problem. A lot of developed nations would be in a similar situation.

People will starve out faster without US food until they reach a sustainable level.

So yeah, no shit....
The current rate of economic growth across the globe, coupled with the depletion of fossil fuels dos mean at some point something rather unpleasant will happen. This has been obvious for half a century now. It may seem comforting to recycle, use less motor transport etc. but really this is just catering for our own deluded whims. ‘I’m helping the world!’. When push comes to shove it means little with the Chinese and Indians expanding their resource consumption exponentially faster than we can decrease our own. I would imagine though that whatever happens mankind will survive, and in the greater scheme of things it may just be the kick our descendants need to do things properly. Then again maybe not.